Berries & Blades

Outtakes and Hijinks - Part 2

Episode Summary

Somehow, we've crammed clips about Baltimora, Eve 6, SPM, Creed, Nickleback, Jason Aldean, and Metallica—all in one episode. Join us for another mashup of outtakes, hijinks, and other shenanigans.

Episode Notes

Somehow, we've crammed clips about Baltimora, Eve 6, SPM, Creed, Nickleback, Jason Aldean, and Metallica—all in one episode. Join us for another mashup of outtakes, hijinks, and other shenanigans.  

In this episode, we take you back behind the scenes for a collection of audio clips that didn't make it into episodes 11–19. Mostly, these clips are a little too off-topic to include in regular conversations, so we're featuring them here to celebrate reaching another goal for the podcast. Tune in to hear Taylor talk about going to war with a Gatorade-obsessed "supermouse" and check on his chickens to make sure they're not getting f*cked up. Willie revisits our previous discussion about "Tarzan Boy" and wonders how many people don't realize Boomhauer—from King of the Hill—is using legitimate words when he talks. Together, all three of us bash "Try That in a Small Town" by Jason Aldean for its traditionally racist ideas and completely confuse ourselves about whether or not there's a character named Curly Bill in the movie Tombstone. Also, this episode is brought to you by Pippy's Peanut Butter—"if you're not eating Pippy's, you're not ain't eating sh*t."

Here's the full transcript for this episode.

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The music you hear on the podcast is by ELFLLexica, and Christian Nanzell.

Episode Transcription


[Alienated by ELFL plays in background]

Taylor: [gibberish in the style of Eve 6’s Inside Out] Smaller the sout than an inside out. Find something in Evo six... blender.

Joseph: That was one of the first songs that got me listening to like alternative music.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: There were three songs.


Taylor: Mm.

Joseph: Is it Rendezvous? What is that song called by Eve 6?

Taylor: Heart in a Blender.

Joseph: Is it Heart in a Blender?

Taylor: Heart... I don't know. Nah.

Joseph: No, I thought it was like rendezvous or something.

Taylor: Could be. Nah, it's rendezvous, then I'm through with you.

Willie: It's just funny how often we go, not we, but in general, the public goes through this, like, what the fuck is that song called? [Joseph and Willie laugh] Like, no one knows, actually.

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: And every time people are like, no, I don't think... it's like... because it's something you don't expect.

Joseph: Right.

Willie: It's one of those words... yeah, it's called Inside Out.

Joseph: Yeah, yeah. [Joseph and Taylor laugh]

Willie: And it's like, it's none of those things.

Taylor: That's it. I knew it was that.

Joseph: Yeah, yeah, okay.

Taylor: I knew it was that.

Joseph: So that song, Metallica-One, and then Fly Away by Lenny Kravitz-

Taylor: Oh gosh, man.

Joseph: -are like the three songs, man, when I was a kid that I heard-

Taylor: Good for you.

Joseph: And I was like, whoa!

Taylor: Good for you man.

Willie: So what was it before then?

Taylor: That actually explains a lot.

Joseph: What was I listening to before then?

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: Like hip hop, like, um, Tres Deliquentes and South Park Mexican and-

Taylor: Haha.

Joseph: -Other hip hop.

Taylor: SPM was unavoidable, man. They were too. They were too like... [chuckles]

Joseph: Oh yeah, yeah. Especially for y'all. Good gosh. Growing up around Houston.

Taylor: That's true.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Yeah, that's a good point. But even then, like their sound was so frigging infectious.

[Alienated by ELFL fades out]

[Intro theme plays - Tiger Tracks by Lexica]


Joseph: What's up? Welcome to Berries and Blades. Thanks for tuning in for a casual conversation about video games. My name is Joseph and I'm here with my friends, Willie and Taylor, and we're just three regular guys, wondering if it would be better to be a superhero or a super villain, but I digress, so what are y'all up to?

Taylor: Uh, supervillains always get their butts kicked, bro, so you always want to be the hero. I mean, yeah, the villains look cool, but they didn't go to school, um, in the sense that they are getting whooped by the heroes. So I'm hero all the way. I want to help people.

Joseph: You ain't super unless you go to school.

Taylor: That's right. Message for the kids.

Joseph: [laughing] What do you, what do you think, Willie? [Taylor laughs]

Willie: Uh, yeah, I mean, I agree. You're definitely doomed to, uh, lose as a supervillain. For sure. I'm just curious what made you decide to, to put this in as a prompt. Is this a question? Like, how is this a question?

Joseph: Like, the answer's obvious? Is that what you're saying?

Willie: Yeah, I'm wondering, like, what, why you think... Like, sell me on the supervillain thing. I feel like that's what you wanna do.

Joseph: I don't know if I would. No, not really, I don't know if I would. I think there are some really cool ass villains. I would probably pick hero, just because I usually, I usually choose, you know, light side over dark side.

Taylor: Hmm.

Joseph: Even though I really appreciate villains and, you know, supervillains and just villains in general.

Taylor: Everybody knows villains only win in real life, buddy.

Joseph: [chuckling] Right, right.

Taylor: [chuckling] IRL heroes always get the worst.

Joseph: It does make me feel like we need more tragic hero stories. You know, that like, ends with the villain winning. Like, why doesn't that happen more often?

Taylor: That doesn't happen very often, does it? I can't think of that happening. In many cases or any.

Willie: I feel like there are definitely some, and I would be, I would definitely open to, uh, hearing some people's recommendations. Like if anybody heard this and had some recommendations for like good comic books or stories that have the super villain winning that actually are compelling.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: It's weird because I feel like in most, in a lot of cases, if you have that. I mean, there's obviously good storytellers, so I'm sure there's something good with a story, a supervillain that's just a story that's like maybe heartbreaking or maybe still there's a whole spectrum of stories out there. I'm sure that are good that we just have never heard.

Joseph: Definitely for me.

Taylor: Oh, anime is...

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Anime is rife with that kind of stuff, I believe. You think you love the hero, he's amazing, and then he gets chopped in half or something. Strange time.

Willie: Because I feel like the easy thing is, I bet there are stories that people like, Oh, they're just an anti hero. Right. And I think that's different still.

I feel like that's not the thing we're talking about. Cause I bet there are lots of those stories where it's an anti hero, but

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: Yeah, that's a good point.

Willie: I wonder how many good ones there are, where it is still a super villain and you're still rooting for them or you're like, Oh, okay. I get it. Like, I don't know. I feel like at some point it's just not a super villain anymore. If it's like...

Taylor: [chuckling] Right, if everybody's going for them, then... [Joseph laughs]

Willie: Yeah. I don't, I don't know. I, I know that there are probably good versions of it though, that exist and I would be curious to, to see them.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: Mm-Hmm. Hmm. Yeah. Interesting. I would love to be a super villain, but I want the outcome of a superhero, like if you had to choose between the two, but it's more about like the, probably the, the cosmetics and aesthetics of it.

Taylor: Yeah, they look cool.

Joseph: You know, like, just want to look like a badass, but I don't necessarily want to be, like, pillaging the fucking city. [Taylor chuckles]

Willie: Yeah. Now I'm wondering if the question really does come down to, like, if it's purely aesthetics, is, is supervillain the better pick?

Joseph: Yeah, maybe that was it.

Willie: Is there a better dressed, better looking [chuckles] superhero, [Joseph laughs] than the best supervillain.

Joseph: Yeah, I doubt it.

Taylor: Hmm.

Willie: That looks the most badass.

Joseph: I doubt it.

Taylor: Hmm.

Joseph: I don't know, there probably is. Like, I mean, there are so many. We could probably find candidates on both sides.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: Maybe that's what the question should have been though. Like, would you rather look like a superhero or look like a supervillain?

Taylor: Oh, that's a easy, other way. [chuckling] Yeah, for sure. [Joseph laughs] Cause heroes are always wearing little spandex and tights, and tighty whities. Nah, man, I love the villain outfits. I want spikes all over it and claws and yeah.


Joseph: All right. All right. Well, today is our 20th episode, and it's time to take you back behind the mic for another collection of ridiculous clips and shenanigans.

We've done this before, so if you like what you hear, consider listening to the episode called Outtakes and Hijinks, which was published on June 14th, 2023. Oh, and also, a few weeks ago, we surpassed our goal of 500 all time downloads.

Taylor: Woo!

Joseph: So if you're out there listening to every episode or dropping in every now and then, or here for the very first time, thanks so much for tuning in. We really appreciate your time, and it's great to know somebody might find us entertaining.

Anyway, thanks again, and we hope you enjoy this collection of outtakes. Peace.

Taylor: Peace.



Willie: Taylor, you go first.

Joseph: You about to say something that's gonna make me laugh?

Taylor: What's that?

Joseph: Willie.

Willie: No, I was just saying, Taylor goes first. It's fine.

Taylor: Oh, okay.

Joseph: Oh, I missed that.

Taylor: Ah, mm-hmm.


Joseph: In today's episode, we're going to share our thoughts and some... whoa...

Alright, let me start that all over.

[all laugh]

Taylor: Some... [chuckling] [Joseph laughs] Some..


Taylor: [Taylor speaking in a nasally voice] I'm Joey, and I'm here to tell you that gaming is good and cool and all that.

Joseph: [Joseph mimicking the voice Taylor is making] What's up? Welcome to Berries and Blades.

Taylor: Berries and Blades, where we are some guys...

Joseph: Thanks for joining us for a casual conversation about video games. My name's Joseph, I'm here with my friends, Willie and Taylor, and we're just three regular guys. All right. Stop fucking around Taylor.

Taylor: [in normal speaking voice] This episode brought to you by the National Adderall shortage of 2023. [Taylor chuckles] [Joseph laughs]

Our childwen... our children will remember.

Joseph: [laughs] Childwen.

Taylor: Our childwen. See, it's already hitting me. It's already going. [pretending to fall asleep and snore]

Joseph: Yeah. You're fucked. Oh, shit. This, this show's really gonna go fucking downhill OR skyrocket to the, through the atmosphere. [Taylor and Joseph laugh]

Taylor: Or it's what everybody's been waiting for, is for the unhinged shit.

Joseph: Fucking Taylor, released.


Willie: I have a thing that I, I wanted to say, but I don't know if it goes in the episode or it goes in the next outtake, so I could just say it now anyway.

Taylor: Yeah?

Joseph: It probably goes in the episode.

Willie: It's not about this.

Joseph: Oh, okay. Okay. [chuckles]

Willie: It's actually about the other outtakes episode. [chuckles]

[Joseph laughs]

Joseph: Okay, what is it?

Willie: Um, Barbara pointed out that in the outtakes episode, we start talking about Tarzan Boy because of Taylor, right?

Taylor: Oh yeah?

Willie: He's checking his microphone because something obviously happened. And he like, he sings the word signal and then goes straight into...

Joseph: [singing] Signal...Oh, oh, oh...

Willie: Yeah. Yeah. What I did... what Barbara realized that I didn't, and I don't know if any of us do, even Taylor.

Taylor: Shit, probably not.

Willie: If he realized that that's actually a part of the song, also.

Joseph: Is it?

Willie: Well, it's not done in that way, but like, in the lyrics, there's like,

Taylor: Huh?

Willie: One of those little stanzas or whatever is like, Burning bright, a fire blows the signal to the sky. I sit and wonder, does the message get to you? And then it goes into the chorus.

Joseph: No way dude..

Willie: Which is like, exactly-

Taylor: That's crazy, what!?

Willie: [chuckling] -what Taylor was doing [Joseph laughs] to see if we heard what he was saying.

Taylor: That's fucking crazy.

Joseph: No way, dude. Taylor, why do you think you said the word signal?

Taylor: I don't know. I don't remember that part. I'll have to listen to it.

Joseph: Just like audio signal?

Taylor: Yeah, yeah.

Willie: Yeah, I'm sure it was.

Taylor: Yeah, that's most likely it was audio signal. I definitely wouldn't associate that word with that song.

Joseph: Right.

Taylor: That's fucking wild.

Willie: Yeah, I think it's ridiculous because it's like-

Taylor: That's totally crazy.

Willie: -Oh, a fire blows the signal to the sky and it's like, [Taylor chuckles] I sit and wonder, does the message get to you? [Joseph and Willie chuckle] Like, he's like, that's literally-

Taylor: What?!

Willie: -what he was doing was trying to figure out if we could hear him. [chuckles]

Joseph: [chuckling] Yeah. Yeah.

Taylor: Dude, is somebody fucking sending me a signal from the future or some shit? Is that what's going on? Somebody trying to play games?

Joseph: [singing] Signal... [continues in background] Oh, oh, oh, oh...

Willie: I would not have noticed at all if Barbara didn't point it out.

Taylor: Yeah, that's... Barbara's fucking clever. She, she catches some shit.

Willie: I don't even know.

Taylor: She actually listens, which is interesting.

[Joseph and Willie laugh]

Willie: Yeah, I think that's the thing.

Taylor: Like, I'm still trying to train myself at 42 to actually listen to shit and she is... She is one of those people that actually does it. I'm saying, oh shit, how, how do you care?

[Joseph laughs]

Taylor: How do you do this?

Joseph: That's a good point.

Willie: The funniest part about that is she would tell you that she literally doesn't know lyrics to any songs at all.

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: Because she doesn't ever pay attention to them.

Taylor: What the hell?

Willie: Uh, and I think it was because she was reading them.

Taylor: Oh.

Willie: Cause she was doing the transcript for that episode and I think she was probably like looking at like how many ohs there were in the song or whatever. [Joseph and Taylor laugh] And was like copying that, that would be my guess, but I don't know if that's true or not.

Taylor: That's dedication right there.

Willie: Or she literally just heard it and was like, did you pay attention to that? But I don't, I don't know.

Taylor: Wow. That's amazing.

Willie: But she's the one who pointed it out. And I was just like, what the fuck?

Joseph: [singing] Signal.


Taylor: [In announcer voice] Get yours today. The hip belt, quick fire hip belt. Are you tired of your homies shooting you down? Shoot them down, with the quick fire hip belt. Stay strapped homies, stay strapped.



Joseph: All right. [clears throat]

Taylor: Oh, it looks like our friends are here. Hang on, I'm gonna let them in.

Joseph: Aw fuck.

Taylor: They're probably gonna come to the studio door. Yeah.

[Knocking followed by dog barking]

[Taylor chuckles]

Joseph: [copies the dog’s bark]

[dog barking]

Joseph: Oh, they coming in through there?

Taylor: [away from microphone] Hello!

[dog barking]

Willie: Probably. It's like basically the front door.

Joseph: Oh.

[dog barks]

Willie: The other door is like just next to it.

Joseph: [copies the dog’s bark]

Taylor: [away from the microphone] Hey, Charlie you're okay.

Joseph: [copies the dog’s bark]

Taylor: [away from the microphone] You're okay.


Taylor: [gibberish] Smaller the sout than an inside out. Find something in Evo six... blender.

Joseph: That was one of the first songs that got me listening to like alternative music.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: There were three songs. Metallica-One...

Taylor: Mm.

Joseph: Is it Rendezvous? What is that song called by Eve 6?

Taylor: Heart in a Blender.

Joseph: Is it Heart in a Blender?

Taylor: Heart... I don't know. Nah.

Joseph: No, I thought it was like rendezvous or something.

Taylor: Could be. Nah, it's rendezvous, then I'm through with you.

Willie: It's just funny how often we go, not we, but in general, the public goes through this, like, what the fuck is that song called? [Joseph and Willie laugh] Like, no one knows, actually.

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: And every time people are like, no, I don't think... it's like... because it's something you don't expect.

Joseph: Right.

Willie: It's one of those words... yeah, it's called Inside Out.

Joseph: Yeah, yeah. [Joseph and Taylor laugh]

Willie: And it's like, it's none of those things.

Taylor: That's it. I knew it was that.

Joseph: Yeah, yeah, okay.

Taylor: I knew it was that.

Joseph: So that song, Metallica-One, and then Fly Away by Lenny Kravitz-

Taylor: Oh gosh, man.

Joseph: -are like the three songs, man, when I was a kid that I heard-

Taylor: Good for you.

Joseph: And I was like, whoa!

Taylor: Good for you man.

Willie: So what was it before then?

Taylor: That actually explains a lot.

Joseph: What was I listening to before then?

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: Like hip hop, like, um, Tres Deliquentes and South Park Mexican and-

Taylor: Haha.

Joseph: -other hip hop.

Taylor: SPM was unavoidable, man. They were too. They were too like... [chuckles]

Joseph: Oh yeah, yeah. Especially for y'all. Good gosh. Growing up around Houston.

Taylor: That's true.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Yeah, that's a good point. But even then, like their sound was so frigging infectious.

Joseph: Yeah. But it was, uh, it was some of that and just other, other stuff my brother was listening to that was like, uh, hip hop.

Taylor: Brah, I could still put on Mexican radio today. And I'm gonna sit there and jam to that. [Joseph and Taylor laugh]

I'll just sit there.


Willie: Daryl's in France now.

Taylor: Oh, is that the name of one?

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Oh gosh.

Joseph: The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon.

Willie: Yeah, he lives in France now. That's where he is.

Taylor: Oh, he's in France. [Joseph and Taylor laugh]

That sounds to me like Norman Reedus just wanted to go live in France for a while.

Joseph: Hell yeah, hell yeah. (Taylor laughs)


Joseph: I was gonna register for the fall, but now I don't think I am because-

Taylor: [singing in background - away from mic] Got my monster energy.

Joseph: - two of the like core classes-

Taylor: [singing in background - away from mic] -talking about woo woo, p, p, yeah.

Joseph: -you have to take that are a pre rec for other classes you have to fucking take at the same time.

Taylor: [in background-talking to someone away from mic] Huh.

Joseph: So I was like, oh shit-

Taylor: [in background-talking to someone away from mic] What'd you say baby?

Joseph: -but they're both full.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: [in background-talking loudly to someone away from mic] Gatorade?

Joseph: So might be waiting till the spring.

Taylor: [continues talking loudly to someone away from the mic] Uhh, I wish I could help you but one of the mice came through last night [Willie chuckles] and really did a, did a deed on those Gatorades-

[Joseph laughs]

Taylor: -except for the sugar-free one.

Joseph: This sounds like some redneck shit.

[Joseph and Willie laugh]

Joseph: [Joseph mimicking Taylor] Becca, some mouse came through and they really did the deed on the Gatorades.

Taylor: [in background-singing as he approaches the mic] There's a freedom that comes with...

...having my gun.

[in normal voice] Oh, Hey guys.

Joseph: Dude, tell us about this Gatorade mouse shit.

Taylor: Gatorade mouse shit?

Joseph: Mouse, mouse.

Taylor: Oh yeah. We're having a, we're fighting a mouse [Joseph laughs] thing.

Joseph: We're fighting A mouse.

Taylor: We actually do have, have you ever had a super mouse before? You ever had like one that was like crazier than the rest?

Joseph: Uh-uh. [Willie chuckles]

Taylor: It's funny as I get older, I'm finding out like so many tropes, are actually best or like based on real shit.

The baby one was a big one, [Joseph chuckles] Like, you know, the cartoon trope of babies are always like going towards danger or whatever?

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: Didn't think that was real until I fucking had one and literally motherfucker would go like if you had a room full of thousand objects, he's going to go for the dangerous one. Um, this is another trope that is as true as this.

We got this mouse that instead of just going through all the normal channels and methods like every other mouse has in the house, he started just eating through some of our woodwork. Like to make it easier to pass [laughs] in and out of cabinets, he was like, I'll just chew off [Joseph laughs] the side of the fucking wall, dude.

Joseph: Fuck.

Taylor: And so we would wake up and there would just be sawdust, like a fucking carpentry crew was working in there all night. [Willie chuckles] I mean, and I just vacuumed it up the night before. Yeah. And then, uh, so we, we, uh, caught him in a live trap and we, you know, we'll take him across the property. It's like six acres away and then drop'em off.

And then the next day I went to my dad's out back and he was like, damn, we got a nasty mouse going on out here. And there was... that thing had already started chewing through the mortar of his house-

Joseph: What?!

Taylor: Like the brick mortar, and [Willie laughs] was trying to get in through the mortar. [laughs] So the, the trope about like, uh, you know, particularly persistent mice or whatever, believe that shit. They exist and they are out there.

Normally they just stay hidden, and quiet, and away. This motherfucker, you would hear him gnawing on wood [Joseph snorts] and then you'd open the pantry that he'd be doing it... And he would just be looking me dead in the face, a little mouse. He's not big enough for me to get mad at and just murder with a baseball bat, but, y'know.

Joseph: He is a gangster.

Taylor: Yeah, he is also a gangster. [Joseph and Willie laugh] He's trying to, like, redesign the house.

Joseph: Gosh.

Taylor: [in announcer voice] This week on Mouse Redesigns. We're gonna chew a hole in this cabinet. We're gonna get in and out.

Joseph: [in announcer voice] This week on Mouse House. [Joseph and Taylor laugh]

Taylor: [in announcer voice] This week on Mouse This House. [all laughing]



Taylor: Here we are. Haha. Welcome back, guys.

Joseph: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Taylor: Berries and Blades. We're here to talk about smooth peanut butter from Pippi. Pippi's peanut butter. If you're not eating Pippi's, you ain't eating shit. Bitch.


Taylor: Let me go make sure the chickens aren't getting fucking fucked up right now, I'll be right back.

[Joseph and Willie laugh]

Joseph: By what?

Willie: Okay, that sounds good. [Joseph and Willie laugh]

He said, let me go make sure the chickens aren't getting fucked up right now.

Joseph: [in unison with Willie] Aren't getting fucked up right now. Yeah, that is... like getting attacked by a coyote? Is that like getting heat exhaustion from the sun? Or is that like sipping on some lean? Make sure these chickens ain't getting fucking messed up, man, twisted.


Joseph: I know, we fell off that, so I don't even know if it's worth, like, trying to, to resurrect.

Taylor: Yeah, nah. Nah, nah, nah. We can just

Joseph: Maybe it was a little too forced.

Taylor: [in higher pitch than normal speaking tone] Yeah-

Joseph: [mimicking Taylor] Yeah.

Taylor: We'll just play shit as we want. God dang it, Bobby, [Joseph laughing] get that controller out of your butthole! There we go, we got it.


Willie: One of the things that I've always wondered, because I've seen other people sort of talk about it, but I'd like to do a survey of people at some point. I don't know how many people don't understand Boomhauer at all, versus how many people, [Joseph laughs] like, understand him sometimes.

Joseph: Oh yeah.

Taylor: Oh yeah, I understand him fully.

Willie: Cause I've seen people talk about how, like, they didn't know that he was saying stuff, and it's like, [Taylor laughs] you know, it's like, I guess I never really thought that people don't.

If you didn't grow around, grow up around somebody [Joseph laughs] kinda like that, that you might not [laughs]

Taylor: Yep.

Joseph: Right. Yeah.

Taylor: Yep.

Willie: You might not realize there are words in there.

Joseph: Dang.

Willie: I mean, there are, you know?

Taylor: So perfect. And when his grandma rolls up and talks the exact same way, she's like, [in high pitched voice] Hey there! Hey there Hank. What do you..., [devolves into gibberish]

Yeah, sounds just like fucking Boomhauer. [Joseph and Taylor laughing]


Willie: He's the guitar player.

Taylor: Oh, okay.

Willie: I don't think that, I don't know that they had exactly beef, but they did not end on good terms. [Taylor chuckles] Like, and I think it was probably cause Scott Stapp was dealing with all his bullshit. Like, I don't really know exactly what, but he was definitely fucking abusing either alcohol or harder drugs.

Joseph: Mm.

Willie: Which is why they fell apart. Like, why the group didn't keep going. I hope that dude's clean if they're gonna, like, try to get together and do a tour or something.

Taylor: Hell yeah.

Joseph: Yeah, wasn't, um, homeboy, Chad. [laughs] I think his name is Chad... lead.

Taylor: The original Chad.

Joseph: Yeah. The lead singer of Nickelback.

Willie: Chad Kroeger.

Joseph: [in unison with Willie] Chad Kroeger, right? Wasn't he dealing with like alcoholism or drug abuse for like, forever?

Taylor: Probably. Probably.

Willie: I don't know. I, I wasn't sure about that.

Taylor: Feel like that dude has definitely dealt with some shit.

Joseph: I think that was a thing. Well, you know, while they were like at their peak, he was like really struggling. And it was the kind of situation where like his bandmates were like, we're gonna kick this motherfucker out of the band because he's making the tour miserable.

And like, we can't fucking deal with this guy because he's like, going up on stage intoxicated and stuff.

Taylor: It's one of those things where if you're already on that path or down that road, starting it, on it, whatever, and then all of a sudden you get a bunch of fame or money or-

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: -or like fame, and money, and people think you're shitty or whatever, you know? Like there can be that combination of all those things that can probably fuck people up pretty bad. Especially if you imagine how the psyche can, um, snowball too.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: You know, people are like, Oh, Nickelback fucking sucks, and then you're making all this money, but people also say you suck everywhere you go. And then it's like,

Joseph: Man, they got a lot of heat.

Taylor: Okay, I guess I'll use this money to get fucked up.

Joseph: Yeah.

Taylor: Yeah, yeah, exactly. That's why I imagine that's, that's why I like in my older age, I just am not about that life. Like giving people, either, both ends, man. Like I see people on, on Twitter that like get famous. But they can never post anything anymore. You know what I mean? Like, that's basically what happened to me. And, and, uh, Facebook was like, I created such a variety of people that like, I couldn't post anything without people coming up and bitching, like, it couldn't be anything.

Joseph: Oh sure.

Taylor: There could be no joke or anything without somebody having to come up and like, and so eventually I just stopped posting. And like, I imagine multiply that by a fucking 100, you know, 100, 000 people following or a million.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: And it's like, you literally can't say anything without anybody coming up and be like, well, actually, what's going on...


Joseph: I don't know. There's some shit going on with the Jason Aldean song that I haven't really explored.

Taylor: Oh, yeah, yeah.

Joseph: I don't know what it is.

Taylor: I've seen people post like, about it-

Joseph: Right.

Taylor: -but I don't know what it is.

Joseph: I don't know what it is, but also people are flipping out and being fucking clowns about the new Tanya design for MK1.

Willie: Oh, yeah.

Taylor: About, oh man, about Mortal Kombat? Okay.

Joseph: Well, some people just straight up saying racist shit.

Willie: Yeah, of course.

Joseph: You know, because she has like more of an Afro centric design.

Taylor: What?

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: I mean, some people are just calling her ugly, which is pretty fucked up.

Taylor: I'm sure they, I'm sure, quote, they can, uh, find all kinds of reasons.

Joseph: They can fuck off.

Taylor: You know what I mean?

Joseph: They can fuck the...right the fuck off.

Taylor: Like, like I can definitely imagine people being like. "We already had enough of that hair with Michonne" or whatever, you know, like you can always, if you hate like something enough, you can always find a great reason, [chuckles] in your own head to like, to shit on it. I mean, that's, that's crazy.

Joseph: I think most people were upset because she doesn't look like she looked in those games before, right? She no longer has...

Taylor: Oh, okay. So she had a major overhaul. I don't...

Joseph: Yeah, yeah.

Taylor: Let me see if I can find a...

Joseph: She almost looks completely different, man. She doesn't have straight hair anymore. She doesn't have glowing eyes. They did a pretty big reimagining for her character in this game-

Taylor: Hmm.

Joseph: -and people are like not fucking able to handle it.

Taylor: That's so weird, man. Like, that is so weird to have to take a stand on a video game character. Like, especially a reboot, you know what I mean?

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: How many reboots do they just completely change or redesign a character in every aspect? I mean, so many times they'll change the sex of the character, it's crazy what people will get upset about.

Joseph: People are saying that they race swapped her.

Taylor: Oh my god.

Joseph: She's black now, but she wasn't black before. Stuff like that.

Taylor: Yeah. Nah, there's... Oh man. Yep.

Joseph: But also like-

Taylor: That's why, that's why we run away to video games.

Joseph: If there was any good time for them to completely redesign a character, it would be right now when they're fucking resetting a timeline.

Taylor: Exactly. Exactly.

Joseph: You know, and it's reimagining the world.

Taylor: Exactly. Anybody could be anybody.

Joseph: Willie, do you know what the Jason Aldean shit is?

Willie: Only slightly. I mean, I know that he has a stupid song called like whatever it is. What is it? Uh, shit. Try That In a Small Town. That's what it's called.

Taylor: Haha, oh, okay.

Willie: It's basically, I mean, do... you know from that title like...

Taylor: [laughing] You already know exactly.

Joseph: Fucking this already sounds racist.

Taylor: Okay, okay, I looked it up and the first thing that pops up, the first two things, Ted Nugent Defends...

Joseph: Oh, yeah.

Willie: Of course. Of course, he is. Fucking piece of shit.

Taylor: It's funny because you see that, and you immediately know everything about it. [Joseph laughs] Like, I immediately know every, between the name of it and seeing those two first posts. I know every shred of context to this.

Joseph: [reading from website] Try That In Small Town which ignited controversy this week over claims that the song and it's new video promote white supremacy and violence.

Taylor: The first line. The first line is, sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk-

Joseph: What? [Taylor laughing]

Taylor: -Carjack an old lady at a red light-

Joseph: try that-

Taylor: -pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store-

Joseph: is mostly-

Taylor: -you think it's cool.

Oh my god.

Joseph: [continues reading from website] -Is most clearly a descendant of Hank William Jr.'s A Country Boy Can Survive, 1982 which claims, "you only get mugged if you go downtown" while warning: "I got a shotgun and a rifle and a four-wheel drive, and a country boy can survive."

Taylor: Man.

Joseph: [continues reading from website] But Aldean's latest reserv...release invokes and builds on a lineage of anti-city songs and country music that place the rural and urban along not only a moral versus immoral binary, but an implicitly racialized one as well. Cities are painted as spaces where crime, blah blah blah.

Taylor: This is like when my, when I tell the AI to write a song and it comes out as shit, this is exactly the kind of thing it comes out with. [Willie chuckles]

Willie: Yeah, yeah.

Taylor: Like if I fed it just the stupidest fucking context ever and then was like, write a song, this is exactly what you get. But anyways, go on.

Joseph: Controversy surrounding Try That In A Small Town comes as the country music business has been pressured in recent years to reckon with systemic racism that's defined the genre throughout its existence.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: This doesn't actually have the lyrics in it, though.

Taylor: Google can help you with that, buddy.

Joseph: Yeah.

Willie: Yeah, it's ridiculous 'cuz it's just like...

Taylor: "Got a gun that my granddad gave me" okay.

Willie: I mean, it's just, it's fucking ridiculous because it's obviously, like... Obviously telling, yeah, people who live in the city to, like, try all that bullshit that happens, all the crime that happens in a big city in a small town, because you'll get shot, right?

Like, that's what it is. And it's obviously, like, racist undertones there, because, like, because of, anytime somebody brings up that argument, they'll be like, oh, what about, like, Chicago, right? Or like Detroit, or they'll just name places-

Taylor: [chuckling] Yeah.

Willie: -that they think a lot of black people live-

Joseph: Mm.

Willie: -because they're like-

Taylor: Yeah, yeah, yep..

Willie: Well, yeah. That's why, that's why crime is so bad, you know?

Taylor: Yeah. It's definitely not a numbers thing. It's definitely not a pop... population density thing. It's none. It's none of that shit that you would think, uh, it's definitely, uh, a "they" thing. Definitely a "they" thing, dude.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: It's wild. It's so fucking lazy, man.

Willie: But I think even beyond that, like, it's also, I mean, it brings up shit like sundown towns and that sort of thing, where like, even now, today, Black people know, like, you don't fucking go outside, you're not fucking out past sundown, cause some shit will happen to you. It's historic, and it still exists, but when I've seen people roasting this dude...

Cause like, this guy's just been like, doubling down on this bullshit.

Joseph: Oh yeah, of course.

Willie: It's just like...

Joseph: I hope he's getting fucking destroyed.

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: It's just like, he's talking about shit like, he's saying like, oh, I got a gun, right? But the funniest part to me, which is also real fucked up and sad, is... I think it was, it had to be the Vegas shooting.

He was present. He was playing when the Vegas shooting happened.

Joseph: Mm..

Willie: And, uh...

Taylor: My god, imagine that being the most fucking...

Willie: People have been making fun of him for like running away when that happened.

Taylor: Pfft.

Joseph: Ah, haha.

Willie: And just been like, where'd you go? Did you lose your gun? You couldn't come back with your gun to help out or what?

Joseph: Mm-hmm. [Taylor chuckles]

Willie: Just like, talking shit about him.

Taylor: Be like, [fake yelling] that's different.

Joseph: Yeah.

Taylor: [fake yelling] That's different.

Joseph: Shit, everything, yeah.

Willie: [in unison with Joseph] Yeah.

Joseph: Shit changes when bullets start flying.

Taylor: It'd be different if that motherfucker up there didn't have a gun. It'd be a lot different if that dude didn't have a gun, right? It'd be just a concert.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: Is he, is he Red Dirt? Like, is this music considered Red Dirt? Cause he talks about Red Dirt in a song. And keep the red dirt roads red dirt.

Willie: I don't know.

Taylor: I don't even care. Like, if that's what his music is, then I fucking, that music sucks dickholes.

Joseph: Keep the little white church. Keep keeping God first. Keep keeping.

Taylor: Pfft. I already knew that that music sucked a dickhole, [Joseph and Willie laugh] and guess what? Fucking did. Yep, yep, yep.

Joseph: I can't believe how many times he says God in the, in the song.

Willie: I don't think I know what Red dirt is.

Joseph: Red Dirt's like a subgenre of country music that's like, from like, North Texas, Oklahoma.

Taylor: Oh, okay. That makes sense.

Willie: He's from Nashville. So, I don't fuckin think so.

Joseph: Probably not. He's just probably talking about fuckin dirt roads.

Willie: Yeah. His genre is country, country rock, and bro country.

Taylor: Pfft.

Joseph: Wow. Bro country. That's a great name.

Willie: That's apparently...

Joseph: That's a great name for a lot of music I've heard.

Willie: Is a form of country pop.

Joseph: Yeah, pop country too.

Taylor: I just want to pass out until September 9th. Or at least the night of the 8th.

[all laughing]

Taylor: I'm sick. I'm sick of this shit. Wake me up when I can fucking play Starfield in a fucking headset.



Willie: What kind of energy drink you got going on over there?

Taylor: Uh, that is the Monster Juice Pipeline Punch.

Joseph: Wow.

Taylor: It's good, man. Yeah, it's, uh, it's like, it tastes like Hawaiian Punch.

Joseph: Really?

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: Interesting.

Taylor: Yeah, it's fuckin good, man.

Joseph: That sounds dangerous. [quoting Talladega Nights] I'm all jacked up on Mountain Dew.


Willie: Why the fuck is James Hetfield buying into this bullshit? And everyone's like, [Joseph laughing] government's at it again, they're gonna get fuckin James to like, tell us all that it's fuckin back-

Taylor: Pfft.

Joseph: Wow.

Willie: And that we gotta worry about it again.

Joseph: And he's the person they've selected to break the news to the world.

Willie: Uh-huh. Yeah. [Joseph laughs]

Taylor: Clearly, dude. Because of Napster, dude. Why wouldn't they?

Joseph: Yeah, yeah.

Taylor: I mean, it all makes sense.

Joseph: Oh, that's some deep cutting right there dude.

Willie: Yeah. [Joseph and Taylor laugh] I mean, you need a celebrity to push the... Push the lead on the whole thing.

Joseph: The agenda.

Willie: Yeah, the agenda on people-

Joseph: Fuck.

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: -so why not James Hetfield?

Joseph: Yeah.

Willie: Anyway, they played the show, a makeup show a week later, like not like seven days. So I'm, I'm worried that he like took like Paxlovid or whatever. And it's going to end up sick again. Like everybody who's taken Paxlovid cause everybody who takes that basically has rebound fucking COVID.

Joseph: Mm.

Willie: So I, I would not be surprised if in like three days they're like, Oh, he's sick. We can't play our next show or whatever. Or I don't even know if they have shows coming up.

I don't remember what the, what the tour dates are.

Joseph: Breaking news, James Hetfield has announced that COVID is back. [Joseph and Taylor laugh]

Taylor: And real.

Joseph: Yeah, it's real again.

Taylor: He has it and, uh, we quote him, he says, HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHH But it's a cough. He's not starting a song. So don't get ready.



Taylor: What's that guy's name? That actor?

Willie: Michael Rooker.

Taylor: Michael Rooker. He's got... everything he does, man. Seeing him pop up in, uh, Guardians of the Galaxy and shit like that.

Joseph: Oh yeah.

Taylor: That's probably like, so many people probably were just like, Okay, I'm, I'm fully invested in this because this guy is in it.

Joseph: Yeah, he's got grit, like he's just a gritty, gritty dude.

Taylor: He does. He's like Danny Trejo or somebody like he's bringing in-

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: -an amount of like life experience, and grit, [Joseph laughs] and shit with them that you're just not going to get out of some like, [in a high pitched-nasally voice] Hey, my name's Steven. You want to see a performance? [laughs]

[in normal voice] It's like, it's gotta be from this kind of, this kind of person.

Willie: We were talking about Tombstone just a little while ago. He was also in Tombstone.

Taylor: Oh shit.

Willie: He was in...

Taylor: Oh, he was Curly or something, right?

Willie: No, his name is Sherman.

Taylor: No, not Curly Bill. Sherman. Okay. That's right.

Willie: He was just one of the cowboys. I can't remember exactly when he entered with that group of cowboys, but he was one of the people who gets in a shootout.

Taylor: I can remember it now.

Joseph: Nice.

Taylor: Fucking Curly. I don't know. [laughs]

Joseph: I cannot picture him in that.

Taylor: I can picture Curly. Curly always was like a guy you wanted to like in that movie. You wanted to like him and you do like him, but then he dead.

Willie: I don't even know if I know who you're talking about. I don't know what you're referencing.

Taylor: Curly Bill, the guy with the,

Willie: Oh.

Taylor: Uh, he was the guy with the mustache and like they had a Billy or little Billy or there's like eight people named Bill in his gang. [Joseph laughs]

Willie: Yeah. You're thinking of a...

Joseph: Big Bill. Big Bill, little-

Taylor: Big...

Joseph: -Little Billy. [Taylor laughs]

Willie: So-

Taylor: [laughing] I might be conflating people too. I may be thinking of a charcter name Curly.

Willie: You're conflating people for sure because Sherman has, Sherman has curly hair. For sure.

Taylor: Fuck.

Willie: He definitely, I'm pretty sure he has curly hair.

Taylor: Okay.

Joseph: Yeah, you're talking about the fucking Stooges, bro.

Taylor: Oh, I'll fi...bro.

Willie: But the guy who's like the gunslinger is Johnny Ringo.

Taylor: Johnny Ringo. No, no, no, not Johnny Ringo. His buddy is the one I'm thinking of that wears the red, right?

Willie: Yeah, his name is Sherman.

Taylor: Sherman, okay.

Willie: I'm pretty sure you're thinking about Michael Rooker's character.

Taylor: That guy's awesome.

Joseph: Okay, so is there really a Curly?

Willie: No. There's, I'm pretty sure. [Joseph laughing]

Taylor: Wait, wait, wait. No, no, no, no, no. Oh, I think, I think he's thinking of, uh, he's the guy that's going, so yeah, yeah, he is in Ringo's gang. He's like his...

Willie: Is he the guy that's leading the-

Taylor: Yeah, yeah.

Willie: -the steer, cattle trail in that other movie that's called City Slickers. Is that who you're talking about? [chuckles]

Taylor: Oh, see, now I can't, I can't remember that far back.

Joseph: Oh my.

Willie: No, I'm just bullshitting now. That's just like.

Taylor: Damn it. Damn it. You're Bill, uh, is Bill Cosbying me? I don't know. I don't know what I'm.

Joseph: Sherman McMaster.

Taylor: That's not the right thing.

Willie: Yeah. You're talking about Sherman, for sure.

Joseph: Okay.

Willie: He's the dude with curly hair.

Taylor: Okay.

Joseph: Yo, how did I...,

Taylor: I thought there was a guy named Bill, like Curly Bill.

Willie: And I mean, there's obviously Buffalo Bill but-

Joseph: Oh, I did. I did spell Sherman wrong.

Taylor: Buffalo Bill, maybe that's who I'm thinking of,

Willie: But that's not...

Taylor: Is it Buffalo Bill? He's not the leader of a gang. Not the head of a gang.

Willie: Uh.

Taylor: Who's the head of Ringo's gang?

Willie: Sorry, why am I...

Taylor: That's who I'm thinking of.

Willie: I'm now... you got me all fucked up. [Willie and Taylor laugh]

Joseph: This is a mess, dude. This is a fucking mess.

Taylor: [laughing] Hold on, now I'm gonna... [normal voice] No, this is the podcast. We're almost done recording. [Joseph laughs] This is the podcast. Let's see. [Joseph and Taylor laugh]

Joseph: Curly and Sherman, and-

Taylor: Shut the fuck up.

Joseph: -Fucking Wild Duck.

Taylor: This is important, dude. You better shut your mouth. Shut your mouth

Willie: There. So there, there's a Wild Bill in Tombstone, right? That guy has the mustache, for sure.

Taylor: Yep, that's who I'm thinking of is Wild Bill.

Willie: Handlebar mustache.

Joseph: Y'all talking about Back to the Future?

Taylor: Yep.

Willie: Uh huh.

Taylor: Who is that guy? I'm trying to think. Oh, is it Thomas Hayden Church? No, that's not him. That's one of the brothers.

Joseph: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That is Wild Bill, huh?

Taylor: Powers Boothe. That guy.

Willie: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: Legend. That guy. Oh my god.

Willie: I guess I wouldn't have thought of that.

Taylor: Don't look at pictures of anybody now.

Willie: [chuckles] -Because I only... [Joseph and Taylor laugh] I know what he looks like now, but I would not have thought of that as being him-

Joseph: Powers Boothe.

Willie: -In that movie.

Joseph: Like that young.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Oh man he's such an iconic character in that movie for me because he was he was one of, him and Ringo, like they were the perfect kind of characters to be like, these are bad guys and then you're-

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: -like oh maybe they're kind of good guys or maybe you feel for him you know. And they've like, got the looks and the kind of good attitude, but then it like, Oh, you know, then they're like real pieces of shit.

Joseph: Like, no, he's a bad guy. [laughs]

Taylor: Yeah, exactly.

Joseph: Confirmed.


Willie: Well see, cause when I think of Powers Boothe, I'm always thinking of a Cy from Deadwood.

Joseph: Oh yeah, yeah, haven't seen that.

Taylor: Oh yeah. I didn't watch Deadwood.

Willie: Honestly. I still need to finish that show. I stopped watching during season three when it was on TV and I never went back.

Taylor: I'm sure it's still on HBO, huh? You could probably watch all that stuff.

Willie: Oh, yeah, I started it twice. I've watched-

Joseph: Oh!

Willie: -I've watched season one and two again.

Joseph: Dude, his name is Curly. Curly Bill.

Taylor: Yeah, dude, catch the fuck up.

Joseph: He's also known for his performances as Curly Bill-

Willie: Mm.

Joseph: -in the western, Tombstone.

Taylor: He always, almost always plays like a bad guy.

Joseph: I thought you said it was Wild Bill. He's Curly Bill.

Taylor: That's what the fuck I said, dude. And then you were like, "you're conflating."

Joseph: No, I didn't say that. [Willie laughs] Willie said that.

Taylor: Nah, you backed it up.

Joseph: You're conflating everything.

Willie: I think because...

Taylor: I'm about to conflate this episode.

Joseph: Shiiit.

Willie: In the film... I guess he does go by Curly Bill. I don't remember that for some reason.

Taylor: You probably haven't watched it 58 [Joseph laughs] times like I have.

Willie: I mean, I have. I know I have.

Taylor: Oh, okay. Okay. I definitely have seen that one. A lot.

Joseph: All right, well no one here is on the same page.

Willie: Maybe I'm just wrong.

Taylor: Oh, everybody's on the same page except for you, mothersucker. We're getting close to Lies of P.

Willie: So maybe I'm actually conflating.

Taylor: Whoo. [whistles]

Willie: I'm conflating... Wild Bill Hickok and...

Taylor: It all gets turned around on you.

Willie: Maybe I'm conflating Wild Bill Hickock and Curly Bill. That's what I'm doing.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: It's all turning around on you, man.

Joseph: Mm-Hmm.

Taylor: That's the way it happens.

Joseph: Is it Wild Bill? I think he, is Wild Bill buried in Colorado?

Willie: Yeah, that's who you went you actually went to his fucking gravesite, didn't you? Or you thought about it?

Taylor: Damn, did you take a, any kind of...

Joseph: So there's one in Deadwood, but that's not Wild Bill, I don't think. Who the fuck is in Deadwood? That's what I was thinking about.

Willie: I mean, that's where he died.

Joseph: Oh, it's where he died. Okay. Yeah. So we were coming back from Oregon. We drove by Lookout Mountain, which we've been to Lookout Mountain before, which is up near Denver, but did not realize that's where his, the museum and grave is.

Willie: Mm-Hmm.

Joseph: That's not too far from us.

Taylor: And you were probably walking all over it. Dude, that's fucked up.

Joseph: No there's... it's pretty obvious, like when you see a photo of it.

Taylor: Is it?

Joseph: Yeah, it's got like a fence around it and all this cobblestone looking shit.

Willie: There's a giant fucking, monument there with his bust on the top. [all laugh]

Joseph: Yeah. I would remember.

Taylor: You gon' know. You gon' know!

Joseph: Yeah, I didn't know it was at Lookout Mountain, which isn't very far from us at all.

Taylor: I mean, I'd be looking for some gold.

Joseph: Some goats?

Taylor: We better get it going man.

Joseph: Let's get it going man.

Taylor: I'm feeling like, I feel like my throat, as we go, is getting more and more like-

Willie: well that's good.

Taylor: -angry. Yeah, it fucking sucks. What really sucks is everybody was sick with something else like a week ago. So, this is very non appreciated.

Joseph: Like in the house? Or are you talking about other people?

Taylor: House, family, everywhere. There's been some sort of crazy ass flu bug or something.



Taylor: Double matchmaking error, error, error, error, error, error, error, error.

10375, the matchmaker.


Joseph: Well done. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that was a fun one. It'll be fun when we're doing it for a good game. [Joseph and Willie laugh] Like I, I am, I'm pumped. [laughs]


Willie: But also, because we were talking about Chad Kroeger earlier, real fast. I was like looking him up 'cause I was trying to see, uh, anything about him. But, uh, his IMDB mini bio says "Sometimes he is referred to as the Scary Jesus man on TV." That's the first line of his IMDB bio, and I don't know what that means.


Joseph: Yeah, we didn't get into this, uh, I thought about it and then I forgot about it, is I was overwhelmed by the number of Mamma Mia's throughout the film. [Willie and Taylor laugh]

Taylor: Yeah, I thought they were...

Joseph: Like for sure, there were slow mo Mamma Mia's,

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: [in a slowed down voice] Mamma Mia.

Joseph: There were other Mamma Mia's, this was the thing that they over indexed on was the Mamma Mia's.

Taylor: That was it. Yep. It could have been worse, but yeah, that was definitely a choice.

Joseph: That's true, yeah, it could have been worse. [pretending to be Mario] Mamma Mia.,

Taylor: [in a slowed down voice] Mamma Mia.. [normal voice] It's like, okay, they're doing it again.

Joseph: Yeah, yeah. [laughing]

Taylor: And they're slow-mo leaning into it. Okay. Okay.

Joseph: That's my thoughts exactly.


Taylor: Fuck man.

Joseph: I think I just, I just wanna play fucking blockbusters, man. I wanna play the best of the fucking best.

Taylor: Dude. We're about to have a sick month.

Willie: Oh.

Taylor: What else comes out? 'cause there's, uh, P. There's the Lies of Peen.

Joseph: The Lies of Peenus., Peenus. La, Lies of Penis.


Joseph: Check, check, check, Mad Donkey.

Taylor: Mad Donkey!


Joseph: Okay.

Taylor: [talking in a nasally voice] I'm Joey and I'm here to talk about...

Joseph: [talking in a nasally voice] Welcome.

Taylor: [talking in a different voice] Welcome to outtakes.

Joseph: [talking in a nasally voice] My name is Willie.

Taylor: Pfft. Oh Gosh, you got to put that off on Willie. Okay. [Joseph laughs] Okay.


Taylor: Ooh, those Waterloo waters man. We forgot to get them this last time and I'm feening Willie's just rubbing that shit in.

Joseph: [chuckles] What was it? What kind of water?

Taylor: Waterloo.

Willie: Waterloo.

Taylor: Those are good.

Joseph: What flavor, Willie?

Willie: Pineapple.

Taylor: Pineapple, the fucking best flavor. [laughs]

[Willie chuckles]

Taylor: Those things are good though, and they have water in the name, which lets you know, it's gonna be good. It's like every time I see somebody drinking death water now on a stream or something, I'm like, this motherfucker got too much money. [Joseph chuckles]

[Willie chuckles]

[Taylor laughs]

Taylor: That's a weird bias to have, right?

Joseph: This motherfucker got subs.

Taylor: Yeah, what the shit, man? [overlapping with Joseph] Get that outta my face.

Joseph: Fucking bullshit.

Taylor: [mimicking Jack Black as Nacho from Nacho Libre] Get that corn out of my face!



Taylor: Y patito.

Joseph: Aight, aight. Check, check, check. Check, mothafucka, check.

Taylor: Aight, aight, aight. Check yourself. You better check your p-organ. It's stickin’ out.

Joseph: You better check that shit. Check your length, homie.

Taylor: P-organ is extended.

Joseph: Check that shadow.

Taylor: Better check it.

Joseph: Better check that shit.

Taylor: Better look at that shadow.

Joseph: Better check that ding a ling, boy.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: I hope Meg [Willie chuckles] doesn't hear me right now.

Taylor: Yeah, [all laugh] it's like these boys get dumber every fucking time they do this.


[Outro theme begins to fade in - Caribbean Arcade by Christian Nanzell]

Willie: Thanks for listening to, uh, whatever ridiculousness you just heard. I haven't even heard it yet, so... I don't know what to think about it. I'm sure it's alright, though. But, uh, thanks for making it all the way here with us. We appreciate it.

Joseph: Thank ya, thank ya.

Taylor: [in deeper voice] Big thanks. I lay my p-organ upon your forehead and I say thank you, the only way that Pinocchio knows how to say thank you

[Outro theme continues - Caribbean Arcade by Christian Nanzell]


Joseph: Berries and Blades is an independent podcast created by Joseph Bullard, Willie Garza and Taylor Garratt. Thanks for tuning in, and consider subscribing if you enjoyed listening to this episode. You can also support us by telling your friends about the show, and we hope to see you in the next episode of Berries and Blades. Until then, thanks again.

[Outro theme fades out - Caribbean Arcade by Christian Nanzell]

Taylor: [laughing] [braying like a donkey] Hee-haw [laughing]