Berries & Blades

Outtakes & Hijinks - Part 4

Episode Summary

311's Tiny Desk Concert, fake Deadpool & Wolverine trailers, and Steve Goggins? Join us for another mashup of outtakes, hijinks, and other shenanigans.

Episode Notes

311's Tiny Desk Concert, fake Deadpool & Wolverine trailers, and Steve Goggins? Join us for another mashup of outtakes, hijinks, and other shenanigans.

In this episode, we take you behind the scenes for a collection of audio clips that didn't make it into episodes 31–39. Mostly, these clips are a little too off-topic to include in regular conversations, so we're featuring them in this episode to celebrate our foolishness. Taylor nails his impersonation of Doug "SA" Martinez from 311, Willie admits to playing Creed cover songs in high school, and Joseph emphasizes that he doesn't pay $60 for a game to send a bunch of emails in it. Also, Taylor's a copper, traffic stopper, a pill popper. "I did it by myself!" 

Here's the full transcript for this episode.

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The music you hear on the podcast is by ELFLLexica, and Christian Nanzell.

Episode Transcription


[Alienated by ELFL plays in background]

Taylor: Oh, okay. It's probably one of those trailers where they like chopped it together or something. Maybe they're speculating on what all will happen, but-

Willie: Maybe.

Taylor: -if I remember correctly, that's supposed to be a, uh, like another multidimensional thing. They're traveling through time and dimensions or something, [Joseph laughs] or man, I probably watched like a totally fucked trailer.

Willie: Maybe.

[Taylor laughs]

Joseph: Taylor got the fan made, the fan made trailer.

Taylor: [laughing] Yeah, I did. You have like Daredevil is in it from... [Joseph laughs] ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh man, Wolverine just blinds him for real or whatever.

Joseph: Yeah, that's the story.

Willie: I see something from two days ago, but I [Taylor chuckles] don't know if it's legit.

Taylor: There was one from like, yeah, it might have been two days or less than a week ago for sure. It was like the final trailer for it and-

Willie: Yeah, that's fake.

Taylor: -it was like all, motherfucker.

Willie: I'm looking at it now and I'm like [Joseph laughing] looking at it and it's fake.

Taylor: Bro...[laughs]

Joseph: Wow.

Taylor: It was so ridiculous. It showed, uh, it showed Wolverine like about to face off against Thanos. And he's like, let's fucking go or something.

Joseph: Oh my gosh, I'm glad it's fake.

Taylor: I was like, okay, that's ridiculous. But also my ticket is [laughs] secure, [Joseph and Willie laugh] if that was the case.

Joseph: Oh man.

[Alienated by ELFL fades out]

[Intro theme plays - Tiger Tracks by Lexica]


Joseph: What's up everyone? Welcome to Berries and Blades. Thanks for tuning in for a casual conversation about video games. My name is Joseph and I'm here with my friends, Willie and Taylor, and we're just three guys wondering which Olympic sport we would compete in if we could choose any of them, but I digress.

So what's up, y'all?

Taylor: I was pulling up a list of sports that I might like to partake in and, uh, came across ski ballet, which looks magical.

Joseph: Oh, shit.

Taylor: Yeah, evidently from 1988 to 1992, ski ballet was something.

Joseph: Ski ballet. Wow.

Taylor: And the few gifs I've seen of it are incredible. So I feel like that's a route that I'll go if they ever bring that back, maybe I'll learn to ski and then learn ballet.

Joseph: It's interesting you chose winter, a winter game sport. Not that there was like a requirement to be summer games, but since the summer games are happening right now.

Taylor: Maybe that's because I haven't stopped sweating for seven months

[Joseph chuckles]

so... well, now we had those cold fronts in, uh, May and July.

Joseph: Yeah, it got down to 78.

Taylor: Classically. [laughs] Yeah, no, no. We, we got, I want to say it might have been June or May that we got a cold front came through and knocked us down to like 60 degrees.

Joseph: Mm.

Taylor: It was chilly outside.

Joseph: It's probably 60 degrees outside here right now.

Taylor: Ooh. Maybe. It's also raining. But, uh. Willie, what would you choose? Any Olympic sport?

Willie: Um, I don't know if it changed after I looked at the list of Olympic sports, but my first thing immediately when you asked was archery. I was like, I'd probably just do archery.

Joseph: Yeah, archery is at the top of my list.

Willie: I've always liked archery, taught archery for a little while. I feel like I could get back into it.

Joseph: Yeah, I would love that. I don't think I have the eyesight for it, but I think I could mechanically, I think it kind of fits in line with my interest. I think the hammer throw is badass. I mean, obviously I'm not big enough to throw the hammer, but that would be super fun.

And I'm also not fast enough to run the hundred meter, the hundred meter, but that's like a prime time premiums.

Willie: You could go out there. You could do it. You could out there in last...

Joseph: Yeah, I'll run it in 20 seconds instead of sub 10 seconds.

Taylor: You got this.

Willie: I was looking at this list of sports in the Olympics and I saw a couple things that stood out, not that I would do them, but I was just confused as to what they are.

Joseph: Mm.

Willie: One is futsal.

Joseph: I don't know what that is either.

Willie: It's f u t s a l.

Joseph: What is that?

Willie: It's a portmanteau of futbol and sala, which in Spanish would mean like basically indoor football. It's like football in a hall.

Joseph: Shit.

Taylor: I think that's a Trent Reznor song [Willie chuckles] if-

Joseph: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Taylor: -I remember correctly. That's a, people really like that one. Football in a hole.

Willie: Yeah, it's a five a side format of football and the only form of indoor football approved by world governing governing body FIFA. So I assume it's actually-

Joseph: Hmm.

Willie: -indoor soccer, right?

Joseph: Interesting. Another one, I, I think winter games, I would choose curling and then I could also go for BMX racing since that was like a huge interest of mine as a kid.

Willie: Yeah, I was trying to think of things that might actually be competitive in right now. And I feel like a shooting sport, like a act, like a shooting with pistols, like air pistols or archery, I could do. At an Olympic level, probably not, but at least it would be, it's more Olympic level than me trying to run a hundred meters right now.

[Joseph and Taylor laughing]

Taylor: Yeah, that shit would be Olympic level. I think it's, I saw in the 1900s, um, there was a, uh, life saving sport so-

Joseph: Oh wow.

Taylor: -yeah, if they bring that back, then maybe I'll try the [Joseph and Willie chuckle] a hundred meters. And just so I'll have those guys real close and like, we can combine our sports together-

Joseph: Nice.

Taylor: -if I go down, I'd be, I'd be okay with that.

Joseph: Yeah, that's great.

Willie: The interesting thing about the list of Olympic sports is when you hover over them, there's an icon that comes up for each one and there's one called Skeleton. And it's just-

Joseph: Mm.

Willie: -a person laying flat on their stomach with their head like forward. [Joseph chuckles] And they're clearly just like on a sled or something, but I didn't know it was called Skeleton.

Taylor: Sure it's not just a picture of somebody who got arrested?

Willie: [chuckles] They're at a -

Taylor: Maybe...they just uploaded the wrong...

Willie: -downward angle so...

Joseph: Someone's planking.

Taylor: Yeah. [laughs]

Willie: So weird.

Joseph: Street luge-ish.

Willie: Oh man, I haven't seen that in a long time.

Joseph: I know. Bobsledding is pretty fucking cool too. Especially when you think of it in the context of Cool Runnings.

Taylor: Do they still do street luge and things like that? That's like Summer X Games, right? That's not Olympics.

Joseph: Yeah, not an Olympic sport that I know of.

Taylor: I haven't seen that in a long time. Did somebody not make it down [Joseph and Willie laugh] that hill or something and maybe stop doing that?

Joseph: Did something super tragic happen to eliminate the sport altogether?

Taylor: Yeah, sometimes that's what it takes and... it looks exhilarating though. Can't be too mad at it.

Joseph: Yeah, I have no idea.

Willie: Yeah, I don't know. I have to look into it later.

Joseph: You know, uh, billiards could be pretty cool as an Olympic sport.

Taylor: Oh, yeah.

Willie: Yeah. I'm so bad at it. I don't know why.

Joseph: I never really had a good enough grasp on how to implement English, even though I kind of understand physically how it works. I never really was able to, like, learn how to use English or apply English.

Taylor: Anybody I ever knew that used English, used like, force. It was like a brute force hit the top right or top left of the ball. Usually they were also the person that was keen on, like, knocking the ball off the table constantly and that kind of shit cause they're trying to get squirrely with it. Or they're really drunk.

Joseph: Word. Okay, well, we made it to episode 40, which means it's time for more outtakes and hijinks.

Taylor: [whispered] Yes.

Joseph: We've been putting together one of these collections every 10 episodes, so there's three more to check out if you find this one interesting. Most of the clips you'll hear today are from off air moments, and were either completely unrelated to gaming or just too ridiculous to keep in a regular episode. Anyway, we appreciate your interest in our foolishness and thanks for being here. We hope you enjoy this collection of outtakes and we'll see you again soon.




Joseph: Alright, let me take a sip.

See my nipples leaking.

Taylor: See my nipples leak in the sun.

Joseph: That was another classic Taylor line.

Taylor: Wow, shit.

Joseph: Tweaking. [laughs] See my nipples leaking. [laughs]


G Pedo. G Pedobite.

Taylor: Yeah, G, G pedabyte, but that's good to know. I mean, I like, uh, I likes to.... Oh, fuck you, mic. [Willie laughs] I even had it leaning back and it fucking did this somehow.

Willie: It needs-

Taylor: Man.

Willie: -some fucking gaffer tape.

Taylor: It has hardcore [Willie chuckles] duct tape on it. I thought that that would do it. And it's being a little biatch.


And that's part of the fellowship. You get it out in stipends or however the pay may happen. But it essentially guarantees that artist, x amount of money to live on for the next x amount of time to create something fucking badass or whatever.

Joseph: Stippins?

Taylor: Well, yeah, you know, like payments, like...

Joseph: Like a stipend?

Taylor: Allocations. Stipends. [Joseph laughs] I don't know, dude. I don't know.

Joseph: I've never heard it pronounced stippins.

Taylor: Well, it's cause I'm British, um secretly. [Joseph and Willie laugh]

Joseph: Yeah, yeah.

Taylor: [laughs] You motherfucker.


If they would have come out right now [Willie chuckles] with that name.

Joseph: Oh, they'd be fucking, ultra superstars.

Taylor: Yeah, dude, it doesn't matter what their music sounded like. They would have been, they could have just been up on stage. "Lit fam." And everybody's "lit fam."

[Joseph and Taylor laugh]

Joseph: You know how often, man, you know how often people would make that joke about Lit if they were relevant-

Taylor: Oh my god.

Joseph: -in 2024.

Taylor: That's yeah, it's true.

Oh my god.

Joseph: Lit is so lit.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: It might not even exist, honestly, as a, as a meme phrase, if they were relevant now.

Joseph: Oh, like Lit would have canceled out the opportunity for it becoming a thing.

Taylor: Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Willie: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: People would have just, yeah. Cause then you're just saying the name of a band constantly. And that, you know is... can't be lame,

Joseph: Right, they did My Own Enemy, right?

Taylor: Oh, yeah.

Joseph: [with Willie] My Own Worst Enemy.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Fucking amazing song. That first album. I jammed the shit out of it. I love that whole album.

Willie: Yeah, it was good.

Taylor: It was a good one. That's the way it always is, right? Like they didn't, they didn't overthink it. You know, not, not all the words were just fucking perfect or anything like they were

Joseph: Right, right.

Taylor: The wording would sometimes be a little weird and twisted, but it would... it was great. I thought that was an amazing album just to fucking jam and they had a good message for the most part.

Joseph: Yeah, it was just good like alternative [Willie chuckles] pop music.

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: That one with My Own Worst Enemy, I think that's actually their second album. I don't know that people-

Taylor: It might be.

Willie: -a lot of people-

Taylor: Yeah, that sounds right.

Willie: -didn't listen to their first actually.

Taylor: That sounds right. They got with a good producer.

Joseph: It was just like what it was, right? Like, I mean, we're not... it's no, Leonard Cohen, fucking Tom Waits, Tom writing....

Willie: Yeah, they weren't rewriting the fucking wheel by any means, but it was just great. And it was like the good, um, that was like a quintessential nineties fucking-

Joseph: Yes.

Taylor: -jam right there.

Joseph: That was on Now 17. I'm pretty sure. [all laughing]

Taylor: Yeah. [singing] It's another world, but it's something more than.

Joseph: And then it would just cut to, uh, [singing] Heart in a Blender, watch it spin around.

Taylor: Oh yeah, [singing] beautiful oblivion! Rendevouz.


Willie: This definitely dates this recording, but, uh

Joseph: Yeah, by a couple decades. [Joseph and Taylor laugh]

Willie: No, well, did you notice yesterday, or for 3/11, that 311 had an NPR Tiny Desk concert?

Joseph: Oh my.

Taylor: Oh god.

Joseph: Was it good?

Willie: It was interesting, for sure. The main singer sounds exactly like he always did, which is, is good.

Joseph: Both good and bad.

Willie: The other guy is a little weird.

Joseph: That fucker was always weird. [Taylor chuckles]

Willie: Well, it's a little weirder now to see, you know, I don't know, like a maybe 50 year old dude-

Joseph: Yeah, jumping around like a fucking bean-

Willie: -sound like that.

Joseph: -and fucking sounding like a fool.

[Taylor scatting to the rhythm of Down by 311] [Joseph laughs]

Willie: I still dig it.

Joseph: You, you like it?

Willie: I still dig it, but it's an interesting watch-

Joseph: Oh, man.

Willie: -for sure.

Taylor: [singing in the rhythm of Down by 311] Gonna, gonna listen to 311.

Joseph: Yeah, yeah.

Taylor: [Scatting in the rhythm of Down by 311] [ all laughing]

Joseph: Oh, my.

Taylor: [continuing to sing in the rhythm of Down by 311] ...stop it now.

Joseph: [More scatting in the rhythm of Down by 311] [Joseph and Taylor laughing]

Willie: Yeah, okay, hold on. I know we're in the middle of some shit, but you gotta [Joseph and Taylor laughing] You gotta get this clip real quick.

Taylor: [More scatting in the rhythm of Down by 311]

Willie: I gotta send this to you so you know.

Joseph: Yeah, dude's like a worst Dave Matthews on like crack [Taylor laughs] .

Taylor: Amazing. Amazing.

Joseph: Oh man. Yeah.

Taylor: I will jam out to some 311 anytime though. Even their most annoying, uh, mainstream hits.

Joseph: 311's, the worst concert I've ever been to.

Taylor: Really? Like live.

Willie: Oh, really?

Taylor: Just awful live. Oh man.

Joseph: They weren't awful live. The crowd was horrendous.

Taylor: Oh, that'll do it too

Joseph: The crowd-

Taylor: Just the crowd be...

Joseph: -completely ruined the show.

Taylor: -insufferable.

Joseph: Yeah, it was like a bunch of, a bunch of preppy guys in like Abercrombie shirts and-

Taylor: Yeah, I was going to say it sounds like, uh-

Joseph: -Von Dutch hats.

Taylor: -it sounds like 311 and, uh, Fred Durst, like whatever that Limp Bizkit would be a great fucking, like, you're definitely going to merge the crowds.

Willie: Dude, Limp Bizkit is one of the best concerts I've ever seen. [chuckles] Yeah.

Taylor: Really!? Were hat's turned backwards?

Willie: Just so fucking hype-

Taylor: That's all I need to know.

Willie: -is all it was.

Taylor: Oh, I've seen the fucking, uh, Woodstock, uh,

Joseph: Oh, 99.

Willie: Oh, yeah.

Taylor: And him being like the, the pivotal moment of [Taylor and Willie laugh] the whole thing makes-

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: -so much sense.

Joseph: We listened to, um, Significant Other on the way to Austin recently.

Willie: Nice.

Joseph: Yeah, I listened to the, the whole album. And when it got to Break Stuff, man, I was, I was thinking about Woodstock and how hard the fucking crowd went, but it made me kind of come to terms. That song is kind of fucking hard.

Willie: Yeah, it is.

Joseph: It goes way harder than it should.

Taylor: Yeah. And that was when, uh, when Wes, the guitarist was like at his peak too-

Joseph: Yeah, man.

Taylor: -of that era, like-

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: -people were like that motherfuckers shredding, let's go-

Joseph: Yeah, seven strings.

Taylor: -beat someone up or whatever, you know, whatever happened.

Yeah. Seven strings!.

Willie: He's just one of the most underrated guitarists that exist just because his style, I mean, his style is not like Tom Morello, but it's, this similar, like, I'm going to do some weird stuff with this guitar and it's going to sound cool.

Taylor: Yeah, he fucking-

Willie: I did put a clip-

Taylor: -crushed it.

Willie: Or I... it's not a clip, I just posted the YouTube for the Tiny Desk.

Joseph: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Willie: And put it at the beginning of a song.

Taylor: Oh, that sounds great.

Willie: Yeah, it does sound really good in there, but there's a reason you need to listen to that.

Joseph: The Tiny Desk?

Willie: Yeah, yeah. Just because of the way that Taylor was singing that whole thing.

Joseph: Oh man, these guys look pretty fucking hip. Oh, oh, until they...,

Willie: Yeah, it's weird, how...

Joseph: Oh, no. Until, what's his name, McGrath? Scott McGrath? Is that his name?

Willie: [chuckling] I don't know [Taylor laughing] what his name is. I don't think so but...

Joseph: Sounds like a fucking motocross racer.

Taylor: He sounds like the motorcycle itself.

Willie: It sounds like you're mixing him up with-

Taylor: Mark McGrath.

Willie: -Mark McGrath- [Taylor and Willie laugh]

Joseph: Yeah, yeah.

Taylor: He does look like his brother.

Willie: -he's not...

Taylor: He looks like his brother, Scott McGrath.

Joseph: Yeah.

Taylor: Or Mick. Mick McGrath.

Joseph: That's what I was doing.

Willie: Nick Hexum is his name..

Joseph: Sugar Ray. Yeah, yeah.

Taylor: [laughing] Sugar Ray.

Joseph: Sugar Ray.

Taylor: Yup.

Joseph: Why does that dude look like a fuckin like year 2000 Mark McGrath's dad in 2024 is what 311 guy looks like. Nick Hexum.

Taylor: Not gonna lie. They're still jamming the fuck out though that shit sounds great. Man!

Willie: He's like 54 now.

Taylor: That's fucking legit.

Willie: Will be 54.

Joseph: He looks like a cleaned up fucking James Hatfield. [chuckles]

Taylor: He reminds me of that guy from the, uh, from that Netflix movie that just came out recently. The one, uh, or, or maybe he was also the guy in the, um, oh man. What's that dude's fucking name?

Joseph: Oh shit, man.

Taylor: What? What happened?

Joseph: Oh, this fucking bald dude. [singing] My chest. Wow.

Willie: I'm surprised that the NPR got 'em to do that Tiny Desk.

Taylor: He sounds exactly the same, though. Oh, what'd you say, Willie?


Willie: Oh, I'm just surprised they got 'em to do one, which is pretty interesting. But they're also... they're not, you know, nu metal, but they're like, you know, rock from the late 90s or whatever.

But it's interesting because you were talking about Limp Bizkit or whatever, there's been such a resurgence of nu metal lately.

Joseph: Yeah, man.

Willie: People are rediscovering it and being like, Oh, this was really good, wasn't it? It's like, yeah, there was a reason it was fucking huge.

Joseph: Yeah, it was the biggest thing on the fucking planet in fucking 99.

Willie: Yeah, it had a huge crossover for a lot of people who heard it for the first time were like, Oh, this is what metal music sounds like. But yeah, it's been interesting to see people and like get back on the train with like Limp Bizkit, like Fred Durst is kind of a piece of shit-

Joseph: Mm-hmm.

Willie: -for lots of reasons, but also what they put together was like fucking... pretty fucking good.

Joseph: Mm-hmm. Yeah, man. There's a reason they were like fucking, they had like 10 fucking plus hits. Ten hits.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Ten hits. 2000.

Joseph: But also it was on the front end of all of that, dude. It was on the front end of that movement, like Korn and Limp Bizkit. Mid 90s.

Taylor: Mm hmm. [beep]

Willie: Oh, in addition to watching Creed videos lately, I did, I did watch pretty much a whole Limp Bizkit concert.

Joseph: Mm

Willie: It was Lollapalooza in Chile, I think.

Joseph: From back in the day or recent?

Willie: No, no it was recent. A month ago.

Joseph: Oh, no. How was it?

Willie: Fucking great.

Joseph: Shit.

[singing] With arms wide open.

I know you can sing that, Taylor.

[singing] With arms...

Taylor: Of course, if I wanted to. [Willie chuckles]

Joseph: [singing] With arms wide open.

Taylor: If somebody pays me enough, I will sing anything. [Joseph humming the melody to With Arms Wide Open by Creed]

Willie: That would never be a pick, but I've never been afraid to admit that my...

[Joseph humming With Arms Wide Open by Creed]

...basically first show with my band in high school we played like three fucking creed covers, pretty sure.

Taylor: Oh, yeah. Well, that shit was hot [Willie chuckles] back then that was when they were fucking blowing up.

Joseph: Did anybody put their arms out?

Taylor: And we live in like a-

Willie: No, I don't think so.

Taylor: -Christian town and stuff so that was, that was the choice.

Joseph: Then you swung your bass around.

Willie: We did Higher and What's This Life For? and What if?

Joseph: Oh! What's this like for? Man, what was the song that...My Own Prison.

Willie: My Own Prison was the first single, yeah, that got them famous.


Taylor: [singing] See my nipples leakin You fuckin with my tongue so I'm gleekin.

That's what they used to call that. [Joseph laughing] [Taylor laughing]

Joseph: Gleek, man. I could never, I could never intentionally gleek.

Taylor: No, it's always-

Willie: Yeah, I can't do it on purpose, for sure.

Taylor: -it's always exactly when I would never want to do-

Joseph: Yeah, oh whoops. I just gleeked-

Taylor: -that shit, that I shoot.

Joseph: -in your fucking mouth, my bad.

Taylor: Fuck, [Joseph and Taylor laugh] yeah, didn't mean to be, become a fucking cobra for a second [Joseph and Willie laughing] and just shoot you directly in the eyes with a fucking [laughs] sniper shot.

Like, what? [laughs] Why would your mouth do that every once in a while? Oh yeah. Sometimes you're just gonna fucking aim at something. And, [Joseph and Willie laughing] it's like your mouth rebelling for a second. I'm gonna fuck 'em up. I'm gonna fuck 'em up.


Taylor: Shoot a little spit at that thing


Taylor: [Singing the guitar part to Amber by 311]

Joseph: Now I'm just hearing that backup fucking vocalist, dude.

Taylor: Yeah, [singing] take a look at me. You gonna see when I come, [Joseph and Taylor laugh]

Joseph: I will say the little clip I watch in that video, like his voice definitely no longer matches his body and his appearance.

Taylor: No, no, because his voice is exactly the same.

Joseph: Yeah.

Taylor: His voice sounds, he sounds perfect. Both of them do really.


Willie: Okay. Before we get started, go to 1220 in that video to see the start of Down real fast.

Joseph: 1220.

Taylor: [sung in the style of Down by 311] Gonna have a little peek at that, yo. [scatting Down by 311] I don't know any of the words. 1220.

Joseph: [singing] Becomes [Joseph and Willie laughing].

Taylor: [laughs] [singing] My ego becomes.

Willie: It's very weird.

Joseph: [singing] It's your mix. Congratulations.

Taylor: [singing] Jamba, Jamba, Jamba, Jamba.

Joseph: [singing] Take me to the Jamba for a juice drink.

Taylor: Yeah, that's what I assume is that they're doing a...

Willie: Yeah, that's what he shoulda been saying, for sure.

Taylor: Straight up ad.

[singing] Jamba, Jamba. Got the juice in my mouth. [Joseph, Taylor and Willie laughing]

Joseph: Oh, man.

Taylor: [singing] Later on, I'm going to pee it down, down south. [Jospeh laughing] Ju nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh jamba juice! Duh buh duh buh duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh mouth is loose!

Joseph: I thought you were gonna say Mountain Dew.

Taylor: [singing] Give me some Mountain Dew! Dew dew dew dew! [Joseph laughs]

Joseph: Dude, you just nailed the reverb, what? [all laughing]

Taylor: Oh my god.

Joseph: Like you had it loaded up on a frickin stream deck.

Taylor: Dew dew dew dew!


Joseph: Yo, like, there's no way Barbara likes that, right? If Barbara heard him-

Willie: I don't think so, no.

Joseph: -sing like that, there's no way.

Willie: I don't think so. I don't think, I don't think so. I don't know if she's ever really listened to them other than like, you know, their hits like, Amber, you know?

Taylor: She's gonna be like, this sounds like a band that I'm gonna check out.


Willie: If they were brand new right now, today, I think you see that and you're like, nah. Uh uh.

Joseph: Yo, these motherfuckers, yeah, this dude's washed out.

Willie: It'd be weird as fuck.

Joseph: I mean, it's kinda creepy.

Willie: Yeah, there's something about it that's just off, but it's funny because I'd still like all the music and shit still goes, you know?

Joseph: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, it still has that groove, too.

Willie: Yeah, it definitely just takes me back, to like

Joseph: Yeah, immediately.

Willie: For me, it's middle school. It's like, oh shit, I remember this. I remember this, like, very clearly.

Joseph: Dude, now I gotta go watch the video, the music video.

Willie: Yeah.

Joseph: Yeah, I'm gonna do that later. Leave that tab open.

Taylor: Leave it open. Yeah. Yeah, but don't leave it playing.

Joseph: Alright, now you, now you're good.

Willie: You can do this.

Joseph: I'm good now. I got that shit out.



Joseph: 18 minutes.

Taylor: 18 minutes past the hour.

Willie: 18. Let's do it.

Taylor: We're here with Johnny Jazz Hands and we're talking about how do you do that thing you do.


Joseph: [whistling the melody to Holy Diver] Holy Diver..

Taylor: Look out.

Joseph: You've been down too long in the midnight sea.

Gotta get away, get away,


Get down on it.

Taylor: Mm mm.

Joseph: Get down on it.

Taylor: No.


Joseph: Wondering how flat earthers explain a solar eclipse?

Taylor: This will be the episode that we find out if most of our listeners are actually flat earthers. That'll be amazing. Our downloads just drop through the floor.

Joseph: Pfft. That would be great.

Willie: Before we start.

Taylor: Like, well fuck you then.

Willie: I did have a conspiracy about why we got 32 downloads from China in one day. [laughs]

Taylor: Oh wow. [Joseph and Taylor laughing]



Joseph: Shellden Crab. Elden Crab. Shellden Ring.

Taylor: Shellden Ring. Whoa. Yeah. That's a, that's pretty good.


Joseph: Left ear. Left ear. T-Boz.

Willie: Just curious if somehow updating the firmware or whatever, like fixed it.

Taylor: I fucking hate universal audio, dude. I will never buy another one of their fucking things after this. Like the way that, even if it is Apple, which I know that Apple is notorious for like shifting the field a little bit with the development core and everything so that people are always having to be on their toes with updating their shit, but this is ridiculous.

Joseph: It's constant?

Taylor: I don't understand the choice. Yeah, and I don't understand the choice to not let the fucking thing work on its own. It's like, uh, Xbox. It's the same concept of like having to be online to play your fucking games. Okay, well the internet went out, there's nothing to do, let me just go play a game.

Nope, can't do it. Even though I own a bunch of them, they can't, they're one of the leading fucking game developers in the world, and creators, and you know, platform holders, and yet they can't find a way to simply have it check every seven days or something, that you own these fucking games so that you can play them offline, like,


Get yo ass left eared.


Joseph: Yo quiero.

Taylor: That can immediately, if it's not a chalupa, I don't know if I fucking want it.

Joseph: Chalupa.

Taylor: Chalupa.

Joseph: Yeah, we can bring back the uh, Taco Cabana discussion. [Willie chuckles] Part 2.

Taylor: Yeah, do I want to get stabbed for this taco? Part 2. [Willie chuckles]

Joseph: Do you still want to get stabbed in their drive-thru? [Taylor laughs]


Taylor: His favorite sentence right now is, I did it by myself. [all chuckle] And it's super fucking cute. Cause it's like, you didn't do shit. He set up a block or something on top of another block. But it's still like, Oh my god. Please keep saying that. It's the cutest thing ever in my life. I did it by myself and you'll just hear him saying that over [Joseph chuckling] and over in his room last night.

He was just like, I did it by myself. [Joseph laughing]

Joseph: Oh man, I would find that fucking entertaining for sure.

Taylor: It's amazing. Oh man, like literally there's not a single day that we are not completely fucking amused.


Joseph: Do they assemble it or do you have to assemble it yourself?

Taylor: Mm-mm. No, no, they did. They're just sending it in pieces, which I wanted because I want to do that with the baby and just have him there and...

Joseph: I did it by myself.

Taylor: Yeah, I did it by myself.


Turn it up. Turn it up.

Joseph: Oh yeah.

Taylor: Turn it up.

Joseph: Turn them shits up. Turn my headphones up. [Taylor chuckles]

Taylor: Turn it up. Turn them shits up. No, I can't hear it. [Joseph laughs] He's like, what?

Joseph: What?

Taylor: Naw, I can't hear it. [Joseph laughing] The hi hat. I can't hear it. [laughs]

Joseph: Oh man. I need to rewatch some of that shit.


I think I would do it for you once you started dating A. I. Like Her, like the movie Her.

Taylor: You better shut the fuck up.


Uh oh, got somebody creeping in on me right now looking through my window. [Willie chuckles]

Joseph: Are you serious?

Taylor: Yeah, it's my dad.

Joseph: Oh, is his name Tom?

Taylor: So... Gene, close.

Joseph: Gene. Peepin Gene.

Taylor: Peepin Gene.

Joseph: Peepin Gene.

Taylor: So, are y'all gonna go, y'all gonna try to go watch Deadpool and Wolverine pretty close to when it drops or what?

Joseph: I didn't even know that's happening soon.

Taylor: That's this month coming out, or June, I mean, isn't it?

Willie: Yeah, June.

Joseph: I did really like the trailer.

Taylor: Fuck...dude.

Joseph: It looked amazing, dude.

Taylor: Seems like they're doing it... like if I'm not mistaken, do I remember seeing Thanos in the trailer? Like they're...

Joseph: Oh, really.

Taylor: Like at the Thanos square off or something-

Joseph: What the fuck?

Taylor: -or I don't know.

The, this last one was absolutely wild.

Joseph: I didn't see, I didn't see, I've only seen one, so...

Willie: There might be a shot of him in the like room where he's like looking at all the screens, but I don't think he's like directly in it.


Taylor: Oh, okay. It's probably one of those trailers where they like chopped it together or something. Maybe they're speculating on what all will happen, but-

Willie: Maybe.

Taylor: -if I remember correctly, that's supposed to be a, uh, like another multidimensional thing. They're traveling through time and dimensions or something, [Joseph laughs] or man, I probably watched like a totally fucked trailer.

Willie: Maybe.

[Taylor laughs]

Joseph: Taylor got the fan made, the fan made trailer.

Taylor: [laughing] Yeah, I did. You have like Daredevil is in it from... [Joseph laughs] ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh man, Wolverine just blinds him for real or whatever.

Joseph: Yeah, that's the story.

Willie: I see something from two days ago, but I [Taylor chuckles] don't know if it's legit.

Taylor: There was one from like, yeah, it might have been two days or less than a week ago for sure. It was like the final trailer for it and-

Willie: Yeah, that's fake.

Taylor: -it was like all, motherfucker.

Willie: I'm looking at it now and I'm like [Joseph laughing] looking at it and it's fake.

Taylor: Bro...[laughs]

Joseph: Wow.

Taylor: It was so ridiculous. It showed, uh, it showed Wolverine like about to face off against Thanos. And he's like, let's fucking go or something.

Joseph: Oh my gosh, I'm glad it's fake.

Taylor: I was like, okay, that's ridiculous. But also my ticket is [laughs] secure, [Joseph and Willie laugh] if that was the case.


Joseph: Oh, man.

Taylor: Oh shit. It does look cool though. Like the, you know, it was like a Giant Ant Man helmet or something that somebody's living in.

Willie: Yeah. Cassandra Nova is in a Fucking Giant helmet.

Joseph: That's hilarious, dude.

Taylor: Really fucking cool. But just the fact that both of them are together, it's almost seems like anything is fucking possible.

Joseph: Uh huh.

Taylor: Because Deadpool has done so well so far, what they're writing and budget and all of that shit. Now you've got Hugh Jackman in there. Like, you know, it's going to be fucking crazy.

Willie: There's definitely some time travel involved, right? Just because like the whole premises, part of the premises that Deadpool at the end of Deadpool 2 was using a fucking time band from Cable to like go correct history, right? Like there's a hidden scene at the end of, [Joseph and Taylor chuckle] of Deadpool 2, where...

Taylor: Deadpool correcting history is already so stupid.

Willie: Well, so like Deadpool goes back and kills the version of himself. That's in-

Taylor: That's stupid.

Joseph: [laughing] Oh, man.

Willie: -Wolverine: Origins.

Joseph: Mm.

Willie: There's the shitty [Taylor laughs] version of Deadpool that's in Wolverine Origins, like, where he can't talk. He's just like, a fucking, he's a Weapon X project, but like, he doesn't talk at all.

Taylor: He doesn't have a mouth, right? [laughs]

Willie: Yeah, his mouth is like, sewn shut.

Taylor: No mouth, yeah. Holy shit.

Willie: The whole thing started off as that premise that like, he goes back and kills that character, and he looks at Wolverine and is like, hey, someday, your buddy Ryan Reynolds is gonna come to you and ask you to do a Deadpool movie with him.

You need to say yes, [Taylor laughs] and like, he just like leaves and that was before like Fox and Disney like had any sort of agreements with each other.

Joseph: That's in the scene?

Willie: Yeah, yeah.

Taylor: Well, and so much of that is like, that may not even be in it.

Willie: That's a after credit scene in Deadpool 2.

Taylor: Oh, oh, okay, okay. Damn, did I miss that shit?

Joseph: I never even saw the second one.

Willie: There's even a deleted-

Taylor: Ah, it's so good.

Willie: -scene where he goes back and it's clearly he's contemplating killing Hitler. He's like, goes back to see a, see baby Hitler with this [Taylor laughing] time band. But like the whole premise of the third movie is that the TVA, who's the Time Variance Authority, who shows up in the Loki Disney series, which is the, probably the best fucking Disney series. That shit's so good.

Taylor: Oh yeah. Yeah. That's a good one.

Willie: The Time Variance Authority goes back to prune branches of the timeline that weren't supposed to happen. So the fact that Deadpool was fucking with time is a problem. So the TVA is coming after Deadpool and like going to find him to go do a mission.

And like, he goes to find a Wolverine that is maybe not the Wolverine we know, but a Wolverine who supposedly like failed his, supposedly-

Taylor: Oh, yeah.

Willie: -like failed his timeline. Like he fucked everything up. This Wolverine is like considered the failure. And I assume it's because he let all the X Men die.

Joseph: Mm.

Taylor: Oh shit.

Willie: Because that shit happens in Days of Future past, like the comics.

Taylor: It's gonna be fucking wild. The fact that so many things are coming together at once in that, like you're having Deadpool, you're having X-Men who have kind of joined, but I mean fucking Wolverine is like the X-Men. [Joseph laughs]

Willie: Yeah.


Taylor: And the fact that both of them together and so ridiculous and like the ridiculousness that they have portrayed in real life, you know, anytime that they're together in videos or anything... is one of those where I feel like there's like not that much magic left in the world, especially when you talk about like a Marvel movie or whatever.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Especially like, dude, I just watched fucking Madame Web in fast forward, and that was one of the worst fucking movies I have ever seen.

Willie: That's also a Sony product, so like...

Taylor: No, for sure, for sure, so I...

Willie: No, that's literally like one of the worst movies that has ever come out.

Taylor: Dude, it was so bad. It had little time cycle parts, so I would be fast forwarding through the stupid shit, and I would fast forward, and it would be back at the stupid shit that I fast forwarded past a second ago. [Joseph and Willie chuckle]

Because it was fucking, because it was a fucking time thing. I knew there was a big out, you know, outrage about Morbius and then I watched that and it was pretty bad. You know, it was watchable, but also it has some bad things. This one was, uh, really bad. This one was like. If everyone involved didn't get fired, I felt bad for every actor and actress because they had some good, like-

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: -really good talent on that shit. Even the first guy, Adam Scott, just like, what are you doing? You have gotten some of the fucking coolest talent in this and, uh, so much talent and it just ruined. Just fucking everybody run under the bus.

Willie: I think a lot of people think that that movie got edited heavily just before it came out, and like really fucked it up.

Joseph: Wow.

Taylor: They're gonna have to Zack, uh, do the Zack whatever edition of it.

Willie: The Zack... The Snyder Cut, yeah.

Taylor: Yeah, the Snyder [laughing] cut, and it'll be, it'll be 18 assaults on the way, but it'll be worth it because it's fucking finally watchable.

Willie: A lot of people are speculating that it got changed because, and this is still sort of evident in the film that the main bad guy in that film is basically a fucking, he's not quite a sexual predator, but he's basically a predator, right?

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: Of like, on women.

Taylor: Mm-hmm.

Willie: If you notice the way that he fights every woman versus the way that he engages like in fights with police or like, like male characters-

Taylor: Mm-hmm.

Willie: -is like, he always chokes them out. Literally everything that he does when he's fighting women is tries to choke them out.

Joseph: Who does this?

Willie: The main bad guy-

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: -in Madam Web, I forgot his-

Joseph: Oh.

Willie: -fucking name.

Taylor: Who is like spider guy, right?

Willie: He's a spider guy. He's just another spider guy. Is his name... he makes sense in the comics, and he's actually sort of, he, at points, is an anti hero in the comics.

Taylor: Well, if I remember correctly, Madam Web also worked in the comics.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: It was just, man, ugh, it was gross.

Willie: People think it was heavily edited because they realized, like, Oh, this dude comes off like a sexual predator. So we're gonna change some of the dialogue and some of the scenes.

Joseph: Wow.

Willie: Because it's like kind of too fucking heavy on this dude's a sexual predator and then when they did that I don't know if you were fast forwarding through I don't know how much you noticed

Taylor: Pfft.

Willie: But the voiceover for that shit is so fucked

Joseph: Mm.

Taylor: Oh for his character like when he has his mask down.

Willie: No, when he has his mask down, but when he's in scenes and you can see his mouth.

Taylor: Oh.

Willie: You can tell sometimes that he's not talking but there are words coming from his mouth.

Joseph: Oh my gosh.

Taylor: Dude, how does that make it out? How does that get out? How many people have to watch that before being like, this is the worst Marvel thing ever. Like, I can't think of anything else that was even close to that as far as, I will turn this off. No, I'm going to keep fast forwarding. And then by the end of it, I was like, why didn't I turn it off?

I really should've just stopped it.

Willie: I mean, but that's what Sony has done with all of those things that they had, and why they gave up control of Spider Man.

Taylor: But Spider Man is so good, man!

Willie: But Spider Man 1 through 3 are good, and then Amazing Spider Man is kind of okay, and then they got rid of it. Like, then they were like, oh, you know what-

Taylor: Oh, got you, that...

Willie: -Marvel needs to handle this because we don't know what the fuck we're doing.

Taylor: Oh, okay. So, like, the new Spider Man, uh, animated ones are, and the new ones are straight up Marvel.

Willie: Uh, well, so the new Spider Man animated ones are actually still more-

Taylor: Sony Studios or-

Willie: -Sony controlled

Taylor: -Sony pictures.

Willie: -but...

Taylor: Those are good, though.

Willie: Yeah, those are good.

Taylor: Maybe it's just because it's-

Willie: But those do have Marvel writers on them, though.

Taylor: Okay, that would make sense right there. Because Sony has all the chops and the talent to make it look amazing. But that was what got me about this was the talent was good. The shooting was good. The sets were good. Like everything was there to be good, except the story, the cuts, the everything, every single aspect. The bad guy was boring as fuck, and then you start get towards the end, and you're like, oh, there's like multiple spider chicks, which also cool, but not in this fucking [laughing] movie.

Like, you get like a glimpse of them, that they exist, and that's it. And, I mean, it was, what a fucking wreck.

Joseph: It's a movie, or a series?

Taylor: It's a movie, and it just came out on Netflix, which should tell you everything you need to know. [Joseph laughs] If they didn't wait to put it out on Netflix for a while, then it is a pile of dog shit that they're trying to make as much money off of as they can.



Taylor: Do y'all get that a lot?

Joseph: Naw, hell naw dude..

Taylor: Do you get shit that's like obviously... no, no, that's, that's good. I'm glad.

Joseph: A.I. Is definitely not a part of my even daily thoughts.

Taylor: Okay. No, no, I mean like getting it from people.

Joseph: No, I don't get shit from people, period. [chuckles]

Taylor: Oh, okay. Well, that may explain it.

Joseph: That does, yeah.


Taylor: I mean, all I got to do is, you know, alter my voice up. I'll make another one. Fuck that.

[Joseph and Willie laugh]

My name is Larry Joe Flint, and I'm here to not have my voice recorded. You motherfuckers.

Joseph: I do like that as the answer.

Taylor: Yeah, yeah. I'll just change my shit up.

Joseph: I'm just, I'm going to change who I am. Fuck y'all. [Joseph and Taylor laugh]

Taylor: A.I., I took my voice. That'll be my fucking book that I write. A.I. Took My Voice, narrated by Taylor Garratt, so anyways the A.I. [Joseph and Willie laughing] took my fucking voice man so now i've got to talk like this you fucks fucking Open AI


Willie: Sony and Playstation or Spider-Man they fucking... it costs 315 million i don't know if you're looking it up Joey.

Taylor: Oh, 315 million. Yeah it's a shit ton

Joseph: Yeah i looked at... that led me down a rabbit hole of most expensive games ever so I have like a...

Taylor: Was it the most expensive one or were there more expensive?

Joseph: No.

Taylor: Really?

Joseph: Yeah. The game that is, wasn't really what I would have guessed. What is it? Genshin Impact.

Taylor: Oh.

Willie: Makes sense.

Joseph: Total cost, 700 plus million.

Taylor: Hmm. That's interesting.

Joseph: Fucking double that, what you just said, Willie.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: I wonder if they had to pay for a bunch of mechanic use or something, because they seemingly jacked so many...

Willie: Because it's Breath of the Wild reskinned. [Taylor and Willie laugh]

Taylor: Yeah, I wonder how much of that went to, uh, Nintendo's pocket, but I digress.


Oh my god. I accidentally fucking tapped my volume knob, which evidently plays any video that you have anywhere on the computer.

Joseph: Gosh. [Joseph and Taylor laugh]

Taylor: And it just fucking cranked, uh, Melania or whatever the, the DLC, just cranked that shit. I couldn't hear anything.


Joseph: I was at Columbia the other day getting some hiking boots and there's an Apple store right next door so I just walked in there to fucking look at stuff for a second.

Taylor: So what'd you see, like a fucking pullover? Fucking v neck was on sale? [Joseph and Willie chuckle] Saw a fucking golf club that you could mutilate your neighbor with?


Even the naming. I hate Apple so much. I hate them even more because the hardware is so good and they just can't do the right shit with it, ever. Yeah, why name anything differently when you could just be lazy as fuck about all of it? [Joseph chuckles] Anyways.

Joseph: Who's worse, Apple or Microsoft?

Taylor: Pfft. The same. Like, they fucking, they have worked so hard to like, be different and then in the end they have just ended up very fucking similar. [beep]

Joseph: Turn my headphones up,

Willie: That always...

Taylor: Turn my heads, turn them up, I can't hear.

Willie: That made-

Taylor: What?

Willie: -me think of crank it up fuckers, [Taylor chuckles] Adam Sandler thing is what I thought of immediately, what is that from, I think it's from The Goat.

Joseph: Oh.

Taylor: The Goat, yeah.

Willie: I think.

Taylor: Yeah, when they're talking about-

Willie: I can't remember what he's telling them to turn up, but...

Taylor: Yeah, crank it up fuckers,

Joseph: Crank it up.

Taylor: Yeah-

Joseph: Yeah, okay.

Taylor: -That music, [Willie chuckles] I hear that fucking music, [laughs] The fucking goat.

Joseph: Yeah, I didn't even go, I didn't go to the stand up album. I went, I was thinking what film, what movie that's from.

Taylor: Cause you're not a true Sandler fan, bro.

Joseph: Aw, get the fuck out of here.

Taylor: Not a true Sandler fandler.

Joseph: You're fucking joking right now, man.

Taylor: Start this podcast so I can rip you.

Joseph: Shit, dude.

Taylor: Oh, what are you asking? What's the intro question?

Joseph: Um, wondering if we're going to play Call of Duty Black Ops 6 whenever it hits Game Pass.

Taylor: Oh shit. Black Ops 6?

Joseph: [chuckles] Yeah. [Joseph and Taylor laugh]

Taylor: Okay, alright, alright. Just making sure you didn't have some shit written down incorrectly. Okay. [beep]

For me, it was um, the absolute and complete lock, was the dude they chose to play the ghoul.

Joseph: Mm.

Taylor: I thought that was like, potentially one of my favorite casting choices of all time. It made so much fucking sense.

Joseph: So the character that he plays, The Ghoul, that is a character in the game?

Taylor: Uh uh. Well, it's very much like...

Joseph: There are ghouls in the game.

Taylor: Like there may have been one in there called The Ghoul. There are ghouls, but there are friendly ghouls too. Like there's people that are not that far gone.

Joseph: Right.

Willie: Yeah. So all the stuff around them is definitely in the games. There is in four, there is one, I think in one city called The Ghoul but the personality is completely different.

Joseph: Okay.

Taylor: Yeah, but the look is spot on, fucking nailed it.

Joseph: That's something unique to the show, is this character The Ghoul?

Taylor: Yeah, and which may... like I say like and especially when you bring somebody like an actor in as fucking compelling and amazing as Uncle Baby Billy [Joseph chuckles]

That dude, I love that guy. What's his name? Steven something, Steven.

Joseph: I don't know his name.

Willie: No, you just made me forget it And it's [Taylor laughs] not Steven.

Taylor: I ejected it out of your head. I love that guy man. He's just like-

Willie: Why the fuck don't I know. I know I know it.

Taylor: -to me he's one of the fucking best actors in a decade for me. Like the shit that he's shown up in and like the way he...

Joseph: He's not Goggins is he?

Taylor: Oh David, David Goggins?

Joseph: No.

Taylor: Steven Goggins? [Joseph and Taylor laugh]

Oh No, David Goggins is the inspirational jogger guy.

Joseph: Walter?

Willie: Walter.

Joseph: Is that it?

Taylor: Walton Goggins-

Willie: That makes sense.

Taylor: -or something like that. There we go [laughs] David Goggins is a totally different guy.

Joseph: Steven Goggins, man. What was it Willie? What's his name?

Willie: Uh, I think it is. I think you're right. I think it's Walter Goggins. I haven't found it yet.

Taylor: I think it's Walton Goggins if I'm not mistaken.

Joseph: Yeah, it is Walton, yeah.

Taylor: Because it's like two names that almost don't go together or whatever.

Joseph: But hey, well, his middle name is Sanders, Taylor. So you could have said-

Taylor: Oh.

Joseph: -Sanders Goggins Jr. And you would have been kind of close

Taylor: WSG

Joseph: WSGJ.

Taylor: I really like that guy though. If you haven't seen the Righteous Gemstones, that's that's like, that's one of the... his performances.

Joseph: Oh man, he's from Birmingham, Alabama.

Taylor: Oh, is he? Oh, that makes sense.

Joseph: Greenbow, Alabama.



Willie: The real reason that game fucked up though is because in the very beginning, there just weren't a lot of quest lines. There weren't-

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: -a lot of NPCs to talk to to do stuff. You were just interacting with terminals.

Taylor: Oh, yeah.

Willie: And like, the reason people really like Fallout is like, learning about the world through the people that are-

Taylor: Mm-hmm.

Willie: out there surviving the wasteland. And that didn't exist when Fallout 76 first started.

Joseph: Hmm.

Taylor: I totally forgot that that's how it launched.

Willie: And so it was like, well, what the fuck? I just go to this terminal and get my quest line based on-

Joseph: For real?

Willie: -what I'm reading and then go do it. Yeah.

Taylor: I remember now their reasoning was like, you are the story. It's like, no motherfucker. I know my story. Like I don't need any, you know...

Joseph: No motherfucker. I didn't pay 70 for me to fucking talk to a computer all day.

Taylor: Yeah, let me go into a different story. Yeah, it's fucking wild.

Willie: It did the same thing that Fallout does normally that, you know, there's a terminal, you can access it and you'd like you hack the computer and you turn it on and you like are reading like emails and shit that kind of happens in Fallout anyway.

But then that was the only way to learn about what was going on in the world.

Joseph: Yeah, man.

Taylor: Bullshit.

Joseph: I also didn't pay $60 to fucking read emails all day.

Taylor: Yeah.

[Joseph and Taylor laughing]

Yeah, I read-

Joseph: Definitely didn't do that.

Taylor: -emails all day for my job. So I get paid so I can pay for your game to read emails all day. Fuck. [Joseph laughs] Why?

Joseph: Cyberpunk is like that too, man. There's too many fucking emails floating around.

Taylor: Yeah, but Cyberpunk at least has a fucking-

Joseph: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

Taylor: -ton of people to interact with and they're interactions, the NPC interactions, everything, we're so good.

Joseph: It's a, it is a bonus on top of all of that stuff. It's not like the-

Taylor: Yeah.

Joseph: -fucking main show. [beep]

Taylor: I'm waiting to see that on a super sale. Cause I want to pick it up so I can finally check it out on VR, man. That shit looks amazing.

Joseph: Amazing. [beep]

Lords of the Swollen.

Taylor: Lords of the Swollen. Let's go. Let's talk about this game. Let's Hip Fire. Pew! Pew!

Joseph: Alright.

Taylor: Hip fire. Let's get ready to Hip Fire! What are Hip Fires? We do 'em for 30 minutes or an hour? I forget. [Joseph laughing\

Joseph: No, there's no time limit. It's just how much time we actually put into the game. [beep]

Taylor: Big swigging, chasing cheese.

Joseph: Big swigging at Jamba Juice.

Taylor: When I left there, my butt let loose.

Joseph: SW I was was about to spell swigging, but, [Willie chuckles] I had to second guess how I was gonna spell it out loud. [Willie chuckles] And then just canceled it altogether.

Taylor: [laughs] Shut it down. [beep]

Willie: I think a lot of people hated the messaging around co op because the FAQ says, will Lords of the Fallen be co op or have co op? And it says, yes, you will be able to play the entire game with your companion of choice in seamless co op. The response to that is like, from your FAQ your shit is not seamless, [Joseph and Taylor laughing] if loot and story is not shared then it's not seamless.

Joseph: Oh man.

Willie: If friends have to be re-summoned, it is not seamless. Which they don't have to be re-summoned in less there are points that makes you. [beep]

People can invade you, right?

Taylor: Mm-hmm. Oh, right.

Joseph: I got invaded.

Taylor: Yeah, it's stupid that, that shit works but you can't actually join somebody.

Joseph: Beat his ass too, man.

Taylor: Did you? Every time I get invaded it's one of those people that you hate to get invaded by where they just run, like they literally-

Joseph: They run toward the enemies.

Taylor: -run, poke at you. Yeah, and they'll run until the red guy comes out, and then he kills you.

Joseph: Oh my gosh.

Taylor: I hate it. I hate it.

Joseph: That sucks.

Taylor: Honestly, if I don't have anybody to play with, I'm just keeping it in offline. But, I gotta bounce. Oh, is this? Well, it hasn't uploaded-

Joseph: Oh shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hold on. Hold up.

Taylor: -yet. Did you stop it? You better stop that shit. [beep]

Willie: You just have to remember that the 2024 So Far episode has Taylor called Under The Shadow of a Turd Tree.

Joseph: Yeah. [laughs]

Taylor: Yeah. That's the important part. Everything else is just fucking collateral damage.


Joseph: [making turntable sounds with mouth and whistling]

Taylor: [singing to the melody of The Joker by Steve Miller Band] I'm a copper, traffic stopper, I'm a pill popper.

Joseph: The higher the sock, the downer the fool.

[continuing turntable sounds]

Taylor: [making turntable sounds with mouth]

Joseph: All right. Let's get this shit started. Left ear. T-Boz.

Taylor: Let's go. Left ear. [beep]

Willie: Did you ever watch the newest Batman, Joey?

Joseph: No, no, I've been trying forever to get Meg to watch it with me, so I've been-

Willie: It's so fucking good.

Joseph: I know, man, I've been holding off.

Taylor: Are you talking about the more gritty one with, uh, what's his name in it? The Twilight guy?

Willie: Uh-huh. Yeah. I can't remember his name.

Taylor: I thought it was good.

Willie: Yeah, it's really good.

Taylor: I'll watch any Batman remake if it looks like it's done well enough.

Willie: I'm asking because one of the previews I can see right now and the trailer I watched a couple of days ago was the, The Penguin has a spinoff series from that.

Joseph: Hmm.

Willie: And that shit looks good too.

Joseph: Is that already a thing? I thought...

Willie: The teaser is out.

Joseph: Oh, okay.

Willie: The teaser trailer-

Taylor: Nice.

Willie: -like the second teaser trailer-

Joseph: Okay, okay.

Willie: -which is a longer two minute trailer, came out like this last week.

Taylor: That reminds me of the big news that fucking Wolverine and Deadpool is coming out pretty soon. I'm-

Joseph: Mm.

Taylor: -super fucking pumped about that-

Willie: Yeah, yeah.

Taylor: -even though we found out that trailer I watched was...[laughing]

Willie: Even though you're watching fake trailers.

Joseph: You're watching some bullshit, dude.

Taylor: Imagine if, like, we never established that.

Joseph: Oh, that woulda be great.

Willie: You're just going in-

Taylor: And I was waiting the whole time.

Willie: -watching the movie waiting for fucking Thanos to show up. [Joseph and Taylor laughing]

Joseph: Yeah, yeah, that's what he'd been doing. He'd be like, wait, what?

Taylor: Oh, shit. That would have been fucking incredible, but I really am ready for it just because like, you know, they're going to do it right. One, because it's a Deadpool. Two, because you got Wolverine coming into it. Three, all the connections, like, I feel like they, they will really fuck themselves up if this is not just an incredible-

Willie: Right.

Taylor: -fucking movie.

Willie: They need this to be good to like...

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: It's funny because the trailer itself, like Deadpool says, like, I'm Marvel Jesus.

Like he's like, [Taylor laughs] he really is the thing that will be the savior of the entire fucking MCU franchise. Unless this movie is bad.

Taylor: And it could be, dude.

Willie: If this movie is bad, it could fucking tank everything. It'll tank everyone's expectations for the rest of anything that exists, which is a wild thing to have on your shoulders or to even be a problem at this point.

It shouldn't-

Taylor: Yeah.

Willie: -even be a problem, but it is because of a few missteps.

Taylor: Especially with its roots, like where it came from and like barely existing at all anyways, like Ryan Reynolds having to carry so much of it, both financially and talent wise, and then like barely leaking in little fucking characters here and there from...

Joseph: Nah, he's got, he's got Mint Mobile, dude.

Taylor: Dude, oh yeah, that's, that makes me wonder, but yeah, I've got high hopes that it's gonna be fucking incredible, just because they, they have to.

Joseph: I liked what I saw.

Taylor: Like, it's gotta be amazing.

Willie: Yeah.

Taylor: Yeah, I did, I did too. And, and the classic Wolverine outfit, come the fuck on man, like, that looks fucking amazing. [beep]

Joseph: Aight.

Taylor: [mimicking the intro to Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne] Aight, Aight, Aight, Aight]

Joseph: [mimicking the intro to Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne] Ay, Ay, Ay., [singing the guitar part to Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne]



Willie: Thanks for hanging out with us and listening to another 10 episodes of outtakes and hijinks. We appreciate every listen and, um, wherever you get your podcast, if you leave a, like a rate, comment, maybe we'll... we'll see it. [chuckles]

Joseph: Totally. Review us.

Willie: I don't even know what that does, honestly. If you leave us a review, maybe it pushes us into some, some algorithm somewhere.

Joseph: I think it could, you know, you could climb the charts in the category, but we would need a ton, we would need a lot of fucking reviews and five star ratings to even, for it to have an impact.

[Outro theme begins to fade in - Caribbean Arcade by Christian Nanzell

Taylor: So slap that five star [Joseph and Willie chuckling] and leave feedback saying you wish there was a sixth star, because Berries and Blades podcast-

Joseph: that good.

Taylor: -made you want it. Yeah, yeah. So we appreciate y'all.

Joseph: And go listen to 311.

Taylor: No, [Joseph and Willie laugh] no, that can't be the end of it, dude.

[Outro theme continues - Caribbean Arcade by Christian Nanzell]

Joseph: Berries and Blades is an independent podcast created by Joseph Bullard, Willie Garza, and Taylor Garratt. Thanks for tuning in, and consider subscribing if you enjoyed listening to this episode. You can also support us by telling your friends about the show, and we hope to see you in the next episode of Berries and Blades. Until then, thanks again.

[Outro theme fades out - Caribbean Arcade by Christian Nanzell]

Taylor: [scatting in the melody of Down by 311] Yeah, yeah.