Berries & Blades

Goood Morning Street Fighter!

Episode Summary

For you—today—the day Bison graced your favorite podcast listening app is the most important day of your life. For him, it was Wednesday. Join us for a conversation about the hilariously bad golden nugget of a film, Street Fighter: The Movie from 1994. Wah-CHOP~!

Episode Notes

For you—today—the day Bison graced your favorite podcast listening app is the most important day of your life. For him, it was Wednesday. Join us for a conversation about the hilariously bad golden nugget of a film, Street Fighter: The Movie from 1994. Wah-CHOP~!

In this episode, the gloves are OFF. Well, not for Balrog, lol. Unfortunately, we secretly love almost everything about Street Fighter: The Movie. Raul Julia, as Bison, minimizes the damage with a fantastic performance, despite being terminally ill. On the other hand, our beloved Jean Claude Van Damme gave "one of his most wooden performances" ever. Together we question everything about this movie in an episode full of laughs, criticism, DNA Mutagens, and "that son-of-a-b*tch Bison." Taylor mentions the enormous number of jump cuts in the editing, Willie questions why this movie isn't rated more mature than PG-13, and Joseph gives the Gooood Morning Shadaloo announcement. Say, anybody out there know what to do if a Bison Trooper throws a grenade right in your face? 

Here's a link to the full movie.

Here's the full transcript for this episode.

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The music you hear on the podcast is by ELFLLexica, and Christian Nanzell.

Episode Transcription


[Alienated by ELFL plays in background]

Taylor: Yep. Yeah. And (laughs) Oh, that was a funny moment that actually that stuck in my head was them having the conversation through TV somehow.

Joseph: Oh, yeah.

Taylor: You know what I mean? Like, uh, (laughs) like Guile was like, "I'm going to get you Bison" (Joseph laughs) and Bison's like, "Come and get me." And he's like, "Come on, I'm going to come get you. I'm saying I'm getting you." (Joseph laughing)

And he's like, "Yeah, I see you over here. You're going to come get me." And then I'm just like, how is this conversation taking place? There's not even a delay, you know, and it's the-

Joseph: Speakers, bro.

Taylor: -90s. Yeah, that's true. I guess that's it.

Willie: That part was ridiculous because literally just to get his attention, Guile just like flexes his arm or like does an uppercut like (laughing) into nothing. (Joseph laughs)

Taylor: (Laughs) Gotta show him his tat, dude.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: You gotta show him that flag. (Laughs)

Willie: And you can't even really see it on camera, right? The camera's so cut in on that shot that you can only kind of even see what he's doing.

Joseph: It happens later in their fight too-

Willie: Yeah, yeah.

Joseph: -like at the end of the film, like he hits him, like he's actually kicking his ass and then he, like, they zoom in on the American flag on his bicep. (laughs)

Taylor: Yeah, yeah, yeah. He hits him, he uppercuts him in the face and he does it... oh man.

Willie: (Laughs) Did you also notice when that uppercut happens, there's like a sound effect too, with it? I assume it's like an eagle screeching or something. (Taylor laughs)

Joseph: Yeah, it's like super American.

Taylor: That's America.

Willie: (Laughing) Yeah.

Taylor: You heard America in that uppercut.

Willie: Yeah.

[Alienated by ELFL fades out]

[Intro theme plays - Tiger Tracks by Lexica]


Joseph: Welcome to Berries and Blades. Thanks for joining us for a casual conversation about video games. My name is Joseph and I'm here with my friends, Willie and Taylor, and we're just three regular guys wondering who in the hell thought Shadaloo was an intimidating name for a deadly criminal organization, but I digress.

So what's up? What's going on this week?

Taylor: Just chilling, man. Just chilling. Been moving a lot of water pipes, trying to get that grass fed-

Joseph: Mm.

Taylor: -with the water. It's hot as hell in Texas right now. We've had 50% chances of rain for several days in a row. And every time it has gone right around us, just creates a big hole in the sky and the clouds go around. So.

Oh, I finished, uh, Fallen Order.

Joseph: What?

Taylor: Wrapped that one up, yeah. Yeah-

Joseph: Fuckin lies.

Taylor: -finished that game. Yeah, dude. Finished it up.

Joseph: Oh, Fallen Order. Okay, shit.

Taylor: Yeah, yeah, the first one. Yeah, and... (Joseph laughs) The second one is, I'm, uh, still trying to find sources of income right now, so the second one's gonna have to wait. I saw it was on sale, but it was still pretty pricey, so...

Joseph: Yeah, yeah. Willie, you don't have a physical copy of it?

Willie: No, I bought it digitally. And I also still haven't finished it, but you can share games in your steam library, right? That's a thing that I've just never done. I don't know exactly how that works.

Joseph: Yes?

Taylor: Yeah, I don't either. If it's per game or what.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: Or do you have to be on the same machine?

Willie: Hmm... No, I think you can share it with friends. I'm pretty sure, but I literally have never done it, so I don't know. I know people talk about it like it's something you can do.

Taylor: Tune in next week for the conclusion.

Joseph: I thought Taylor was trolling you, Willie, when he said that he finished Jedi: Fallen Order. I thought he was saying that he had finished Jedi: Survivor and I was like, dude, there's no way you could have started it (Taylor chuckles) and finished it in that short amount of time.

Taylor: It definitely was a good setup for Survivor. Like that was, that was pretty cool. It's got me a little more pumped to play it now. And the ending-

Joseph: Mmm.

Taylor: I'm, you know, we're not here to spoil anything, but man.

Joseph: Yeahh

Willie: Yeah

Taylor: That ending

Joseph: (laughs) Yeah

Taylor: Somehow until now that had never been spoiled for me. And I think that's amazing.

Willie: Yeah, that's cool.

Taylor: (Laughing) That is really cool. Yeah, I had no idea that that was coming. So.

Joseph: That ending was impressive.

Taylor: Yeah. It, it- mechanics aside, I feel like it was one of those things where they were really setting up for the next one. So I'm excited to see what kind of mechanics and everything they got going on, what they've smoothed out and, and see where that story goes.


Willie: I think I better understand now about the- those Star Wars games, either Fallen Order or Jedi: Survivor, is that there- it's definitely a different combat system in that it is more forgiving. Even though it's difficult at times, I feel like it's more forgiving than-

Joseph: Really?

Willie: -Elden Ring or, or Lies of P.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: Because after going back to it, after playing Lies of P, I realized that it- I could pretty much not die just by hitting a bunch.

Joseph: Mm.

Willie: You can just spam attacks a lot of times. And you still have to dodge and stuff, and you get perfect dodges and that's better. But I did feel like, on whatever the regular setting is, like whatever, straight out the box-

Joseph: Mm-hmm

Willie: -whatever normal difficulty is. You can kind of just fucking hit stuff, and it, it's gonna die, probably, and you'll live.

Joseph: You can mash your way through it?

Willie: Kind of. You definitely will lose a lot of health, and then it'll make later fights harder, right? But you can do that and make it from checkpoint to checkpoint.

Joseph: Interesting. Does Survivor also feel that way, or are you talking just about Survivor?

Willie: Survivor feels that way, and I haven't played Fallen Order since the first time, so I'm not sure, I'm not sure how much that translates over.

Joseph: Yeah.

Taylor: I couldn't say really because I played it on the easiest mode, which made everything easy. I mean, he auto deflected the lasers and everything else.

So it's, uh, I played it on the super easy rails mode, just because, kinda at the point now where if I see myself, getting into that corner of, oh man, I don't know if I'm going to be able to finish this. It requires too much time. It's too difficult to learn the fighting or something. Chances are I'm just going to turn it down so I can actually finish the game. Seems to be working out.

Joseph: Fallen Order I did, I did hard and then, like for half the game and then went to the easy extreme for the second half of the game.

Taylor: Yeah. And it really does make it easy. And it, to me, it just makes it more, okay, I can sit down and play this for 20 or 30 minutes and do it again tomorrow. And then boom, I'm, I'm done with it, ah, eventually.

Joseph: And actually make progress.

Taylor: Exactly, man. Cause I've just got a backlog. I mean, I-

Willie, did you buy, did you pick up Saints Row at some point? I know I got that one.

Willie: Yeah, we played a little bit of it.

Taylor: Okay. And we, I-

Willie: We played like-

Taylor: I could not remember.

Willie: -the first two days of activities in game, and that's like kind of it.

Taylor: Okay, we might have to go back to that one at some point, because especially, I didn't realize that I had some co op stuff sitting around. Other than everything that we're supposed to play, but anyways, sorry for the derailing.

Joseph: Nah, I did the same difficulty swap in Kena: Bridge of Spirits like the first half of the game I played on whatever the hardest difficulty was and then swapped it to, like the, maybe not the easiest for that game, but a couple of steps away to like, speed up the process.

Taylor: They- I think that's where it's at for me too, is I don't want to make the game my enemy, (chuckles) you know, if it-

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: If the combat is frustrating and it, and there's an option there to make it less frustrating, I definitely do not frown on that at all.

Joseph: I kind of do prefer games like Elden Ring where there's no difficulty settings at all. And you're just forced-

Taylor: Yeah-

Joseph: -into playing the game like as it is.

Taylor: There's magic there because it makes you get good or quit. And if it's intriguing enough and makes you want to explore it enough and see what the story does, then you will get good.


Joseph: Uh, all right, well, let's get into the episode. If you listened to our recent conversation about the MK1 announcement trailer, which is episode 11 if you missed it, you might remember us talking about Jean-Claude Van Damme. Fortunately for everybody, We get to keep talking about him because today we're going to discuss the Street Fighter movie that was released in 1994.

And I want to start us off by challenging the casting of Jean-Claude Van Damme as Guile. Because I don't really understand why. Because he doesn't look like a single version of Guile. And it seems like they tried really fucking hard to cast all the other characters to look like the characters from the game.

So I'm wondering why they chose- I mean, I think I know why they chose him for that role. But why do you think they chose him?

Willie: I do think that it's just like, uh, he was one of the popular actors at the time, right? This is mid 90s, that's like 94, right?

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: And I need to look at his IMDb to know, like, what came before and after that. Did you happen to look at that?

Joseph: I didn't look, but he's like, this is in the, this is at his fucking peak for sure.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: Like obviously Bloodsport is out, and like Double Impact was probably out. Lionheart was probably out, but it is definitely in the heat of all those roles.

Willie: Yeah, and I feel like that's gotta be the only reason, right, like he's...

Taylor: I can't think of anybody else that could even be remotely considered blonde haired.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: And also like kind of buff, and, or very buff I guess in his case, and also, you know, knows martial arts. Like you got your- who's the other guy, Chuck Norris, from the (laughing) time (Joseph laughs) but he couldn't've pulled off (laughs) being a blondie, so.

Willie: Can you imagine that? That's, that's- that would be ridiculous.

Taylor: Oh man. That might have been amazing.

Joseph: They were in a movie together. I think, um I think John Claude was a stunt man in one of the Chuck Norris films, which I would never remember the name of.

But yeah, I thought a little bit about who could play that role instead of him and I just don't, I just don't know, like trying to go back into the mid nineties. I don't know who was like hot and who wasn't, but I assume that's why they casted him just kind of leveraging the popularity of all those movies at the time.

Part of me likes that they didn't go with somebody who was American, like they didn't really care. To only use an American in that role for, for Guile.

Taylor: Yeah. Captain America. That's a, uh, was he French?

Joseph: Who, who Jean-Claude?

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: He's from Belgium.

Taylor: Oh, Belgium. Okay. Either way, that's a, yeah. And the rest of the casting, like you said, Balrog, I mean, look at how hard they (laughing) try to make that dude's hairline. I mean, he looks like a vampire.

Joseph: Oh yeah. (laughs) Yeah.

Taylor: Ridiculous.

Joseph: But it's everybody, dude. Cammy looks just like Cammy. M. Bison.

Taylor: Yep. Zangief.

Joseph: Zangief.

Taylor: Ridiculous.

Joseph: Sagat, E. Honda. Like they try to make everybody look like the characters except for Guile.


Taylor: So was the guy at the end, uh, towards the end, is that Dhalsim? Like the guy that I guess got his hair burnt off (Willie and Joseph laugh) or something or maybe is (laughs)

Joseph: Yeah, yeah. Dhalsim, yeah.

Taylor: Did he- did he always not have hair? Was he wearing a hat? I don't remember.

Willie: No he had hair towards the beginning.

Taylor: (Laughing) Ok, ok, so his hair is gone.

Joseph: Well, in the movie but he doesn't have hair in the games.

Willie: No, he doesn't have hair in the games. Yeah. No, he does not have hair in the games.

Taylor: Nah

Willie: In the movie starts with hair. And it's interesting because I mean, that's one of the major things that I would want to point out about the movie, is that by the end of the movie, everybody has at least one characteristics- one characteristic of their, like video game character, right-

Joseph: Mm-hmm

Willie: -or they're like in their outfit or something, right-

Joseph: Mm-hmm

Taylor: Yeah

Willie: -by the end and so for whatever reason-

Taylor: (laughing) So stupid.

Willie: -that guy, they cast a guy and were like, no, you have hair and you're going to be wearing full on like lab coat this entire time or whatever.

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: And then by the end-

Taylor: Also, you're one of the primaries.

Willie: -You're going to lose all that. Yeah. You're gonna-

Taylor: (Laughing) We're going to have to shave-

Willie: Yeah, in the explosion. You're going to lose all your hair and your shirt, and you're just going to be running around trying to get away.

Taylor: Oh man.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.


Taylor: I, I just want to throw out a shout out to Zangief that character was definitely one of the highlights of that movie. Still, still is. Uh, the way that E. Honda got away from him while they were fighting.

Joseph: Oh, right, right.

Taylor: I mean-

Joseph: "I can't play anymore."

Taylor: He just swings at E. Honda and then he looks at- and then you see the camera goes to E. Honda and he's like, I'm out of here. And then it doesn't even show him leave. It just goes back to Zangief looking off the other way. And he looks and he's gone. Like that's it. That's the whole transition.

Joseph: Yeah.

Taylor: In one part. I want to say maybe 15 minutes in, I thought to myself, there are more cuts in this movie than I've ever seen (Joseph laughs) in any movie ever. (Laughing) I mean, and I counted and in two minutes. This is not even like crucial crazy stuff happening in two minutes there were sixty one cuts back and forth.

Joseph: Are you serious?

Taylor: Sixty one. And I just- because in my head- I've been doing so much video editing recently and I- I- just-

Joseph: You start to notice the jump cuts.

Taylor: -as I'm watching a movie or something- Yeah, you start to notice things like that. And you start to think to yourself what that would look like in a timeline and i'm just thinking-

Joseph: Oh my gosh.

Taylor: Sixty one cuts of all these different clips.

Oh my God, it was incredible as I'm sitting there counting it, and it might've been more than that because it was hard to even, there were so many happening that was hard to remember to flip the counter in my head.

Joseph: Oh shit, yeah.

Taylor: And also pay attention to it, so there's a lot happening.

Joseph: Yeah.

Taylor: If I'd have done it at the end, I'm imagining there could've been a hundred or hundreds.

Joseph: Ah, yeah. Hundreds for sure.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: And some of it is so out of context. (Joseph laughs)


Joseph: Speaking of a lot of things that happen quickly, dude, in the first 10 minutes- we get almost every single fucking character in the movie in the first 10 minutes.

Willie: (Laughs) Yeah.

Joseph: Guile, Cammy, Chun-Li, M. Bison, T. Hawk, Zangief, Sagat, Balrog, E. Honda, Dee Jay, Blanka, Vega, Ryu, (Taylor snickers) Ken, Dhalsim, all these fools you see in the first 10 minutes of the film.

Willie: It's pretty ridiculous. I like was keeping track of that as well. I was keeping track of when people were actually named, though, too, for a little bit. When were their names actually said-

Joseph: Oh, sure, yeah, like T. Hawk's showing up. (laughs)

Willie: And, yeah, them actually saying his name or whatever. I watched it twice for this. Like, I watched it once and just, like, took brief notes, and then I watched it a second time to, like, go back and, like, expand upon some of my notes that I had written.

But after the first viewing, I was like, did anyone besides Cammy say her name because-

Joseph: Hmm

Willie: Because in the end of the movie-

Joseph: Lieutenant

Willie: Yeah, they keep calling her Lieutenant every time and they never say her name. (Taylor laughs)

Joseph: Uh-huh

Willie: And at the end of the movie, I was like, halfway through the first watch, I was thinking like, has anyone said her name?

Like, I can't remember if anyone said her name. And at the end of the movie, she answers the radio and she says, Cammy here. And I'm like, is this the first time we've heard her name this entire movie, and she said it?

Taylor: (snickering) They found it out way later. (Laughs) They found that shit out way later. (Willie laughing) They're like, oh shit, her name's Cammy. Make a scene real quick.

Willie: But, what I did notice is they do actually name check her once. Like 14 minutes into the movie.

Taylor: Wow.

Willie: They're in a briefing room or something for the first time. And Guile uses her name once. But that's literally the only other time her name is said in the entire film.

Joseph: Interesting.

Willie: And it's the only time it's said by someone other than herself.

Joseph: Right. I felt that way about T. Hawk, man. You go half the movie and you don't know T. Hawk is T. Hawk (Taylor snickers) until like halfway through.


Joseph: But back to the, what you said about the costumes, like having one piece of clothing or one attribute that is like directly pulled from the video games. I thought it was clever how they worked them out. (Willie chuckles) Like how Ken and Ryu got their red and white gi, you know-

Taylor: Mm-hmm

Joseph: -costumes. And T. Hawk, him as well. Guile's just like, hey, what's the headband for? And he's like, it's Cherokee. I use it for good luck in battle.

Taylor: Yeah

Joseph: You know, and there are other moments like sprinkled throughout the entire, I mean, even Dhalsim.

Taylor: Oh, yeah

Joseph: They kept the fucking chain around his neck, I guess, to try and make it look like he was more Dhalsim looking.

Taylor: That's why so many of the lines seem so shoehorned is that they absolutely were.

Joseph: (laughing) Right.

Taylor: You know what I mean? Like a lot of the lines I was reading through some of the one liners, and I'm pretty sure a lot of those were just straight up out of the game. Like, let me let me see what I've got here. Real quick, I'll pull out a couple.

We've got M. Bison. "For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life, but for me, it was a Tuesday." (Laughs)

Joseph: Yeah.

Taylor: I don't know if that was in the game or not, but, uh, so Chun-Li has one. "You're not a god, you're just a man, (Joseph laughing) and like any man, you can bleed." (chuckles)

Joseph: Hell yeah, if it bleeds, you can kill it.

Taylor: Oh, man. "I am E. Honda, the sumo wrestler. I will crush you with my mighty thighs."

Joseph: Chun-Li was another one with her outfit. Like, when she gets sent to Bison's Chambers and, like, she's now in that red outfit, but it's the closest thing to what she wears in the game.

Taylor: Yeah, and the gouge about the hair.

Joseph: Mm hmm.

Taylor: She talks about Cammy's pigtails and she's like, look at you.

Joseph: Yeah, that was a super, super cheese moment.

Taylor: Incredible cheese.

Joseph: Oh, speaking about the costumes real quick, there's actually a credit at the beginning of the film that says Bison costume designed by Marilyn Vance.

Taylor: Hm

Joseph: And it's the only character in the whole, in the whole movie that gets their own costume credit.

Taylor: Hmm.

Willie: Yeah, I noticed that and noticed like Bison's in quotes or whatever and I was trying to work out like, if it's just because it's the character's name or why they like, felt the need to-

Joseph: Mm-hmm

Willie: -to draw attention to that.

Joseph: It's interesting they didn't say M. Bison in the credits


Taylor: (Laughs) Yeah. What's the guy's name he played, uh Addams, Gomez Addams?

Joseph: Raúl Juliá.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: What a crazy choice for Bison.

Joseph: I liked it dude.

Taylor: Yeah?

Willie: I think a lot of people think it's the best part of the entire movie, is-

Joseph: It is.


Taylor: All right okay so they pulled the trigger on the right thing.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: That's good.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: To me it was a crazy choice, but it's probably because I only know him from the Addams Family.

Joseph: Dude, you could, he has a lot of theater experience, like in-

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Ah

Joseph: -in the early part of his career.

Taylor: Okay.

Joseph: He like did a fucking bunch of Broadway.

Taylor: Okay, well that makes sense. 'cause Bison is a very theatrical, bad guy.

Joseph: That's why I think bad guy think it's a good pick, dude.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: His like loud delivery, I think-

Taylor: Oh yeah

Joseph: -works really well for Bison until the end when it, like, it starts to like really feel like overacting towards the end.

Like when Bison gets his powers and he is fucking flying around the room and shit.

Taylor: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh yeah.

Joseph: It's a little too big and loud, but.

Taylor: Cut city on that one.

Joseph: Right, right.

Taylor: Man, they're like, he's going to, he's going to kick, and then a cut, and then a cut, and then a cut, and then back to the kick, and oof, that stuff is crazy.

Willie: I don't wanna, I don't wanna misspeak about this, but do y'all know, do y'all know the story about him like in this movie like in general? Do y'all know that like this was his last film, basically?

Joseph: I do know that. I don't know anything else besides that being his last film and then that they dedicated the film to him. At least at the end, in the end credits.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Oh, that was the end credit dedication.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Okay. I meant to ask about that. Wow. That's crazy.

Willie: So he passed away like just before this movie got released.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: Oh man.

Willie: And uh, he did the role actually- I think, so a lot of people were like confused as to why he would even like, do a video game. Because, like Joey was saying, he had a lot of theater experience.

Taylor: Yeah, like why would that be your choice?

Willie: I think people felt like it was beneath him. But he apparently did it because his kids really liked Street Fighter.

Joseph: That's amazing.

Taylor: Oh that's awesome.

Willie: They liked the game and he was like, I want to be able to spend more time and talk to my kids about the thing that they like.

Taylor: That's awesome.

Willie: So yeah, I'll totally do it, like, and got bought in pretty quickly to it, I guess.

Joseph: That's fucking cool.


Willie: So he had done it. But just going into filming, and I don't know how much of this stuff is true, but I've seen it from a couple of different sources that he had recently undergone surgery for his stomach cancer, like, just before filming this movie, and had dropped a bunch of weight because of all of the health issues he was facing, and because of undergoing surgery.

So like, part of the reason that some of the stuff doesn't really look that great in the movie is supposedly because they pushed a lot of his filming to be later in the shoot.

Taylor: Ok.

Willie: Because they wanted him to put on some more weight. So all the other people who were hired to be like martial artists and stuff didn't have a lot of time to train before their stuff got shot because they pushed it all to the front of the shoot schedule.

And so they didn't have a lot of time to like, I don't know if it's just to do choreography or just to train people.

Joseph: Probably those specific, uh, air quotes here for "fight scenes."

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: (Snickering) Yeah, yeah, no kidding. That also explains the fight scenes being silly like that too.

Joseph: Sure, his? Yeah.

Taylor: Cause he probably wasn't able to do, to do some, some of the crazier stuff, so.

Joseph: That does sound familiar now. I think I read that maybe he had cancer for like three years.

Willie: Yeah, he had cancer for three years prior to even shooting this film, I think.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: And I think his surgery was like sometime just before like filming this movie. As far as-

Joseph: Got it.

Willie: As far as what I read and I'm not, I'm not a hundred percent certain on that.

But then ultimately he ended up getting sick after production wrapped or whatever and then died before. He had a stroke after filming.

Joseph: That's what it was.

Willie: He had a stroke and then went into a coma, uh, and then didn't make it through that.

Joseph: Yeah, never came out of it. Right.

Taylor: Fuckin strokes will get ya.

Joseph: Long live Bison. They say that in the, in the movie.

Long live Bison!

Taylor: Oh, nice.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: Or no, there's a different, there's a different moment where they're chanting. There's like Bison! Bison! Bison!

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Joseph: These fucking clowns.


Taylor: Yep. Yeah. And (laughs) Oh, that was a funny moment that actually, that stuck in my head was them having the conversation through TV somehow.

Joseph: Oh, yeah.

Taylor: You know what I mean? Like, uh, (laughs) like Guile was like, "I'm going to get you Bison" (Joseph laughs) and Bison's like, "Come and get me." And he's like, "Come on, I'm going to come get you. I'm saying I'm getting you." (Joseph laughing)

And he's like, "Yeah, I see you over here. You're going to come get me." And then I'm just like, how is this conversation taking place?

There's not even a delay, you know, and it's the-

Joseph: Speakers, bro.

Taylor: -90s. Yeah, that's true. I guess that's it.

Willie: That part was ridiculous because literally just to get his attention, Guile just like flexes his arm or like does an uppercut like (laughing) into nothing. (Joseph laughs)

Taylor: (Laughs) Gotta show him his tat, dude.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: You gotta show him that flag. (Laughs)

Willie: And you can't even really see it on camera, right? The camera's so cut in on that shot that you can only kind of even see what he's doing.

Joseph: It happens later in their fight too-

Willie: Yeah, yeah.

Joseph: -Like at the end of the film, like he hits him, like he's actually kicking his ass and then he, like, they zoom in on the American flag on his bicep. (laughs)

Taylor: Yeah, yeah, yeah. He hits him, he uppercuts him in the face and he does it... oh man.

Willie: (Laughs) Did you also notice when that uppercut happens, there's like a sound effect too, with it? I assume it's like an eagle screeching or something. (Taylor laughs)

Joseph: Yeah, it's like super American.

Taylor: That's America.

Willie: (Laughing) Yeah.

Taylor: You heard America in that uppercut.

Willie: Yeah.


Taylor: Uh, speaking of sounds, uh, so many "hi-yahs" and "su-yah!" Like the, the sounds that Cammy made when she would fight. I don't even understand the overdubbing.

It sounds like every single person, every single line, they are reading it. It sounds like they handed the script to somebody in the street and were like, read this. (Joseph laughs) And they're like, uh, "M. Bison, I am coming to get you, you piece of shit." (Joseph laughing) And they, and they're like, okay, that's good. And they're like-

Joseph: You're perfect.

Taylor: You don't want me to do this twice? Yeah, is that?

No, no, no, that's good. That's good. Get out of my face. (laughs)

Joseph: Dude.

Taylor: Sounds so bad.


Joseph: I think one of my favorite M. Bison moments is at the very beginning of the movie. Also, his costumes are the best in the whole fucking movie.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: So, I'm glad they gave somebody credit for that in the opening credits because there's a moment like halfway through when he's all in the red cloak and shit. It looks just like the fucking game.

Taylor: Awesome.

Joseph: Like, great job on the costume, but at the very beginning of the film, when they introduce Bison, and he's like, uh, throwing the hostages in the little floor hole. (Taylor snickers) And then he has the A. N. soldiers there, and he's like, "You've traveled halfway across the world to defeat me, now's your chance."

And that first soldier takes like a swing at him or something, and he just fucking grabs him, dude, and immediately breaks his neck, and then throws him and says, "Pathetic!"


Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: One of my favorite moments, dude, that we're like two minutes into the film and he's like killing people already.

Willie: That was my note, one of my first notes, (Taylor laughing) it's my fifth note in or sixth note in, it's like, yeah, Bison fights within minutes, like.

Joseph: Total badass, too.

Willie: Destroys somebody, like two people actually, because he gets the other one too, like right after.

Taylor: Incredible.

Joseph: Yeah, and just straight both neck breaks. Guile, man when he shows up at the beginning of the film, he's riding on the top of a tank. Casually. (Taylor snickers) And then he pops off, and he throws his helmet off screen, like out of frame. And I just couldn't help but think, but why the fuck is he throwing his helmet?

You know, like other than it being a movie, you know, and they're getting he's getting ready to go on camera. But that shit made me laugh, dude. There's no reason to like toss it like that. Him, he passed it like a fucking basketball. But then he goes on to call Bison a dickhead, which I thought was amazing.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: The amount of like name calling and stuff is (laughs)

Joseph: Mm-hmm. And they came in hot, man. They came in hot with Guile because-

Taylor: They did. They did.

Joseph: -He's like. Hey, Guile, do you want to say anything? He's like, no, (laughter) and then he walks away and then he comes back and like, do you want to do this? He's like, no, he's like, but I do want to talk to someone that bastard Bison, if you (laughter) "I know you like to look at yourself on television you sick son of a bitch" and then after that calls him a dickhead.

Willie: Literally the end of that is like "Any time dickhead."

Joseph: Yeah. Yeah, that was amazing, dude I love that they put that in there. Fucking Bison wants 20 billion, dude. 20 billion.

Taylor: 20 billion in 1994.

Joseph: (Laughs) That's so much.

Taylor: That's so much money.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Even a billion

Joseph: 20 billion in three days

Taylor: What was it a billion on on Austin Powers was a big deal, you know, but man 20 billion that's going for it.


Willie: I did notice, um, since we're at sort of towards the beginning of the movie, one of my first notes was about the like, news network, which was like, the Global News Television, World News, and the journalist that they have who's reporting, Sander Vanocur, is like a real journalist.

Taylor: Oh wow.

Willie: He's playing an alternate reality version of himself, I assume. He was apparently pretty well known. I don't remember the name that, that well. But when I looked him up-,

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: -Like he was, when he passed away, because he did pass away at age 91, like in 2019.

Joseph: Damn.

Willie: He was the last surviving journalist who had questioned Nixon and Kennedy, and Kennedy during their first presidential debate.

Joseph: Wow.

Taylor: Damn.

Joseph: Whoa.

Willie: Just looking at a quick biography. He was like known for like reporting from the front lines of Vietnam and like on the civil rights movement and. And, like, covering President John F. Kennedy's, like, rise to power.

Taylor: That's crazy. Wild.

Willie: Yeah, so they, I guess they just got him to play an alternate reality version of himself, where he was covering, you know, this situation that's unfolding in-

Joseph: Mm-hmm

Willie: -uh, Shadaloo.

Joseph: Dude, he's probably like, my fucking kids like Street Fighter too, so I'm gonna hop on this shit as well.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: I mean, you see that all the time. You see it with, uh... who was one of the people I remember specifically getting interviewed? Maybe Will Smith or somebody. They're like, what makes you want to do this?

And, and they're just straight up like my kids. And I, I get it.


Joseph: Oh man, this is moving forward to like the end of the film, toward the end of the film, but it's another favorite Bison moment where Bison just straight up disrespects Sagat. When he puts his hand up like in front of his eye-

Willie: Oh, yeah (laughs)

Joseph: -to try and make it look like it's a patch and he's like, "I guess you didn't see that, did you?"

Taylor: (laughing) Oh my gosh.

Joseph: I was like, wow, dude.

Taylor: Wow.

Willie: There's some pretty offensive shit in here (Taylor laughs) and I feel like that's one of the like most disrespectful, offensive-

Joseph: (laughs) Hell yeah

Willie: -things he could have done.

Taylor: That's pretty offensive. (Joseph laughing) Yeah, that's uh, that's pretty offensive.

Joseph: Oh man. Dude, that was just cold blooded.

Taylor: Wow.

Willie: Yeah, that was so fucked up.

Taylor: He just wanted you to know what he was all about, and he did a good job of it. You're right, that was the perfect choice.

Joseph: Man, speaking of other fucked up things, Guile straight up doxxes Charlie (Willie chuckles) in front of Bison, which is basically what gets Charlie fucking locked up.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: Yeah, when they're communicating through the TV somehow, he's like, "Charlie, we're coming."

Taylor: (Laughing) "Charlie, don't tell him that it's me, but, or that we're friends-

Joseph: Exactly.

Willie: Yeah

Taylor: -but I'm gonna get you out." Yeah, oh man, that's...

Willie: And he just goes straight up to the dude and like-

Joseph: (Laughs) Yeah, he looks at him-

Willie: -looks at his dog tags. It's like-

Joseph: Yeah-

Willie: Carlos Blanka.


Joseph: Also, what's the difference between Carlos Blanka and Charlie Nash?

Willie: So, I don't, I don't know why they did that. I-

Joseph: Like, why is he Carlos Blanka?

Willie: Yeah, I'm not sure. I mean, I think they just, so that, the A.N., the Allied Nations, are obviously soldiers from all over the world, which is how they got certain people together when they needed to.

And they just needed a guy from Brazil, and instead of... does Blanka actually have the first name Carlos in the, in, in the games?

Joseph: No, I thought it was, um, I thought it was like Jason or, I'm trying to remember. It starts with a J.

Willie: Okay, because I literally don't remember and I didn't look it up before we did this.

Joseph: Jimmy. It's Jimmy, I think.

Willie: Okay.

Taylor: Jimmy. He's from Brazil, right?

Willie: He's from Brazil for sure. And so like you can, this, this guy, the character, Carlos Blanka is from Brazil in the-

Taylor: Ok

Willie: -in the movie too. I don't know if they ever show that outright other than when they do a flashback scene and Guile's watching him and like Carlos-

Joseph: Mm.

Willie: -on a date with two women. They're like sitting at a dinner table somewhere.

Joseph: On the boat?

Willie: That might be the video that he's watching, right? On the boat.

Joseph: Right.

Willie: When he's in the stealth boat and he just decides to... (Joseph laughs) put on a film.

Joseph: Put a cassette tape in?

Willie: Yep.

(Joseph laughs)

Taylor: Dude, what the hell?

Joseph: That's such a Jean-Claude moment right there-

Taylor: It was.

Joseph: -where you have like that moment of reflection.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: Like you're, you're serious for a moment.

Willie: But in that scene, you can see the Brazil flag on-

Joseph: Ohh

Willie: -Carlos's shoulder, like on his uniform, because they're both in uniform.

Joseph: Oh, I missed that.

Willie: I don't know if it's anywhere else.

Taylor: Huh.

Willie: It could be in one of those early scenes, too, but it's just hard to see.

Joseph: Yeah.


Taylor: What's the tactical reasoning to have that tape and that video, like the screen in there?

Joseph: I don't know, man. I guess if we had to, we had to reach, you could say that you're reviewing some kind of briefing in the middle of a mission.

Willie: Yeah, and if you're on a mission for a long time, maybe you just need-

Joseph: You need some downtime bro? (laughs)

Willie: (chuckles) You need some downtime activities and they got a-

Taylor: But would they use microfilm? (Willie laughs) That was just a regular ass- (Joseph laughing) I mean, that's a very specific tape, that I want to say within like 3, or 4, or 5 years that would have been obsolete. And that seems like such a poor choice for them to put into what looked like their one of a kind stealth boat.

Joseph: Mm-hmm, that was definitely meant to be like the cream of the crop in their fleet.

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: There's a couple things ridiculous about that boat and that plan-

Taylor: (scoffs) Yeah

Willie: -really, but-

Taylor: Oh yeah.

Willie: The most ridiculous part I think is when they go into stealth mode they're all wearing those helmets, with visors.

Joseph: Oh yeah, they put 'em down.

Willie: And to go into stealth mode, yeah, they have to put their visor down for some reason.

Joseph: Uh-huh, that was weird.

Willie: And then we see we get a wide shot of the boat going into stealth mode. It's all crackling with like electricity or something. And then on the inside, they're like, acting like they're being shocked or something at the same time as stealth mode goes active. (Joseph laughs) It's like it's hurting them-

Taylor: Oh my god.

Willie: -to go into stealth mode and that's why they needed the visors down also because-

Taylor: Oh man

Willie: -they were covering their face from the electricity that's about to happen or what. I don't like- it was so weird.

Joseph: I thought the same thing, man. I was like, okay, well, maybe, maybe things could go wrong. And like the glass or some type of material, like the, I don't know, maybe the ship or the boat breaks away, you know, and then there's debris flying towards you and like, maybe the shield, the visor is there to block your face from, from any kind of like catastrophic event.

Taylor: You're giving that way too much credit.

Joseph: But they only wear it when they're like going into-

Willie: Literally, yeah.

Joseph: -that mode because then they pop them back up.

Willie: Yeah, literally a second after it's done going into stealth mode, they just yeah, pull them back up and keep going and they're talking casually again. They didn't just like-

Taylor: Wow.

Willie: -do all that. It's very weird.

Joseph: I mean, I get it. They picked the visors up so they could just continue filming a movie.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: And see their faces uninterrupted, but that shit was funny, man.


Joseph: I almost called him Miklo, but... Ken. Damian Chapa. Them casting him as Ken I think is probably the worst move in the whole fucking movie.

Willie: I don't really know that guy. I don't remember him from other things.

Joseph: He was in Blood In Blood Out, which is the thing I remember him from most.

Taylor: Oh yeah, that's right.

Joseph: He's Miklo from Blood In Blood Out.

Taylor: "Don't look at me."

Joseph: He even says something with a slightly Vato Locos Forever accent. I have it here somewhere.

Taylor: Oh, there's so many nods to stuff, I swear, in that movie.

Willie: Well that-

Joseph: Yeah, what does he say?

Taylor: Not to Blood In Blood Out, but just in general. Tons of nods.

Willie: There literally are so many references to other things that it's like these are intentional, right? Like they just pulled stuff from other things and decided to reference like all of these things but not quite.

Taylor: Right.

Willie: Also, like there's always some slight variation in them. Did you find that quote you were looking for?

Joseph: Yeah. Yeah, I did find it. Yeah, so it's near the end of the film when Ken and Ryu kind of split they go in separate directions. And then Ken comes across some, uh, like security monitor where he's clicking on different icons to see different camera views and he finds Ryu. And he's watching him and then like Sagat and Vega-

Taylor: Oh (laughing)

Joseph: -are walking in from the other side of the room and he's like, "Ryu, hang a U, amigo!" (Willie chuckles)

Taylor: (snickering) Yeah, I don't know what he was saying right there and why he thought he could talk through the monitors. I guess that's just a regular thing that people do. He just picks up a random radio and he's like, bro, behind you, bro. (Joseph laughs) He just. No response.

Joseph: "Ryu, hang a U amigo."

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Yeah. What the fu- like hang a u...

Joseph: Wow.


Willie: So about that scene. And like around that same time, I think most people in this movie call that character Ryu, (pronounced Rye-you) right?

Joseph: For sure.

Willie: Like the entire movie, everyone says Ryu. (pronounced Rye-you) The only time. Anyone says Ryu (pronounced ooh) is Guile towards the end of the movie does say-

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: -it one time. He calls him Ryu. (pronounced ree-ooh)

Joseph: Was it just Van Damme's accent? I was kind of going back and forth between that. Was it just his accent that made it come out that way? Or was he really trying to say Ryu? (pronounced ree-ooh)

Willie: Yeah, I don't know. The other thing about it, it's in that portion of the movie. It's within like, 10 or 15 minutes of, of that scene where Ken is looking at security cameras, that Guile says that, cause it's just before they split up. He's talking to the two of them to tell them like to go find the hostages or whatever.

And I think he's, he's later referring, he's reporting to Cammy or Chun-Li like to go find Ryu (pronounced ree-ooh) and Ken. Then he says Ryu (pronounced ree-ooh) for the, the one time anyone says it in the film at all. But also when they are split up and Ryu (pronounced ree-ooh) is fighting, he's fighting Vega in that scene. One of those nods to something else, it feels like there's a nod right there to Enter the Dragon, like the Bruce Lee, Han fight.

Joseph: The scratch marks, yeah.

Willie: The scratch marks across his stomach, right?

Taylor: Oh yeah.

Joseph: Uh-huh.

Willie: That felt very much like a callback.

Joseph: That did seem kind of intentional because I know some of Ryu's fighting stances in the games were modeled after Bruce Lee. So I can imagine that. I mean, that's such a, also a classic scene that it's not unbelievable to think that the, the two are connected in some way.

Willie: Yeah. A more, this is probably the, one of the more fucked up offensive things, I think, in my opinion, in the movie around that same time, also on security cam footage. The Allied Nations tap into the security cams to see E. Honda and Zangief fighting each other. Do you know what scene I'm talking about?

Joseph: Yeah, yeah, where they're basically like, uh, Kaiju.

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: Yeah, they're basically Kaiju with like-

Taylor: Right.

Willie: -They're fighting on the model of Bisonopolis, which is like some little model mock up-

Joseph: That fucking name dude. (laughs)

Willie: -that is, it's been done for Bison to show his, like, city, what it's gonna look like once he, like, makes it.

Joseph: Mm-hmm. The food court. The food court should be bigger. (laughs)

Willie: Yeah, exactly. (Taylor laughs) But they, uh, they're fighting on that, on the security cams, and there's the Godzilla sound effects in the background. But the fucked up part is that there are other people who speak other languages in this movie, but I think they're... I don't know if they're real.

Like a lot of them, what Sagat speaks and some of the other bad guys in this movie speak is never translated in the captions.

Taylor: Oh.

Joseph: Right.

Willie: It just says foreign language or it's unintelligible or something. Like it's never, it's never translated.

Taylor: Geez. That's classic.

Willie: So whatever Sagat is doing, like, I don't know if it's made up or it's actually something. But besides those times, the other time that any characters speak in a different language, and it is translated, is these Japanese characters who are talking to each other, or these these two characters from Japan who are speaking Japanese for the first time I assume. And they turn on the security cam footage to watch this Godzilla sound effects over two giant people fighting over Bisonopolis and it feels like a very sneaky fucked up racist thing to do.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: It's like so weird that they did that.

Joseph: Yeah, it's very strange. Them having the Japanese characters turn it on, right?

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: And then subtitling what they're saying, all that kind of stuff, like the way it leads into it.

Willie: Yeah, the way it leads into that, it's just so weird.

Joseph: I remember that scene, because it's like a, it's a man and a woman, and it almost kind of seems like they're underground, like it kind of feels like they're in some kind of underground bunker.

I'm sure they're not like somewhere in a building or something, but. That's the scene, right, that leads into?

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: The video footage? Okay.


Joseph: Willie, you might have brought up the, the Ryu- Vega fight. I don't know if you're talking about the one at the very beginning of the movie where they're like in the cage and they kind of like get tossed in there by, by Sagat? Or the one at the end?

Willie: I was talking about the one at the end-

Joseph: Ok

Willie: -because that's the one where the cut comes from, right?

Joseph: Right, that's right, yeah. Because they don't fight at the beginning, like-

Willie: No, it gets-

Joseph: Guile blasts through the door in a fucking tank. To like keep the fight from happening, but in that scene, the music is way fucking whimsical.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: Actually, throughout the whole movie, dude, the music is way too whimsical.

Willie: There's two things there about that music. I assume you're talking about the like, sort of classical piece that's playing as Vega enters the room.

Joseph: Yeah, yes, yes, yes.

Willie: So that song, it's a real song.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: It's just a very weird cover of the actual song. And I looked it up, uh, where did I write it?

Joseph: It was definitely memorable. Like I heard it and I knew what that song was.

Willie: Yeah. So the original song, I'm going to mispronounce this cause I don't know. It's from an opera named Carmen, called Carmen.

Taylor: Oh, yeah, yeah that's right.

Willie: And that song is called "Habanera."

Joseph: Mm.

Taylor: Huh.

Willie: The version that is in the movie is called "Habanero (Vega and Ryu.)" (Laughter)

Joseph: Seriously?

Taylor: The hot remix!

Willie: Yeah. It is.

Taylor: That's amazing. Of course, of course. That's it.

Joseph: Oh, wow.

Willie: It's a little bit of a remix of that song. It's like pretty much an exact copy of that song.

Taylor: It's amazing. That's amazing.


Joseph: Gosh, I think one of the, my least favorite things about the entire movie is toward the end of the film where like all the fight, like all hell's breaking loose.

All of a sudden, Balrog's in his Street Fighter uniform, right? (Taylor snickers) Like his fucking, I don't know, top and boxing trunks.

Taylor: How dare you? That's his underwear.

Joseph: Dude, he has gloves on.

Willie: Yeah. (chuckles)

Joseph: He's fighting people with boxing gloves on

Willie: Yeah (Taylor laughs)

Joseph: -and I hate that so much. (laughs)

Taylor: How dare you, dude?

Joseph: That, I think, is one of the wackest things in the whole film.Outside of the flying kick that Guile delivers outside of the containment pod, like as it lifts up to Bison's level. And he's expecting Blanka to be in there and come out, but Guile does like this flying kick across the entire fucking stadium, you know, and like kicks Bison right in the fucking chest. That made me laugh.

Taylor: It worked. Yeah, that's hilarious.


Willie: I didn't really notice this until the second time I watch- about that music though, going back to that Vega scene-

Joseph: Mmhmm

Willie: -is just before that scene starts. There's a song in the background that's not in the movie, right? Like it's, so the song that Vega enters to, I would say is diegetic, right? Meaning it's happening in the world, I think. And like-

Joseph: Mmhmm

Willie: -he's entering to that song. But this other thing that happens just before that, it just says, "let's get ready to rumble."

Joseph: Oh God. (Laughter)

Willie: And I think it actually is Ice Cube saying that because it's his song from the movie called "Street Fighter."

Taylor: Huh. Okay.

Joseph: Mm.

Taylor: That's right, I thought I heard that.

Willie: And I didn't notice it until the second time that it was that song. It wasn't until I watched the movie and then I watched the trailer after watching. Cause I was like, I feel like I remember a lot of these lines from, from the trailer. Like I remember seeing the trailer as a kid and being like, I got to watch that, you know?

Joseph: Mmhmm.

Willie: Bison screaming game over. (Taylor chuckles)

Joseph: "Game Over!"

Willie: Or when Guile says like who wants to go home or who wants to go with me?

Joseph: "Who wants to go with me!" (laughs)

Willie: Like that line. I remember that

Taylor: Yeah, oh that speech. Oh my God.

Joseph: I love that line.

Willie: I remember that being in the trailer too. So I went back and watched the trailer. I like went and found the original trailer just to see like how much I remembered correctly.

Joseph: Yeah. Is it in the trailer?

Willie: Yeah, yeah. For sure.

Joseph: Holy shit

Willie: What I noticed at the end of the trailer there's like the soundtrack. "New songs from" and it's like Ice Cube and Craig Mack and The Pharcyde. And Deion Sanders and Hammer and-

Joseph: What?

Willie: LL Cool J and Nas (Joseph laughing)

Taylor: Wow.

Willie: -are on the soundtrack.

Joseph: Deion Sanders.


Willie: Because of that, I went and looked up the soundtrack.

Joseph: Oh shit.

Willie: All of it is hip hop. All of it's rap.

Taylor: Huh.

Willie: Except for the last two tracks. One is a song called "Worth Fighting For" that's at the end of the movie. Like, as the-

Joseph: The credits roll?

Willie: It's what's playing when he watches the video, actually. When he's watching the video

Joseph: Ohh ok

Willie: -in the in the boat, there's a song called "Worth Fighting For" that's playing. It's either that or the other song it's called "Something There," but they're the only two things on official soundtrack not the score, but the official soundtrack that aren't rap or hip hop in some way.

Joseph: Hm.

Taylor: Hm.

Joseph: Interesting.

Willie: But I'm gonna drop this in chat real quick, this link for y'all to look at. Cause here are the lyrics for "Street Fighter" from Ice Cube. This is on the Genius page.

Taylor: "Let's get ready to rumble, ha ha ha ha ha, so you wanna fight me? Scratched."

Joseph: "We at war. Where we at?"

Taylor: Oh, that's Sista Souljah saying that, ok-.

Willie: Yeah. And so that's that whole part. So get to Ice Cube.

Taylor: Oh, I can't read that part.

Willie: Yeah, there's some stuff you can't read, (Taylor laughing) but I also, I'm giving you this because there's a part you need to be very careful about because I need you to read-

Joseph: Whoa

Willie: -Ice Cube's first line in the song, like-

Joseph: "Y'all punk ass ninjas. Can't wait to see the Ice break"

Taylor: Whoa

Joseph: "Balling through my hood with my chocolate rice cakes." (Laughter)

Taylor: Daaamn

Joseph: "15 ninjas in a row."

Taylor: I mean, that's probably good though.

Joseph: "Jumping out the bushes. With they taekwondo, yo."

Taylor: Oh, taekwondo, yo.

"I jumps in my stance fo' protection. Kicking off my coat like The Chinese Connection."

Joseph: Oh "The Chinese Connection!"

Taylor: Dang.

Joseph: "Wah-CHOP!"

Taylor: "Wah-CHOP!"

Joseph: "Watch em all drop."

Taylor: Wow. Pretty good.

Joseph: Shit, I need to listen to this.

Taylor: Yeah, when you think that this came out before AI existed, this is, uh, that's, that's some talent.

Joseph: "Master of the flying guillotine."

Willie: The, I just, I like that first line so much. His first line of that song, though.

Taylor: Oh, man.

Willie: He comes in with the, "Y'all punk ass ninjas can't wait to see the Ice break."

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: It's just like-

Taylor: So ridiculous.

Willie: So fucking ridiculous. (Taylor laughs)

Joseph: Balling through my hood with my chocolate rice cakes.

Taylor: Crazy.

Willie: He does that change up a couple times, I think, more in this, where he's like, clearly replacing a word.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: Uh huh. Yeah.

Joseph: "Fo' my celly, hit they ass with my Jim Kelly." Talking about throwing footballs? (Willie chuckles) Oh, no. Jim Kelly is um, it's a fucking cat from Enter the Dragon. The guy with the fro.

Taylor: Hm.

Joseph: His name is Jim Kelly.

Willie: Oh, right, right.

Joseph: So I wonder if he's talking about him in like, um, I don't know-

Taylor: Makes sense.

Joseph: He might have been in some black exploitation films. Like, uh, Kung Fu films and stuff like that in the, in the 70s. So I wonder if that's the Jim Kelly he's talking about.

Willie: Maybe.

Taylor: Hm.

Joseph: Not the Buffalo Bills Jim Kelly. (Laughter)

Willie: Yeah. Just past that point, it says, "And we all take malt liquor in our wonton soup."

Joseph: Hell yeah.

Taylor: Oh shit.

Willie: I don't know, this whole thing-

Joseph: Damn.

Willie: It's weird to me because I didn't notice until after watching the film and then going to look at the soundtrack and then going back to watch a second time to realize where they sort of sneak in a lot of the like rap into the background music in the movie.

Joseph: Yeah, I don't really remember much.

Willie: There's like at least four or five times where some of these songs-

Joseph: Wow

Willie: -from the soundtrack are in the movie, that don't really fit the theme-

Taylor: Hm

Willie: -of the movie, but they made it work.

Joseph: Shit, man, you could play the song right here on the website.

Willie: (Chuckling) Oh, on, on Genius. I don't know. There's so many other things to talk about.

Joseph: "With they Taekwondo!" (Taylor chuckles)

"Oops, as I smell my fork. It smells like sweet and sour pork."

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: "They rush me from the left. They rush me from the right. Here comes the chef with the Ginsu knife."

Taylor: Oh

Joseph: "He want to take my life, I put that on my momma."

Taylor: You know, that was big, right, right then.

Joseph: "And serve my ass at Benihana's now."

Taylor: Dude said, Ginsu knife.


Taylor: Oh, man.


Willie: One of the things I was thinking about while watching this is, is this movie was rated PG 13, I think.

Joseph: Dickhead.

Taylor: Yeah. Wow. That's crazy, man.

Willie: I was wondering if they ever go back and reclassify movies.

Joseph: Right.

Willie: Because, I mean, if you take a movie like the Ninja Turtles movie as well, like the original Ninja Turtles movie, that was PG-

Joseph: Uh-huh.

Taylor: Hmm.

Willie: Maybe PG 13, but it definitely had a lot of cussing in it. And I know you get like certain allotments of words and stuff, but it's a violent film and has cussing in it. And it was like, should that really be PG or PG 13? It feels like it should be something older. And this movie felt that way a lot. Cause like, I don't know. You were talking about that, that, uh, speech from, from Guile.

Joseph: And who's going to go with me?

Willie: Yeah. He's like, well, I'm not going home. I'm going to get on my boat and I'm going up the river and I'm going to kick that son of a bitch Bison's ass so hard that the next Bison wannabe is going to feel it.

Joseph: That's such a great nineties thing to say, you know?

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: Like, I'm going to hit you so hard your momma's gonna feel it, you know-

Taylor: So much of it.

Joseph: -or the motherfucker that look like you is gonna feel it.

Taylor: He tried to recruit, uh, Ryu and Ken at the end, he was like, you guys ever think about joining the m... the service?

Joseph: ...enlisting. Yeah.

Taylor: They're like, no...

Joseph: Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.

Taylor: Yeah. Like that's actually my response too.

Willie: Another ridiculous thing that made me laugh was the uh, I guess it's the DJ on the radio or on the overhead speakers.

Taylor: Oh, yeah.

Willie: In the city of Shadaloo.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: The good morning call?

Willie: The good morning call, right? There's that one, which is obviously a reference to Good Morning Vietnam, it feels like. It's very straight from that.

Joseph: Goooooood morning Shadaloo!

Taylor: Yeah, it's ridiculous.

Willie: There's a couple things that, that... person says that is really ridiculous.

Joseph: Oh are ridiculous, yeah.

Willie: Like one of them-

Joseph: Yeah, what's... (laughing)

Willie: -go ahead.

Joseph: You got'em? That's nice.

Willie: Do you remember one?

Joseph: No, no. I don't remember them well enough.

Willie: Shit. Now, I gotta find it I scrolled away from it I think.

Taylor: Uh-oh.

Joseph: There's two that I remember happening, like one towards the end and then one like towards the beginning that are kind of popping up in my head.

Willie: There's one towards the beginning that is uh... he just says, "anybody know what to do if a Bison trooper throws a hand grenade right in your face?"

Joseph: "Pick it up, pull the pin and throw it back."

Willie: Yeah, exactly.

(all laughing)

Willie: It's so ridiculous. But around the time that we meet Sagat, I think is one of the funnier things. And I don't think it's the overhead announcer DJ person, but it's just on the speakers outside where Ryu and Ken are approaching Sagat for the first time and they're like in a tense sort of standoff.

And Ken or Ryu, one of them says, "Don't you know, there's a curfew?" or something and...

Joseph: Mmm, he's like people don't tell me what to do in my city.

Willie: Yeah, he says his exact line is, someone says, "didn't anyone tell you there was a curfew?" And he says, "no one tells me anything." And then over the loudspeaker outside you hear, "There's a 7 p. m. curfew in Shadaloo City."

(all laughing)

Willie: And it's like...

Joseph: The timing of that.

Willie: The timing is so stupid. I know that he was saying no one tells me anything, like what you said, like no one tells me what to do in my city.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: But it sounds like he's saying no one tells me anything and then they just like announce it over the speaker at him.

Taylor: Here it is.

Joseph: It's a funny moment, but it doesn't get addressed by the characters on the film. I don't know if it's meant to be funny.

Willie: Yeah, I don't know either.

Joseph: The way that I found it funny. (laughs)

Willie: Yeah. Another note about sound effects right there, at that same time, is Sagat finds the weapons that Ken and Ryu are supposed to be selling him, right? His troops got them and bring them there. And he knows they're fake, but he shoots, they shoot'em at them.

Joseph: Uh-huh.

Willie: And it's like the... ball sound effects from them shooting the weapons that shoot out little tennis balls or whatever they're shooting out. (Taylor chuckling) It's so ridiculous.

Joseph: And that's close enough to the beginning that everything feels pretty whimsical and ridiculous. It's like, what, is this a fucking comedy?

Taylor: Wow.

Joseph: The other silly moment is when Ken and Sagat are fighting. And they have like the, the like punching bag thing on the rope. I don't know what those are called, that boxers use. And he's like dodging it, right? Ken is punching it and Sagat is dodging it.

And then finally Ken like gets frustrated and just like punches it straight forward. And it hits Sagat right in the face. And then Sagat like obliterates it with like a kick. But like same thing there, like the same kind of silly style as like the Nerf tennis ball gun thing.

Willie: I'm just looking through my notes. Caught something. Did anybody notice any, uh, the Capcom, not logo, but just the word Capcom in the movie anywhere?

Joseph: Uh uh. Wasn't even looking for it. Did you find instances of it?

Willie: I found one, and I, I saw it in my first watch through, and then I was looking for more during the second, and I don't think there are any others. But in the scene where E. Honda and Balrog are, is that his name? Did I just like, I suddenly forgot what I was saying.

Joseph: No, that's it.

Taylor: No, I think you got it.

Willie: When they're doing the performance as the Bonelli brothers or whatever for, uh, for Bison with Chun-Li.

Joseph: At his like warlord convention?

(All laughing)

Willie: Yeah, exactly.

Joseph: Which is like, welcome warlords, like what?

Willie: Just a circus tent, they're doing this, this, this performance. When they put Chun-Li in the barrel, the lid that they put on top of the barrel says Capcom.

Joseph: Oh, okay, right.

Taylor: Oh wow.

Joseph: And it looks like it's like an old like soda pop crown or something, like the shape of it.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Oh, okay. That's cool.

Joseph: Or like those bottle caps candies.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: That's what it reminded me of. Yeah, I didn't realize it said Capcom on it.

Willie: I think that's the only instance, but I, that's definitely where I clocked it the first time.


Joseph: Random fact that I came across because I went down a rabbit hole of watching interviews of Jean-Claude Van Damme on Letterman and Conan O'Brien, which are pretty funny.

Taylor: Hmm.

Joseph: But somehow out of all of that, I came across what Van Damme made for Bloodsport. And if y'all had to guess, what do you think Van Damme was paid as the lead in Bloodsport?

Taylor: Ten million.

Joseph: Okay.

Willie: I just, I don't know if like I'm supposed to be thinking this is gonna be high or low, I think it's gonna be low and I feel like it's something ridiculous like 250,000 or something.

Joseph: $25,000.

Willie: How much was it?

Taylor: How much?

Joseph: 25k for Bloodsport, dude.

Taylor: What? Wow.

Joseph: I think a few movies after Bloodsport, Bloodsport in that big break moment allowed him to charge 75,000 for like a few subsequent movies, but-

Taylor: Wow.

Joseph: -dude, for Bloodsport, 25,000, that's fucking pennies.

Taylor: That's crazy. I wonder, I wonder if he like gets paid for that now or something.

Joseph: Seriously. Taylor said 10 million, dude. (Willie and Joey laughing)

Taylor: Yeah, yeah. Well, I mean, he probably got like 20 million to do that freaking truck commercial, uh-

Joseph: Exactly.

Taylor: Where he's just like doing the splits, you know?

(Joey and Willie laughing)

Taylor: Like that's, I guess he is getting paid now, regardless of, uh, what they're wanting to do. He's definitely getting paid.

Joseph: Bison want that 20 billion. Three days.

Taylor: Yep-

Joseph: Dude, Bisonopolis.

Taylor: -or ya out.

Willie: Bisonopolis, yeah.

Joseph: I still can't, I still can't not think of that name and how ridiculous it sounds.

Willie: Around that same time that he says that, he mentions, uh, Pax Bisonica, like in a speech that he's giving.

Taylor: Oh, right.

Willie: It's another homage to Pax Romana. I believe is, I don't know if that's how you say it, but it's Latin for Roman peace.

Taylor: Hmm.

Willie: And it refers to like a period of history where the Romans, like their empire was basically at peace. Even though they were fighting other stuff, it's seen as like, this is when they were at their height and no one was really challenging them.

In that scene, he's talking about, you know, once he crushes everyone, he'll be at the head of everything and they'll finally reach like Pax Bisonica or whatever.

Joseph: Is that the moment where Dee Jay sneaks out?

Willie: Is it?

Joseph: Is that that moment or am I thinking about a different scene?

Willie: It is. It is that scene because Zangief is there and like says, "that's beautiful." And Dee Jay is just like, "what are you talking about?"

Joseph: Right, right.

Willie: And he just, he ends up, that's, yeah, like right after that, he ends up walking out.

Joseph: Uh-huh. I wanted to ask, I don't know this, but is Dee Jay the character-

Willie: Yeah, I think so.

Joseph: -in the series, actually, yeah, he's in the series, but is he actually Jamaican? Because he's Jamaican in the film.

Willie: Yeah, I think he is.

Taylor: Yeah, he's like Jamaican themed, color wise and stuff.

Joseph: I couldn't remember.

Taylor: Like the yellow... I want to say his pants or something had the, had the Jamaican colors.

Willie: Yeah. I feel like he was supposed to be, cause everybody like, right. That's the whole thing. Everybody was from all over the world.

Joseph: Uh-huh, yeah. It was like a world fighters tournament, like Street Fighter in general.


Willie: Yeah. What is it called? Street Fighter II World... The World Champion or something. The World Warrior.

Joseph: Yeah. Something like that.

Willie: Which while I'm thinking about that. The control system on Bison's like levitating platform.

Joseph: Hell yeah.

Willie: It looks like the, it's, it's not the same, but it's very similar to the Super Street Fighter II console.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: Like the cabinet controls, like the control panel.

Taylor: (laughing) Oh nice.

Willie: Like it's like, he's literally got the six buttons for, you know, the, all the punches and all the kicks or whatever.

Taylor: Oh, that's so stupid.

Joseph: It's got one and two player as well, first and second player on there.

Willie: Yeah, exactly.

Taylor: Oh, that's crazy.

Joseph: I feel like that's the best, like, it's the best video game moment, I think, in the entire film.

Taylor: That's amazing.

Joseph: When he's, like, controlling the proximity mines or whatever, and (laughs) it's side scroller where the boat is dodging them.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: I love that.

Taylor: Oh, man.

Joseph: That's right before he does the "game over! "

Willie: Right, because, well, he smashes all six buttons and releases the, the proximity mine that blows up the, the stealth boat. (Joseph and Willie laugh)

Taylor: So good.


Joseph: You know, I, I do think the, the computer is a little cheesy. You know, it's like "intruder destroyed, intruder destroyed."

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: But there were other moments throughout the movie where like the computer's kind of dumb or it knows things it shouldn't really know.

Willie: I like how it can just...

Taylor: Yeah. (Joseph and Taylor chuckle)

Willie: When Bison finds out that Blanka is fighting his own soldiers, he asks Dee Jay to pull up the video footage of like, what's the brain programming is.

Joseph: The cerebral, uh, movie.

Taylor: That whole thing... (Joseph and Taylor laugh)

Willie: So he pulls it up and it's like, I think in that moment, just a girl like picking flowers or something, and he gets pissed and just punches the screen.

(all laughing)

Taylor: That whole thing.

Joseph: That's great.

Taylor: They were just showing him these images of war-

Joseph: (imitating Bison) No!

Taylor: And he's like, no, I'm going to show him a wedding and it changes everything. It's so funny.

Joseph: The other part I thought is interesting is Blanka when he's in the pod and he has the visor on when he's watching those clips. When Dhalsim changes it to the good stuff, you can see a smile on the bottom half of Blanka's face because his mouth is exposed. You can see him smiling and like smirking when the visions are better.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: Which I thought was interesting just like that they put that in there, like that reaction for that character. Oh, man, this reminds me, dude, of how fucked up, how fucked up it is that Guile is just gonna fucking blast him, dude.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: Not even give him a chance.

Willie: Yeah, he's just ready.

Joseph: He's just like, yo, he's like, first option, dude, is like, nope.

(Joseph and Taylor laughing)

Taylor: Oh, yeah. "Sorry, best friend. The first thing I'm gonna do is put a cap in you and the next thing is gonna go kill the guy that did this." Oh, hold on.

Joseph: I'll make up for it by killing Bison after I kill you.

Taylor: Yeah, that was the worst decision making. I don't want to ever go with Guile to a casino. He's gonna immediately throw it, uh, red, black, no trash can. Throw it into the trash can. It's the wrong decision.

Joseph: That's probably, I think, the most fucked up part of the, of the movie.

Taylor: That was, that was pretty messed up.

Joseph: Luckily, man, Dhalsim saves the day, right? Comes in and is like, dude, dude, you're a fuck up. I'll stay with him.

Taylor: Yeah. What are you talking about?

Joseph: Yeah. That was wild to me that they wrote that in like that.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: Back to Dhalsim and the whole Blanka experimentation thing. If you look at the bags, they zoom in on the bags that are on the IV clips, right? On the, on the drip, the drip bags. And one of them says DNA mutagen.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Oh, damn.

Joseph: And that's the one that gets all over, uh, Dhalsim, I guess.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: I guess it burned his hair off.

Taylor: Oh, that's what it did.

Joseph: I don't really know how he went bald.

Taylor: It gave, uh, Blanka red hair. That... they brought out that, wheeled out that thing and it had the red juice and the green juice is like, okay, guess we know how Blanka turns red and green. (Joseph laughing)

Willie: (chuckling) It was the, yeah, it was the DNA mutagens and the anabolic plasma, I think. (Taylor laughing)

Joseph: Right, right.

Taylor: The whole movie was a shoehorn.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Nothing, no part of it was not a shoehorn. The entire thing was like. Well, he's green and red guys. What do you think we're going to do? What if, uh, we experiment on him with some red and green juice?

That's it.


Joseph: We haven't talked about Mortal Kombat-

Taylor: No, we talked about that.

Joseph: -the live action Mortal Kombat from the 90s.

Willie: No.

Taylor: Oh yeah.

Joseph: But, what do you think is better? Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter? What do you think is a better film?

Willie: Better film, I think it's Mortal Kombat.

Taylor: Yeah, agreed.

Willie: It's more cohesive. It's funny because I think a lot of people... Well, according to Taylor, I bet he agrees with this, that like, Street Fighter is one of those movies that's so bad it's good, according to a lot of people.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: And like, just before we got on, Taylor said something like, alright, let's get started so I can like, get this movie out of my brain. Like, or something like that, right?

Joseph: No, so he could keep it in long enough.

Willie: Oh, so he could keep it-

Taylor: To get it out of the way. Yeah. Yeah, and then I was going to shove it out of here.

Willie: Yeah. While I think there's definitely some so bad it's good moments in this film, it's also problematic and offensive in ways, right? Maybe it's the kid in me that's like, Oh, it's not that bad.

Like it's fine. It's whatever.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: Like, I don't, I think it's because I don't expect much from it is why I'm like, whatever, it's fine.

Joseph: Right.

Willie: I think it's literally just because it's like oh, it's one of the first video game adaptation movies. I know it's not going to be great.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: It's fine for what it does. It's definitely filled with like shoehorned moments though, where we're just like, let's just put all of these things in the movie and make it work somehow.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: Cause the story is like, doesn't make any sense really. The characters decisions usually don't really make that much sense, but they do set it up in a way that's like all these characters would hate Bison for this reason. I think one of the weirdest things that's so different from the video game that I don't know why they chose to do.

Is like, Shadaloo is like the criminal organization that Bison heads up in the games.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: And instead of making it that, they just made it the name of one of the cities that he's like, going in and holding hostage.

Joseph: Right.

Willie: That's the weirdest part about all of it, I think, for some reason to me. Why didn't you just make some other fictional city and his crime organization could still be Shadaloo?

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: You reminded me of something. Oh, I was going to ask you. So in two... to... 2023, rewatching Street Fighter, was it better or worse than you remembered?

Willie: I think it was probably worse than I remembered because Barbara asked me, because she, I asked if she wanted to watch it with me when I was like, "Oh, I got to watch this for podcasting."

And she was like, she was like, basically like", I don't know. The way you asked that makes me think that I don't want to watch it." (Joseph laughing) And I was like, I was like literally not trying to influence her at all.

Joseph: Yeah.

Willie: I was like, no, I was just saying, I was like, honestly, I said, it's probably on par with the MK movie, which we had just watched a few days ago, actually. (chuckles) I was like, it's on par with that, probably. I was like, I honestly don't remember. I guess it's probably worse because I watched Mortal Kombat a lot. And I've watched Mortal Kombat as an adult multiple times.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: And literally just a few days ago I watched it for no reason other than I was flipping through stuff and I was like, I could watch this movie right now, and I did. I saw it somewhere streaming.

Joseph: Don't watch Annihilation again.

Willie: (chuckling) Yeah.

Joseph: (laughs) You know if if the casting of Shao Kahn in Mortal Kombat Annihilation was as good as Raúl Juliá in Street Fighter that would have probably saved the movie and like it would have actually been a finished movie. Like they probably would have been inspired to actually finish that movie and not just toss it out unfinished, but like he looks like Bison dude.

Taylor: Yeah, he does.

Joseph: As a kid, he was Bison.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: Regardless of like how good the film is and like how carried away the acting gets for Bison toward the end. The first half of that movie, I thought he was really good as Bison.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: Like and I still do even rewatching it. I was like, man, like his delivery is on point. It's loud. And like it feels big and... big and loud, that's Bison in my mind because Bison would kick the shit out of you at the end of that game.

Willie: Yeah, and I mean, I think I do agree with everyone that Bison is probably the best thing, like Raúl Juliá as Bison is probably the best thing about the entire movie.

Joseph: I think that's true.

Willie: And to finish that other thought real fast, I have not, this is the first time watching Street Fighter as an adult, I'm pretty sure.

Joseph: Hmm.

Willie: Like I literally don't think I've watched it since like late 90s when I was... In high school or something. I probably watched it a couple times.

Joseph: Mm hmm.

Willie: But this is probably only like the fourth or fifth time I've watched that, which is nothing compared to how many times I've seen Mortal Kombat.

Joseph: Same. Taylor, what did, did you think it was better or worse? Or like on par with what you remember?

Taylor: It, I... Actually, I think it was more entertaining now. I think after I watched it the first time, I thought that it was really cheesy and I didn't really care for it. Mortal Kombat was a lot cooler. I think the content material that Mortal Kombat came from was probably... cooler in the, in the eyes of, uh, younger folks too, but now I guess just being older watching it, man, it was super funny.

Like I was cracking up at parts and I had to rewind a couple parts to like hear what somebody yelled again. And yeah, I don't know. I found it even more entertaining now, but still I would call Mortal Kombat a much better movie.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: Like this one is more just, you're going to. Like with Barbara, you're going to show somebody and submit them to this. (laughs)

Joseph: Exactly.

Taylor: Make them, make them have this in their memory too now. But it's, it was a funny one. I'm glad we actually chose it to go back and watch because I don't think otherwise I ever would have.

Willie: Yeah. I don't, that's again, I don't know if I would have either. I don't know that I ever would have just chose to watch it though. Maybe that's not true because I had been watching stuff on Tubi recently, which is where we, I... is where I watched it. I don't know if, I know that Joey had shared that link to it being on there, so I'm not sure if that's where you watched.

Taylor: Yeah, that's where I watched, too.

Willie: I have only recently started watching stuff on Tubi, and was looking through stuff like last week, and saw that it was on there. And I thought about it for a moment, and clicking on it, (Joseph laughs) but I didn't actually do it, (Taylor laughs) and I was like, no, that's not, that's not gonna happen. So it was really funny when you brought up, like, hey, maybe we should watch this.

Joseph: Watching it?

Willie: Yeah.


Joseph: That's hilarious. There are some things I think they did good. Like, I think they did a great job with the costumes. You know, like with everybody, I think the costumes are good.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: Bison definitely being like the pinnacle of the costumes.

Taylor: Yeah, the costumes were amazing.

Joseph: I would definitely rather watch Mortal Kombat. Like as an adult, especially, like I'd rather, I mean, Mortal Kombat just means more to me than Street Fighter.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: Even though I may have played Street Fighter before Mortal Kombat.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: Mortal Kombat has always mean more to me than Street Fighter.

Taylor: Street Fighter means a lot to me. It's, that was, uh, Street Fighter 2 was a, a game that me and my, uh, old stepbrother, we connected a lot over that game. So it meant a ton to me. I think that one of the main things was that I loved that game and the movie didn't seem to do it service.

Even though they did shoehorn damn near every part of the game as it existed then into the movie. It seemed like they were making fun of it whereas with Mortal Kombat they didn't seem like they were making fun of it.

Joseph: We're trying to be serious, yeah.

Taylor: Yeah, it was a serious yeah. It was like you're fighting for the fate of the world and everything and, and uh, Street Fighter was just, it seems so silly at the time i think that was probably a big part of it.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: It's like, I can't associate this with the game really.

Willie: I played a lot of Street Fighter 2 as well and then like Street Fighter 2 Turbo and then, you know, Hyper Street Fighter 2 Turbo or whatever. I played all of those.

Taylor: Turbo XX.

Willie: Yeah, I played those a lot for sure, but I definitely was never, I was never immersed in the story behind Street Fighter 2.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: Like, if you asked me to tell you right now what any of the characters backstories were, other than where they were from, (Taylor laughing - Yeah) I couldn't tell you. I couldn't, I couldn't explain it. And I couldn't explain why they were like going up against, why they were fighting in, in street fights to do this thing.

Joseph: Mm hmm.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: They fit Chun-Li's little bit of a backstory into the film, you know, that she's trying to get revenge for the death of her father.

Willie: Right.

Joseph: And Guile, obviously he has like some fucking personal vendetta against Bison. So like Street Fighter, the movie is really just a revenge tale.

Willie: Right.

Joseph: For guile.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: And there just happened to be like hostages to save.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: And he just happened to accidentally not shoot his best friend in the face.

(everyone laughing)

Joseph: (laughing) Right, right.

Taylor: That's (laughs) wow.

Joseph: Gosh.

Willie: But I say all that because I think Mortal Kombat, I did know the story more and the story itself lent itself, in my opinion, because I understand it more, to a narrative that could be told in a movie that made sense, right?

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: True.

Willie: Like, just the idea that there's, there's 10 tournaments that need to be won to like invade this other place. And they've already won nine. And now we're sending our best warriors to this place. And you're going to fight in a tournament to like, keep us from being invaded.

Joseph: Right, right.

Willie: Then they actually set up the fights and there's reasons for them to be fighting and reasons for those characters to be interacting, other than like, we need to go take over.

We need to stop this future dictator from capturing the city and all our forces are just going to combine. And sometimes there's people who are helping him and there we're getting together all these other people.

Joseph: One thing I've always appreciated about Mortal Kombat is that they've really, they've taken some time to develop the relationship between the characters. You know, so like the relationship between Sub Zero and Scorpion, the relationship between Raiden and Liu Kang, the relationship between Sonya and Kano.

And those were kind of set in place from the very beginning. So like, there's always been these strong rivalries in Mortal Kombat that I think has eventually carried where the story has gone.

And like what they've been able to explore more deeply. Which I think a little bit of that is missing in Street Fighter because there's, there's so many characters I just don't know about because there weren't those strong relationships built between the characters to like become memorable.

Willie: Yeah, there definitely aren't any that I, that I know of, like off the top of my head, like I said, I couldn't tell you.

Joseph: And like the, the only thing really memorable, only things really memorable is the stuff they try to squeeze into that movie.

Taylor: Yeah, exactly.

Joseph: Like Ken and Ryu, and Bison and Chun-Li, and Guile and Bison.

Willie: Yeah.


Joseph: I don't know what else. I did pull up some Rotten Tomato reviews.

Taylor: Ooh.

Joseph: Let's check out, I'm just gonna read a couple of these. One that isn't like a bomb. (Taylor chuckles) Chelsea Stark from Polygon. "For a product of its time - a decade full of video-game inspired stinkers - it's worth looking back on, especially because it's obvious how much fun the cast is having."

And then, uh, one of the bombs, from Malcolm, Malcolm Johnson from Hartford Courant. "With Van Damme giving one of his most wooden performances, (Taylor chuckles) and de Souza failing to capitalize on his graceful fight moves, Street Fighter adds up to the worst of a bad crop of Christmas movies, a picture only an arcade junkie could cheer."

I will say, Mortal Kombat is a better fighting movie than Street Fighter, because there's almost no fucking fighting in Street Fighter.

They somehow made-

Willie: It's just hidden behind the cuts, right?

Joseph: Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, it is.

Taylor: Yep, it's all hidden. And that, that was what was crazy to me, was watching it and now having a head full of newer stuff, like, uh, I immediately think to Daredevil, the TV show.

Joseph: Oh, the hallway scene? Like one of those scenes?

Taylor: Yeah, the hallway scene. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Like, it's such a, I think that looking back at movies like this makes those mean a little bit more to me now. Um, if I see a longer scene now, it's like, man, you remember Street Fighter where every single punch is a cut. You cut to the punch happening and then cut away from it before it happens, and it's a total different world now. Like, it's everybody wants to push to get every single little, like squeeze every bit of action out that you can. Whereas back then it was squeeze as much in as you can and who cares about what makes sense and what doesn't.

Willie: Regarding the fight scenes and what you said earlier, Taylor, about people just like yelling out shit in the background. (everyone chuckles) When they're on the island, Cami at one point, when she comes into the fight with Guile and T. Hawk, they're like kicking some people's ass. The first people they encounter on the island or whatever.

And she screamed something, and the first time I watched, I thought that she said drop kick. (Joseph and Taylor chuckle)

Taylor: Yeah, what did she say?

Willie: That's what Barbara thought too. But what I realized on second watch and after like thinking about it more, is that she's saying thrust kick, which is what Cammy says when she does one of her moves in Street Fighter.

Joseph: Mm-hmm. It comes out very strange because I tried to find it in the subtitles after I was like, what kick?

Willie: No, it's not there. Yeah.

Joseph: I didn't find it in the subtitles either.

Taylor: Of course it's not. Probably the subtitle person had to, I don't know. I don't know.


Joseph: The last thing I want to mention, have either of you seen Street Fighter Assassin's Fist?

Willie: No.

Taylor: I don't think so.

Joseph: Holy shit, dude. Willie, I would have, I would have just thought you had watched that.

Willie: No, I don't think so.

Joseph: It's from like, 2014 or something around that time.

Taylor: I never even heard of it.

Joseph: It was back when like web series were a thing.

Willie: Mm-hmm.

Joseph: Like before like TV, you know, like streaming series have really taken off.

Taylor: Hmm.

Joseph: Now you can find it as a whole movie, but when it was originally released it was like broken up into different web episodes. But yeah, it's like 2013, 2014 or something. It's called Street Fighter Assassin's Fist, and it's a story about Ryu and Ken learning, ,uh, learning how to use Hado, and like how to use the magic behind like the Shoryuken and the Hadouken, and stuff like that, and it is fucking really good.

Willie: Yeah, I don't think I remember that at all.

Joseph: Dude, watch it. Watch it soon since we're like on the topic of Street Fighter. It is maybe the best adaptation of taking combat from a video game and then reimagining it as live action. It's fucking really well done. And like the choreography, like, it makes these special moves in Street Fighter that Ken and Ryu have seem very real, and it's fucking fantastic.

Willie: Yeah, that sounds cool. That definitely sounds like something I'll check out.

Joseph: I think it has a really high rating on like Rotten Tomatoes, I bet if I look it up.

Willie: When I just looked it up right now, it looks like it's got like 7.2 out of 10 on IMDb and 92% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Joseph: Yeah, it's fucking really good. I think there was meant to be a cliff hangs at the end. So I think there was meant to be a second part, but it never really happened.

Willie: When I looked at it, one of the Google suggestions was Street Fighter Assassin's Fist 2.

Joseph: Right, like people asking about it, trying to find out.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: They did something called Resurrection, which is, it's much shorter, and I think it's meant to take place like 10 years after the events of Assassin's Fist. I don't think it's like a meant to be a true sequel because it doesn't pick up where Assassin's Fist leaves off. And it cliffhangs like real fucking hard.

Willie: Okay.

Joseph: And I think, I think that's why people are like immediately finishing it and they're like looking it up online because that's how hard the cliffhang is. But damn dude, the fighting and the people that play Ken and Ryu and their sensei, Gouken, the people that play all of them are fucking really good martial artists.

And you can see it, right? Like you see their movement and like the way they pull off of these classic video game kicks and moves and it's like so believable, dude. I rewatched it, and I was shocked at how good it still comes across, especially the combat.

Willie: Yeah, I have it pulled up now, so I'll definitely remember to check it out.

Joseph: Yeah, watch it dude. Unlike both Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, where they do like a, a pretty poor job of reimagining those video game moves in like real combat, this is the complete opposite, dude. Like, you see it and you're like, holy shit.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: You could do this in real life, you know? It's like, if you knew a little bit of magic, like, you could be Ken. (chuckles)

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: That'd be awesome.

Joseph: And they look like the characters. Like the casting is really good too. Like Ken in Assassin's Fist looks like Ken in the game. Not like Miklo in like Ken's outfit costume-

Willie: (chuckling) Yeah.

Joseph: Like spirit costume or some shit.


Willie: I have a few more notes that I do want to get to before we wrap this up, but I will say real fast that I noticed that Zangief, you know when I was thinking about names and how many, like the characters when they were named, I think Zangief was one of the characters who went without a name the longest.

Joseph: Oh shit.

Willie: I don't think his name was said until like 39 minutes in.

Joseph: Oh.

Willie: I'm pretty sure. Cause I think he was just around-

Taylor: Hmm.

Willie: -and it's not until Bison asks Zangief to take Ken and Ryu to get clothes or whatever, to get suited up-

Joseph: Oh, right, right.

Willie: -that anything happens with that. And in that scene, when they are getting their clothes and he throws away their old clothes, he's walking them through their like, locker room.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: Did you notice that like, I can't tell if it's intentional or unintentional, but Zangief hits his head on the first doorway. Oh, I do not remember that. His hair is like, he's got the like mohawk, right? And his hair sort of hits the doorway and he like has to duck to get out of the way.

Joseph: Nice.

Willie: And he sort of plays it off on the second thing. Like the second he goes into the next room and there's a chandelier or a light hanging from the ceiling. And he, he sort of sees it and then like moves out of the way. Like he's doing it on purpose now.

Joseph: Uh-huh.

Willie: And then on the next doorway, he's also like moving very intentionally to get out of the way of the door. But I think on the first one, like-

Joseph: Is it exaggerated?

Willie: Yes.

Joseph: Okay, okay.

Willie: And I think on the first one, like he legit like hit his head and then was like playing it up for the camera for the next like two things to make sure he didn't hit his head, but also to make it very noticeable and make the first one look intentional. Like he was just moving out of the way.

Joseph: That's great. Yeah, I did not catch that.

Taylor: That's cool.

Willie: It's really silly looking. Around that same time, I had a question cause I've never really thought about this, but they synchronize their watches to go on this mission.

Joseph: Umm, yeah, 0500 and 0600.

Willie: Yeah. Right. Those are the two times. But there's also a clock in the room that's running next to them that says 1159 at the time that he says we're going to synchronize on 0500.

And I don't understand, I kind of, I understand that like when you synchronize on a time, it doesn't matter what the actual time is, but wouldn't you like pick something close to the real world time? (Joseph and Willie laugh)

Joseph: Yeah, like, uh, 1 p. m.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: 1300.

Willie: Yeah, wouldn't you say 1300 instead of... 0500.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: It seems very weird because there's literally a giant clock like, stand... right next to him, that you can see the seconds counting on-

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: -when he says we're going to synchronize on 0500. And I was like, wait, what?

Joseph: I assume. Yeah, I totally agree with you. I assume that was for the enunciation reasons.

Willie: Okay.

Joseph: Right? Like, like 0500 sounds so much more military than like 1300. You have to have the zero in there to make it sound like official.

Taylor: Mm-hmm.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: I bet that's what it was like, they probably wrote it in for that reason.

Taylor: Agreed.

Willie: And then the last notes that I'll say real fast are about Bison again. His room where he takes Chun-Li to the back, which by the way, both Bison and Guile are pretty creepy and pervy in this film, right?

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: Throughout.

Joseph: Oh, especially at the end with, with Guile at the end, he's like, as long as you wear that dress.

Willie: Yeah. And then she just laughs at it. It's like, whoa, what the fuck? And I understand that she hates Bison, right? And maybe she likes Guile now, but it's so still fucked up. They're still being creepy.

Taylor: Still creepy.

Joseph: It is creepy, yeah.

Willie: But in Bison's room, he's got a fucking badass skull chandelier. Did you see that? Like, it's a chandelier made of skulls and bones, that's huge and takes up the entire fucking center portion of the roof area.

Joseph: I don't remember it.

Willie: It's ridiculously over the top, but it's pretty fucking cool. But he also has that painting of himself as a sad clown, which is real weird.

Joseph: Right, right. In like the corner of the room? (Taylor laughs) There's such a difference between that painting and the other painting where he like, looks like fucking Napoleon or something-

Willie: Right, mounted on a horse. Yeah.

Joseph: -like on horseback. (laughing) That sad clown.

Willie: (laughing) Yeah. It's so weird.

Joseph: What is that?

Willie: And then, he has a badass fireplace in that room too, right? It's got the Shadaloo-like skull with fire in it, and then it does that ridiculous shot where, when he's like, maniacally laughing at them getting poisoned, like they all get trapped in that room and it fills with tear gas or whatever.

Taylor: It's gas!

Willie: Yeah, he's behind that cover, that like, secure area, and he starts (Taylor laughs) maniacally laughing, and then it overlays with the skull fireplace, over his face. It's just ridiculous.

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: Yeah, you're right. I couldn't imagine any other person playing that role, ever.


Willie: Yeah, I'm trying to think what other things real fast on my list that I haven't, we haven't already talked about. I feel like there's a lot of them. Other than, I wrote a note here that's just like loud as fuck while sneaking. Because when they were sneaking onto the island and they're just like trying to break into shit. They're like don't even care that people are close to them. They're just being loud as fuck.

Some of the stuff we already hinted at but we, what we didn't talk about is in the fight between Bison and Guile is two big things. One is Guile's Flash Kick. That he does.

Joseph: Mm, he, they doubled it too.

Willie: Yeah, he does like the Super Double Flash, except he like, it's not exactly the same because you can't, I guess they didn't put him on wires to do like two backflips and they just did it one backflip at a time. So he does it twice.

Joseph: Uh huh.

Willie: But that's pretty ridiculous.

Taylor: Imagine if they were proposing that and he fucking was like, no, no, you don't need to do that. I'll just do two backflips. They don't, they don't give a shit. (Taylor and Willie laugh) Okay.

Joseph: It's classic Van Damme repetition. In those shots, right? Like he does the 360 kick and he like, he does it usually like three times.

Taylor: Oh yeah..

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: That 360 kick. How about that fucking, uh, you talking about when he did it on a Bison, like when he was fighting him that 360 kick he does?.

Joseph: I'm actually talking about like all his other movies.

Taylor: Oh, okay. Oh, yeah.

Joseph: Well, the way they repeat it.

Taylor: Yeah. Well, and also, yeah, they repeated it, but also the way that they like cut it. They cropped it so much that when he's doing his, his like sweep kick, all you can see is from his lower chest down to his knees basically, through the sweep kick. (Joseph laughing)

And that's the shot. I don't understand. I feel like, I feel like they, they shot 20 hours or a hundred hours of footage for this movie and dumped it in somebody's lap. And were like, make this make sense, and also come up with a story.

Joseph: Mm.

Taylor: It's like how this movie seems to be. (laughs)

Willie: (chuckling) Yeah.

Joseph: Dump the choreography on the editor, and like make this into a fight scene.

Taylor: Yeah. And that's what, that's what it seems like. And that's what the cuts all felt like. Like the 60 cuts in 2 minutes seem like you just gave this dude a lot of these scenes and the dialogue and everything, and were just like, I guess that's what an editor does or whatever you consider that person, the editor, producer, but oof.

Joseph: It also feels like the opposite. They didn't have enough footage, so then they had to take only the clips they had and like fucking butcher them into a scene.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: Which like gets us that crop that's in way too close.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: Oh shit, this is the only clip we have of him kicking. We're going to have to find a way to make it work. So let's just crop into it.

Taylor: That's a good point. He's already working on three other movies, like we can't (all laughing) get him in here. This is not happening. So, wow.


Willie: In that same scene, you know, Guile defeats Bison, and then Bison's suit powers him back up, it does CPR, and-

Taylor: Oh yeah.

Joseph: Oh yeah, it revives him,

Taylor: Yeah, the shock. Oh man.

Willie: -and then he like, is able to shoot electricity.

Taylor: Right.

Willie: And the other thing that we didn't talk about is when he's like, when he talks about like,

Joseph: Like god status.

Willie: Well yeah, but he talks about what, how he's like, Guile's like, "oh I thought this was gonna be a fair fight," like no weapons or whatever, and he's like, These aren't weapons, like, this is superconductor electromagnetism.

Taylor: Yeah. (laughing)

Willie: (laughing) It's like...

Taylor: Yep. (laughing)

Joseph: (laughing) This is science, Guile.

Taylor: Yeah, man.

Joseph: I love how normal it was for him.

Taylor: Oh, yeah.

Joseph: I mean, he turned into fucking Darth Sidious all of a sudden and he's cool with it.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: Like, he's not at all concerned about being brought back from the dead and like, now have the ability of, you know, fucking God status.

Taylor: Yep.

Joseph: And can shoot electricity like he's fucking Raiden all of a sudden.

Willie: And the line that you referenced, I have written down, which is, you come here prepared to fight a madman and instead you found a God.

Taylor: Yeah, that was a good one. (Joseph laughing) That was a good one.

Joseph: Hell yeah. Hell yeah.

Taylor: (chuckling) Like you're not a madman anymore at this point.

(Joseph laughs)

Willie: Oh, the other thing that sort of tried to sort of try to humanize or make Bison seem like a warrior is earlier in the film when Guile fakes his death, right, and Bison's upset about it.

Joseph: Because he didn't get to kick his ass himself.

Willie: 'Cause he didn't get to fight him himself.

Joseph: (Joseph chuckles) He's like, "I'm mourning."

Willie: Like, he goes on how he wishes that he, you know, he wanted to meet him in person to fight him one on one or whatever. And another one of those references that feels like an homage, uh, homage to like something else is, he's like lamenting over not getting to fight him and he says, the road not taken.

Okay. So now we're just, we're just naming shit now.

Joseph: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's funny. You know, but he had no problem of jumping on the sticks. And fucking blowing them up in the water.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: You know, when he, he thought he eliminated them there, there was no remorse.

Willie: Yeah. Another sort of quote that's very close to something else is towards the end of the film again, is when Dhalsim is talking to Guile, I guess, again, he says, if good men do nothing, that is evil enough.

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: And it's like so close to that other quote, but also not that quote.

Joseph: I actually like when he says that in the movie. It's like the most real the movie ever gets, right? (Taylor and Willie chuckle) I mean, Guile's basically like, you said you didn't do anything.

He's like, well, that's the fucking problem.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: And it being toward the end of the film. But I also, it just fit very well with the way they portrayed Dhalsim in the film.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: But I, I thought that line was actually really good.

Taylor: I... they could've done anything at any time and it'd be okay in that movie.

I feel like anything, like anything that's better than sub par.

Joseph: They did everything, all the the time.

Taylor: Yeah, exactly. That, that might be more it.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Maybe it was one of those directors-

Joseph: (mimmicking Bison) I guess you didn't see that, did you?

Taylor: One of those directors that when you go in, it's just like, I want you to overact everything. If you think you should cry, you should cry more. Scream cry!

Joseph: The disrespect, the disrespect that Bison... (Taylor and Joseph chuckle) gave Sagat.


Willie: Literally, I have last two things (chuckles) that I'll say really quickly is, you know, we talked about characters at the end ending up in their sort of character form from the game. At the end we see Zangief, like, without his shirt, finally, and he's got, he doesn't have the tattoo on him, but he has a scar that's very much close to the shape of the, like, sickle, and, but it's not quite that.

Joseph: Yeah.

Taylor: Mm-hmm.

Joseph: Originally, like, at the beginning of the film, re-watching it, I thought, he looks like the character for sure.

Taylor: Oh yeah, that was killer.

Joseph: Like, he's the, he's the person in the movie you don't have to say the name of because you get it instantly.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Yep.

Joseph: But I originally thought he was too small. I was like, man, he looks just like him, but he needs to be bigger.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: And then when we get toward the end of the film, I was like, okay, he's big enough.

Taylor: He's a big dude.

Joseph: Like somehow my perspective changed like toward the end. And then you actually see him with the shirt off. I was like, okay, this is actually a big fucking dude.

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: I was trying to remember like who he was the whole film. And it wasn't until the very end that I was like, oh, it's fucking, it's Latimer from The Program. (chuckles)

Joseph: Oh wow. (chuckles)

Taylor: Oh man.

Willie: That's who it is.

Taylor: That makes sense.

Joseph: (chuckles) I didn't even think about him in anything else.

Willie: I was so confused for the entire film.

Joseph: Because he had long hair, right?

Willie: Yeah, yeah.

Taylor: In The Program. Yeah. Okay. That's right. Oh, wow. That's ridiculous.

Willie: Yeah. And then the last character note is Sagat ending like with Dee Jay, when they're like looking at the money or whatever, and you see Sagat and what's happened to him. And he fi... he has the scar across his chest now that he just got from fighting Ken and Ryu. It's so weird how they like shoehorned everything in to like-

Joseph: Yeah.

Willie: -get characters looking, to get to the end, which you, you posted in our group thread, which is that (Joseph laughs) pose at the end of the film. (chuckles)

Joseph: Right.

Taylor: Insanity.

Joseph: Oh my gosh. I, I do think the, the actor that played Chun-Li, she did the pose perfectly in that photo.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: Like when Chun-Li wins a fight or wins a round, she nailed it.

Willie: It's also awesome that it's... I didn't remember until watching the film that it's, it's Ming-Na Wen.

Taylor: Yeah, no.

Willie: It's like, obviously like-

Taylor: She's awesome.

Willie: -badass now.

Taylor: Mm hmm.

Willie: Which I also didn't remember that Cammy was Kylie Minogue.

Joseph: Mm.

Willie: I totally forgot that and wrote that in my notes at the very beginning because her name was one of the first names to come up.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: So when, when you were younger, did you say Sa-got or Saget?

Willie: I probably would have said, uh, Saget. I'm pretty sure.

Joseph: I think we were saying-

Taylor: Yeah, like Bob.

Joseph: -Saget as kids.

Willie: Yeah. I think so too.

Joseph: Yeah. Like the Bob.

Taylor: The Bob Saget.

Willie: It wasn't until watching this film again. Remembering like, oh, it's Sa-got. That's how everybody says it anyway.

Joseph: There's I think, one time where somebody says, Saget.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: Or it's closer to Saget, and I don't remember who it is.

Willie: I would assume it's Guile, because I feel like-

(Joseph laughs)

Taylor: Yeah, dude.

Willie: I feel like his pronunciation, his pronunciations change throughout.

Joseph: Uh-huh.

Willie: Because, there is that moment, like I said, where he says ree-ooh, but I do think he says Ryu and Ken, like prior to that, somewhere else.

Joseph: Mm-hmm. Yeah. Interesting. Oh, Taylor, I think you, I think you popped up for a second when I was talking about Street Fighter Assassin's Fist.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: But if you want to watch something that's good, like, uh, good Street Fighter.

Taylor: Go on.

Joseph: Watch Assassin's Fist.

Taylor: Okay. I'll check that out, because yeah, I could use a little palette cleanser.

Joseph: You can find the whole movie. It's like almost three hours.

Taylor: Hmm.

Joseph: I don't know why Rotten Tomatoes says it's like an hour and 45 minutes because it's like twice that length.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: But you can find the whole thing on YouTube and it is very good.


Willie: Wait, I lied. There's one more thing because I didn't know this at all. (Taylor chuckles)

I didn't realize that they made a game out of this movie.

Joseph: Oh, right.

Taylor: Wow.

Willie: There is a Street Fighter: The Movie video game-

Joseph: Uh-huh.

Willie: -which has all of the characters from the movie, which is where they introduce Sawada. Who is, I think, a captain in this film. He is actually in the game, which is the first time he's a playable character in any of the Street Fighter games, because he's just a made up character for the movie.

And I believe that Akuma is also in the Street Fighter: The Movie video game as well.

Joseph: Mm.

Taylor: Hmm.

Willie: I wrote a note here for that, but I'm not 100% certain. I can't confirm that, but I think that he is. But other than that...

Joseph: Yeah, that's a game I never played.

Willie: I didn't either. But, literally, it's all of the characters modeled from... from the movie. So like Jean-Claude Van Damme and Ming-Na Wen and Kylie Minogue, like all of the cast are in the, the game of the movie.

Taylor: Oh, wow. (Joseph laughs) How'd that game do?

Willie: I don't know.

Joseph: No idea, dude.

Taylor: Yeah. Never heard of it, so...

Willie: I didn't either.

Joseph: Never played it as a kid, so.

Willie: I had no idea until, I maybe knew that at some point, but never played it obviously.

Joseph: Yeah. That is definitely the, certainly the game you forget about existing for sure.

Taylor: Yeah. Absolutely. Especially when it's already got a good game, like what the fuck are you doing? (Willie chuckles)

Willie: I mean, I think that's cool that, you know, they all got to be in a video game.

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: I'm looking at my notes and there's a bullet point that is Chun-Li kicks the shit out of Bison in his pimp ass crib.

(all laugh)

Taylor: Right after he catches her punch, she's like, "uh uh uh."

Joseph: Yeah, after he's talking shit about her never throwing a punch-

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: -in the whole movie, she beats his ass.

Taylor: Yep.

Joseph: On that note, good night, Shadaloo!

Taylor: Shadaloo, good morning, shadaloo!

Joseph: I'll say with that then, um, I'll call attention again to what Taylor pointed out earlier, that there's a dedication at the end of this movie to Raúl Juliá, uh, that just says Vaya con Dios, because he didn't, I don't know if he even got to see the final version of this since he passed away before it was released.

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: But I, I think we covered all of it. I'm sure there are people out there who want to watch it and yeah, go back, listen to what Joey said and go watch this if you want, or go check out Street Fighter, what is it, Assassin's Fist?

Joseph: Assassin's Fist, yeah.

Taylor: Spoiler alert also, Bison dies. (Joseph and Willie laugh) Yeah, I can't wait to check that one out. That sounds really cool.

Joseph: Oh yeah, dude. You'll enjoy it.

[Outro theme begins to fade in - Caribbean Arcade by Christian Nanzell]

Willie: Yeah, with that, I'll just say thanks for listening. Uh, if you made it this far with this, we appreciate it. And if you have not listened to the other earlier episodes, go back and do that. Go check out the outtakes and hijinks. We really appreciate every listen or if you can tell your friend about it, so thanks.

Taylor: Thanks for hanging.

Joseph: Yeah.

Taylor: Get back to your games.

Joseph: Get back to it.

Taylor: Get back in your game hole.

Joseph: Bisonopolis.

[Outro theme continues - Caribbean Arcade by Christian Nanzell]


Joseph: Berries and Blades is an independent podcast created by Joseph Bullard, Willie Garza and Taylor Garratt. Thanks for tuning in, and consider subscribing if you enjoyed listening to this episode. You can also support us by telling your friends about the show, and we hope to see you in the next episode of Berries and Blades. Until then, thanks again.

[Outro theme fades out - Caribbean Arcade by Christian Nanzell]

Taylor: Get yours today. The hip belt, quick fire hip belt. Are you tired of your homies shooting you down? Shoot them down, with the quick fire hip belt. Stay strapped homies, stay strapped.